
Claimed by the Arrogant Billionaire

[PAUSED: To be continued when I finish my ongoing book! Sorry for the inconveniences.] "I have claimed you, Anastasia. From now on, you can never go back to him. Think about me and start erasing unwanted memories of him." Mateo's breath grazed on her neck as he grabbed and pinned her to the wall. ~ ~ ~ On her boyfriend's promotion, Anastasia gave Noah, his dream car and he engaged her because of happiness. She thought her days of being in failed relationships was over but a night to her wedding, she visited Noah for an urgent matter but caught him on bed with another woman. Noah's affair had been going on even before their engagement, he has been cheating on her and has no regret. Anastasia loved him, she was willing to give him a second chance if he promised to change but it was the opposite for Noah as he rejected her and broke their wedding. Wandering in the harsh city of NY, Anastasia almost gave up, not until she crossed paths with Mateo Emerson, her ex-boyfriend's boss. Mateo was willing to hire her as his secretary in his multi-purpose company but he has terms and conditions. Can Anastasia keep up with it? What happens when Noah comes back for a second chance?

Ibee_ · Urban
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12 Chs

1. I love you, Anastasia

A young lady, looking tall and beautiful grabbed her bag after placing a resignation letter on the desk.

"Ana, are you sure about this? Remember, you don't have a new job yet." A blonde lady stared at her anxiously and she rolled her eyes.

"I can't do what Noah doesn't like. He doesn't want me to work here so I have to quit." Anastasia began. "As for a new job, don't worry. Getting a new one is easy." She flashed her a smile.

"I wish you good luck then. Bye." Anastasia rushed out of the company after a deep sigh.

Meet Anastasia, a young beautiful graduate of the sociology department. She is twenty-three years old and graduated with the best result but due to financial shortage, she hadn't been able to start up anything. She has been working in M-T Group for more than four years and that was how she met her one and only lover, Noah.

Noah was a charming young man in his early thirties who worked with an uprising gaming company, with his income, he was able to support her but it wasn't enough.

They have been dating for two years and aside from hurdles, they were doing fine.

Anastasia walked into the apartment Noah and she had rented. It was a spacious one-bedroom, looking classic and fine. It had been decorated in a simple style with artistic frames hanging on the wall.

She crashed into the armchair.

"Is he home yet?" She mumbled as she gulped the water and took her phone.

Soon, the bedroom door pulled open and Noah strolled out looking so excited with his laptop in his hand.

He was wearing sporty shorts and a sleeveless jersey.

"Babe!!" Noah screamed happily as soon as he saw her.

"What's up, babe?" She dropped the bottle of water.

"I just got promoted, sweetheart. I just got promoted as the senior executive in the company!!" Happiness and excitement engulfed his face as Anastasia joined the fun.

"Wow! That's huge. This is something you've been working towards for the past eight months!" She was in disbelief. "Congratulations babe." She smiled happily.

"And also, I'm getting a raise! We can finally move out of here and start a family!" Noah reminded her.

"That's true. This is good news! I'm so happy for you." Anastasia embraced him.

She wanted to pull out but he grabbed her and planted a kiss on her lips, she blushed.

"What's that for?" She curled her lips.

"For standing by me throughout these years. Thank you so much, Ana, for believing in me." He whispered and her eyes began to glint in admiration. "I love you so much, Ana." His warm words followed.

"I love you more, Noah." This time, she traced back to his lips and kissed him.

It was tight and passionate until he broke out.

"I have to prepare for our celebration tomorrow." He commented.

"Our? Are we celebrating something?" She raised a brow.

"Yes, babe. My company is hosting me for my promotion party." He said, heading to the bedroom.

"That's great! I will tag along." She said.



One thing rang in Anastasia's head as she entered the auto shop.

"We can finally start our family." Whenever she reminisced on Noah's words, she ended up smiling.

He actually thought of her. He had plans of settling with her in the end.

"Ma'am, can we help you?" A middle-aged man approached her, unintentionally breaking her train of thought.

"Oh yes." She batted her lashes, realizing she was in the auto shop, where exclusive and amazing cars were being sold.

"Want to purchase a car?" The man asked after a brief silence.

"Yes." She closed her eyes briefly.

She felt it was time to do something for him. He had supported her, he had always been there for her and finally, he wanted to settle down with her. This was the right way to support her man, by getting him his dream car.

When she went to the bank, her bank manager reminded her that - the fund she wanted was what she saved to start up her business. It had piled over $200,000 million and the trust fund she had also saved. The bank manager wanted to know why she was withdrawing almost the entire fund she had in her accounts but Anastasia couldn't say anything.

"Benz 2013? Isn't that expensive?" The man gasped, giving her a long look.

To him, she didn't look like someone who could purchase such an expensive ride.

"I want it." She said vividly.

"Sure. We have to make payment and then, test the car." The man instructed her calmly.

"I'm fine with that." She smiled.

"So, whose name is the car going to be under?" The man raised a slight brow after he had collected a receipt booklet from the counter.

"My husband, Noah Alcantara." She said as her face flushed.

"I don't see a ring though." The man mumbled, feeling reluctant as he wrote the name she had requested.

"How much is it?" She asked.

"$10,000 billion, since it's under 25% off." The man said.

Anastasia gave her credit card a long look, she was going on a journey of no return. This was the money she had to work her ass off and received insults to make. She worked over five years and counting just to save up this fund.

Was this the right thing to do?

Without a second thought, she handed the card over to the man.

"Congratulations again, Mr Noah."

The event hall was bustling with life and activities as Noah moved from one table to another with his friends to receive congratulations.

He was wearing his best suit and shoes, looking good and charming.

"Babe." He stopped on his track when he heard a familiar voice from behind.

Everyone also turned in the direction. Since he started working with the company, he had never told anyone about his love affairs.

"What are you doing here, Ana?" He walked over to her, whispering anxiously.

"I... You invited me to your celebration party, have you forgotten?" Though she was embarrassed, the smile on her face didn't fade.

"Thanks for coming." Noah squeezed out a smile.

"I have something for you though." When she noticed his gaze was restless and not on her, she broke the silence between them.

"What's it?" He wasn't showing any interest but when she dangled a luxurious car key in the air, his brows fluttered.

"What's going on...?" He stuttered in disbelief.

"I got you your dream car, Benz's latest 2013 model." She announced and almost everyone that heard her gasped in astonishment.

And before she could finish her statement, the car rode into the event hall, following the red carpet. Noah gasped. People closed their mouths in shock.

"You... You got this for me?" Noah asked in disbelief as he stuttered. He hadn't been able to take the key from her.

"Yes, babe. Congratulations on your new position." She added, putting the keys in his palm.

The hall was filled with cheers and claps.

Suddenly, Noah knelt with his hand searching through his pocket.

"Why are you kneeling? Stand up." She urged him as eyes were still on them but he refused.

Shortly, he took out a blue ring box from his pocket and when he opened it, a diamond silver ring glittered at her sight.

She gasped, covering her mouth in awe.

"I was meaning to give this to you this weekend but it seems it can't wait any longer." He began, staring into her eyes.

"I love you so much Ana, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Will you be my wife, Anastasia?" He spilled lovingly, leaving Anastasia dauntlessly speechless.

"You... You are not joking?" Her eyes gradually became wet.

After so many failed relationships, was this the end? Was this really her home?

"Say yes! Say yes! Say yes!" Some people started chanting, urging her in excitement.

"Will you marry me, Ana?" He made a comeback, with his loving eyes fixed on hers.