
Chapter 42: Dreams of Darkness

*Emory’s POV*

It started with a pleasant, warm afternoon. A secret part of Emory knew she was dreaming. It simply *felt* like a dream, with its unnatural brightness and hazy edges. She was wandering through a field, brushing her fingertips along the tops of grass grown high.

Beautiful flowers carpeted the landscape around her, a brilliant mix of blues, yellows, purples, and pinks. They parted for Emory as she passed through, respectfully bowing their stems and chittering their praise.

Emory smiled. She didn’t know where she was, but it felt heavenly.

In the distance, she could see a lone stone cottage at the top of a hill. When she drew closer, she saw Ken there. He was smiling, too, a look of pure joy and pride. Someone peeked around his legs. A pair of overly large eyes the color of amber watched her approach.

“Mother!” the little voice called, and Emory opened up her arms.

The small child sprinted to her, and Emory engulfed him in a hug.