
City: I Can Modify The Relationship Between Characters With One Click

As long as you look at someone's photo, video, or person, you can modify the relationship between yourself and TA at will! Jiang Ge modified the relationship with Lin Rexin, the goddess of all people, and became his girlfriend with one click! Not far away to meet him! Jiang Ge directly brought Lin Rexin home. That day, his parents were shocked! The whole village is a sensation! "Jiang Ge actually found a big celebrity as his wife!" In the company, Jiang Ge, who was supposed to be promoted, was replaced by the manager's nephew, and he was pushed out by them everywhere. Jiang Ge: "It depends on relationships, right? I have a showdown, the boss of the company is my sister!" The iceberg beauty in the company, the high-cold president Chen Bingfei, went down to Jiang Ge's branch in person, turned into a brother-in-law madman, and became angry. Ginger! "Brother, who bullied you? I will fire him personally!" I saw a wanted warrant on the road, with a bonus of 500,000 wanted criminals! Jiang Ge had a big brain hole, in order to get the position of the wanted criminal, he directly modified the relationship and became his accomplice... A certain big family has a lot of bad records, and even provoked Jiang Ge. Modify the relationship and directly become a prince, and a big family will be destroyed by phone! Until one day, Jiang Ge discovered the function of his system, which is far from this! Can it be used not only on humans? ...It can still... Gradually, Jiang Ge finally realized the real horror of this system... Tags: system, romance, sign in system, modify, action, super power, super ability, strongest I will upload 10/20 chapters weekly °°°°°°°°°°°° °°°°°°°°°°°° °°°°°°°°°°°° This is a Chinese novel that is paid for, so I will translate all chapters for free for everyone. Also, on WebNovel, if you upload a copyrighted novel, it will be blocked. For this season, I am going to change the name of a very important character so that this novel does not get blocked. I apologize in advance for any errors in the translation as I am using Google Translate. Also, if you find any errors in the chapter, please tag me so that I can fix them. Chinese Name: See My Review Translator: Axon image Cover By: Xiao Dingdang

Axon46 · Urban
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41 Chs

Chapter 16 Direct dismissal

Wang Jianlian thought Chen Beiye was walking towards him, and thought Chen Beiye was smiling at him.

He was immediately flattered and wanted to say something to Chen Beiye: "Mr. Chen..."

But before he could finish speaking, he swallowed it back.

Because Chen Beiye completely ignored him and stretched out her hand to Jiehong Ge: "Jiehong Ge, come here."

Jiehong Ge reached out and took Chen Beiye's hand and walked out with him.

Everyone in the company was shocked.

"What's going on?!"

Chen Beiye smiled and not only held Jiehong Ge's hand, but also naturally put her hands on Jiehong Ge's arm after he walked out.

"Brother, do you feel okay in this branch?"

As soon as he said this, everyone was stunned.

Wang Jianli, in particular, is even more stupid.

"Jiehong Ge is really Mr. Chen's brother!!? Mr. Chen is really Jiehong Ge's sister??? This is impossible!! Is this reasonable???

This is unreasonable!!!"

Everyone also thought in their hearts.

Does Jiehong Ge still have this level of identity? ? ?

Is this the legendary hidden secret? ?

Wang Caili was also dumbfounded.

Mr. Chen is Jiehong Ge's sister. What he did to Jiehong Ge before... Once Jiehong Ge tells Jiehong Ge, it will be over for him and his nephew!

For a moment he didn't know what to do.

He worked hard and endured hardships in the company to reach his current position.

If Chen Beiye fired him when she was angry, he would have to drink the northwest wind in the future.

There aren't that many companies in this small place!

Jiehong Ge didn't hide it and said directly in front of everyone: "Sister, I originally wanted to be an ordinary salesman and train myself. I didn't want everyone to know about our relationship.

But... ..I have suffered a lot here. I have

also seen a lot of problems in the branch."

When Wang Caili heard this, he suddenly broke into a cold sweat. At that time, he just wanted to stabilize Jiehong Ge and stop him from talking anymore.

He smiled quickly and said to Chen Beiye: "Mr. Chen, our branch has many shortcomings, and I just want to report them to you! You see, let's go to the office first. Let's sit down and talk slowly. Talk slowly. ,..."

As he said this, he winked at Jiehong Ge, hoping that Jiehong Ge would stop talking.

But Jiehong Ge didn't care about him at all.

When Chen Beiye heard that Jiehong Ge had been wronged, she felt even more angry and ignored Wang's financial resources. "You don't have to go to the office, just talk here. Jiehong Ge, you talk first. Who made you angry?"

Jiehong Ge directly took Wang Caili away from his client and gave it to his nephew Wang Jianli, and then promoted Wang Jianli to the supervisor. , said everything in detail.

After listening, Chen Beiye returned to her previous cold and frosty appearance.

Even the general manager of the company accompanying him did not dare to speak.

Chen Beiye asked Wang Caili in a cold tone: "Wang Caili, is what Jiehong Ge said true?"

This question does not mean that she does not believe Jiehong Ge. This is called a face-to-face confrontation.

She believed that Jiehong Ge would not lie.

In front of everyone, there must be a face-to-face confrontation! Let everyone be convinced.

Wang Caili panicked, sweating profusely, and said in a pale defense: "No, Mr. Chen, please listen to my explanation..."

Chen Beiye, as well as several company executives following him, all know countless people, and when they saw Wang Caili acting like this, The look on his face made him even more sure that what Jiehong Ge said was true.

Wang Jianli saw that his uncle was panicking. He also had no backbone and didn't know what to say.

At this time, several of Jing Ling's colleagues could no longer stand and stood up.

"Mr. Chen, what Jiehong Ge said is true. Our business department can all testify for Jiehong Ge."

"Yes, we can all testify for Jiehong Ge!"

With so many people testifying, Wang Caili gave up his defense.

No matter how you explain it, it's all pale.

That customer often has dealings with the company, and if the company wants to check it, it can find out.

He admitted it directly.

"Mr. Chen, it's my fault. I accept the punishment. No matter what punishment the company gives me, I can accept it."

Seeing that his uncle admitted his mistake, Wang Jiancheng also stood up: "I begged my uncle to do this. It's my fault, I don't want the salary, I'm going to resign myself."

Chen Beiye said directly: "The commission from that order will be returned to Jiehong Ge, and you two won't have to go to work tomorrow."

Wang Jianli didn't care that much . A job, still young and unaware of the importance of this job opportunity.

On the contrary, his face turned green when he was told to refund the money.

This huge sum of money makes him feel so distressed!

Besides, he spent all that money! He didn't even have the money to refund...

When Wang Caili heard that he had also been fired, he quickly begged for mercy: "Mr. Chen, considering that I have no merit but hard work in the company, can you please don't fire me?

I am willing. You can take the initiative to demote me and let me become a small supervisor.

This is a big company here. If you fire me, my whole family will go to drink northwest wind.

I still have children and are still in school. I still have a mortgage to pay off every month."

But Chen Beiye said firmly: "The company put you in this position because of its trust in you. Now that I have no trust in you, why should I keep you in the company's management? If you are like this, what will happen to the company?

I don't care what difficulties you have, if this happens, go to your office and pack your things."

After that, she took Jiehong Ge's arm and faced her . Go.

Wang Caili's office was left to him to pack his things.

"Jiehong Ge, where is your office? Let's go there and talk."

Jiehong Ge brought Chen Beiye and the company's senior executives to the business department.

Everyone sat down.

Several senior officials did not mention Wang's financial resources, as if he was an insignificant matter in their eyes.

Seeing that Chen Beiye was in a better mood, the general manager said jokingly: "Mr. Chen, your brother is hidden so deeply that even we don't know. Is this your cousin or not?"

Chen Beiye also changed the way she used to talk about work. With that kind of indifferent style, when she talked about Jiehong Ge, she felt much happier.

"This is my biological brother."

"Then why do you have two last names?"

"I take my mother's surname, and my brother takes my father's surname."

Upon hearing this, Jiehong Ge thought that this was indeed the explanation.

After chatting for a while, the two senior executives went to the finance department to check on the work situation.

Chen Beiye has been chatting very closely with Jiehong Ge.

"Jiehong Ge, don't stay in the branch. Go to the headquarters. I will arrange a position for you. You can learn more there. I will let Lao Liu take care of you."

Lao Liu refers to the company The deputy general manager is also an elite talent. In his 40s, he is very stable and can handle things properly no matter what he encounters.

However, Jiehong Ge was not willing to go to the headquarters. He was already used to staying here.

"Sister, I'd better continue to stay in the branch. I'm more accustomed to staying here and I'm very familiar with my colleagues."

Jiehong Ge was unwilling, and Chen Beiye didn't force it, so she suggested instead:

"Then the king here I've been fired. You can take over. Don't worry,

sister." Jiehong Ge was immediately happy: "Is this promotion too fast? You can't say that I'm a backdoor person. Don't ruin your reputation in my life. I think it's good to be a junior supervisor. Logically speaking, with my business ability, there is nothing wrong with being a supervisor. If it weren't for Wang Caili and his nephew, I would have been in the supervisor position. It's mine."

Chen Beiye smiled: "Many of our company's top leaders were promoted from the grassroots level. You have been working in the sales department for several years. I think you are qualified for the position of manager.

However, you can be promoted all of a sudden . It's a bit too fast, and it will indeed make many people dissatisfied.

So let's do this, I will arrange a client for you, and as long as you negotiate with him, you will directly become the manager. No one in the company will dissatisfy you. I agree with you."

Jiehong Ge asked curiously: "What kind of customer is this?"

Chen Beiye smiled brightly: "This customer is a tough nut to crack, and no one in our company's senior management can negotiate with him. But if the negotiation is successful, it will bring huge benefits to our company."

At this time, the general manager on the side heard this and asked in disbelief: "Mr. Chen, don't you want to make a deal with the Long Hai family? Let him talk to me! The person they are in charge of negotiating with is giving me a headache. He wants too much!"