
Chapter 41: Sota Tsuki and the Shrine

*Sota’s POV*

The flight to Tokyo seemed to last forever. Even in his luxurious first-class seat, Sota was antsy and uncomfortable.

He’d told the elder council – as well as his mate, Ilya – that he was making the trip to Japan to give his respects to their ancestral home. It was a grand gesture, to be sure, but one he felt was warranted after their victory over Cygnus.

“It’s time for me to reflect,” Sota told the elders gravely. “I need the guidance and wisdom of my ancestors.”

In reality, Sota Tsuki was furious and desperate – a dangerous combination. That d*mned human had gone *in his house.*

Ken could make all the dessert-related distractions he wanted, but as soon as Sota had entered his office, he’d found the broken drawer. To his immense relief, the plans were still there. The human brat hadn’t taken them. He couldn’t imagine how she’d escaped, but just to be safe, he’d thrown the files into the fireplace.

No more risks.