
City: I Can Modify The Relationship Between Characters With One Click

As long as you look at someone's photo, video, or person, you can modify the relationship between yourself and TA at will! Jiang Ge modified the relationship with Lin Rexin, the goddess of all people, and became his girlfriend with one click! Not far away to meet him! Jiang Ge directly brought Lin Rexin home. That day, his parents were shocked! The whole village is a sensation! "Jiang Ge actually found a big celebrity as his wife!" In the company, Jiang Ge, who was supposed to be promoted, was replaced by the manager's nephew, and he was pushed out by them everywhere. Jiang Ge: "It depends on relationships, right? I have a showdown, the boss of the company is my sister!" The iceberg beauty in the company, the high-cold president Chen Bingfei, went down to Jiang Ge's branch in person, turned into a brother-in-law madman, and became angry. Ginger! "Brother, who bullied you? I will fire him personally!" I saw a wanted warrant on the road, with a bonus of 500,000 wanted criminals! Jiang Ge had a big brain hole, in order to get the position of the wanted criminal, he directly modified the relationship and became his accomplice... A certain big family has a lot of bad records, and even provoked Jiang Ge. Modify the relationship and directly become a prince, and a big family will be destroyed by phone! Until one day, Jiang Ge discovered the function of his system, which is far from this! Can it be used not only on humans? ...It can still... Gradually, Jiang Ge finally realized the real horror of this system... Tags: system, romance, sign in system, modify, action, super power, super ability, strongest I will upload 10/20 chapters weekly °°°°°°°°°°°° °°°°°°°°°°°° °°°°°°°°°°°° This is a Chinese novel that is paid for, so I will translate all chapters for free for everyone. Also, on WebNovel, if you upload a copyrighted novel, it will be blocked. For this season, I am going to change the name of a very important character so that this novel does not get blocked. I apologize in advance for any errors in the translation as I am using Google Translate. Also, if you find any errors in the chapter, please tag me so that I can fix them. Chinese Name: See My Review Translator: Axon image Cover By: Xiao Dingdang

Axon46 · Urban
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41 Chs

Chapter 15 Showdown, the president is my sister

Jiehong Ge was not happy at that time.

Although Wang Jianli did not criticize Jiehong Ge by name, but said "certain people".

But everyone can see that this refers to Jiehong Ge.

Jiehong Ge replied directly: "Who are you talking about? Useless people? Trash? I think some people who are incompetent and steal other people's customers are trash! Parasites!"

When he said this, his colleagues were shocked.

Unexpectedly, Jiehong Ge suddenly became so tough and dared to directly confront Wang Jianli in front of everyone. It was so refreshing to see him!

"Who are you scolding?" Wang Jianli was scolded in front of everyone, and his face turned cold as he felt that he had lost all face.

Jiehong Ge smiled: "I said people who rob other people's customers, what are you worried about? You admit that you robbed customers."

Wang Jianli was hit by what he said and was heartbroken. He was very angry at the time, but he couldn't let everyone do it anymore. It's a joke on him.

"What are you looking at? Let's go clean up. Jiehong Ge, if you don't want to do this, just say so!" After these two words, Wang Jianliang left angrily.

After he left, his colleagues put down their brooms and surrounded Jiehong Ge.

"Damn it, Jiehong Ge, you're good! You just made Bitch Wang's whole face turn green!"

"Hahaha, that's so refreshing!" "Jiehong Ge, you're so brave! You should have criticized him like this a long time ago


The eldest sister of this salesperson for many years also complained: "He thinks he is nothing when he is a supervisor. He does nothing. The previous supervisor cleaned with us, and he has never done any work in a long time. He If he can't even get a client, why should he be a supervisor? What achievements do you think he has? He was just one of Jiehong Ge's clients. Who doesn't know that? He died."

Several other colleagues agreed: "If it weren't for his uncle, we would have sent him away."

Then, everyone started cleaning while chatting. The eldest sister just kept complaining about Wang Jianli and seemed to hate him more than Jiehong Ge.

Jiehong Ge also picked up the broom and swept the floor. {https://direct.me/axon46}

At this time, a colleague came to Jiehong Ge with a dustpan.

His name is Zhang Yiwen, he is older than Jiehong Ge, in his 30s, married, and has an eight-year-old boy.

He is a relatively down-to-earth person and is very proficient in his business skills. Even though he suffers from the disadvantage of not being glib, he is also very strict when talking about business, and no one is as smooth as others.

Jiehong Ge has always felt that neither he nor Zhang Yiwen is suitable for this job.

But what can be done?

Zhang Yiwen is the oldest in their department, but he is still the lowest salesman. When Jiehong Ge entered the company, he was the one who took care of him and took good care of Jiehong Ge. Jiehong Ge always called him Brother Zhang, and he was regarded as someone who was respected in the company. An old man.

Zhang Yiwen said: "Jiehong Ge, are you too impulsive? If you try too hard for a while, you will feel uncomfortable if he wears small shoes for you later. He is easy to deal with, but his uncle is an old fox. When the time comes, his uncle will punish you, then It's not just one person at a time. I think you can go to Wang Jianli later to apologize and say a few words of kindness. For us part-time workers, making money is the most important thing. Don't compete with them. It doesn't matter if we don't have anyone. In the end, it's us who will suffer. "Myself."

Jiehong Ge understood that Zhang Yiwen was indeed kind, but he still refused and said, "Brother Zhang, it's okay, they can't fix me. I always thought that if I quarrel with him once, I'd quit and find another job." Don't think about it anymore. Why should I leave? It's them who should leave! This time I not only want to punish him, but also punish him!"

Zhang Yiwen showed a surprised expression: "How are you going to punish him? Jiehong Ge

said somewhat mysteriously: "You will know it just by looking at it."

After a while, Jiehong Ge went to the bathroom and happened to meet Wang Jianli.

Jiehong Ge ignored him and passed him by.

But Wang Jianli called him from behind.

"Jiehong Ge."

Jiehong Ge stopped and turned around.

Unexpectedly, the other party actually came over and threatened him in a low voice: "Jiehong Ge, you'd better be honest. You don't know that my uncle is the manager. If you don't want to lose your job, don't call me in front of everyone in the future! Do you understand? ?"

Jiehong Ge stared at Zhao Jianli and said without any sign of weakness, "It depends on the relationship, right?"

Wang Jianjian smiled contemptuously and said very arrogantly: "Yes, what? I admit that in this society, I rely on the relationship! That's it, this is reality! It doesn't matter, even gold can't shine! It doesn't matter, you are a piece of shit!"

Jiehong Ge smiled very disapprovingly: "Okay, I wanted you to take me for granted. "I'm an ordinary employee. Now I'm showing off. I don't care."

"What does it matter to you?"

"The founder and president of the company, Mr. Chen Beiye, is my sister." " Sister



Pfft! Hahahaha..." Wang Jianli laughed as if he had heard the funniest joke in the world. "If Chen Beiye were your sister, I would jump from the 18th floor! Hahahaha... Are you afraid that you are mentally retarded? One of your surnames is Jiehong and the other is Chen! You have two different surnames and you are the same sister? You are laughing so hard !"

Jiehong Ge didn't say anything more to him, turned around and left.

So what if the last names are different? There is a system, if he says it's a kiss, then it's a kiss!

There is always a reasonable explanation.

In real life, there are many families with two children. The daughter takes the mother's surname and the son takes the father's surname. Or the other way around, the son takes the mother's surname and the daughter takes the father's surname. This is normal.

After washing his hands and coming out of the bathroom, Jiehong Ge saw all the company employees walking towards the door of the company. Jiehong Ge also walked over and stood in front of his colleagues in his department.

After a while, two black Mercedes-Benz cars parked in front of the company.

Wang Caili and the other two department managers of the branch immediately came forward to greet him.

Several people got off the two cars, and the one at the front was Chen Beiye.

Jiehong Ge had only heard of Chen Beiye but had never seen her.

I only know that she was the top scorer in the college entrance examination and entered the famous Beihua University with a full scholarship. Not only is he an academic master, but his figure and appearance are also top-notch! She founded this company after graduation. She was only in her twenties and not yet thirty, but she developed the company into a big business. She is a very professional and strong woman.

She has a very aloof personality and doesn't like to show off. Usually when the company has press conferences or the like, the product manager or general manager will appear. She never shows up easily.

He is also very direct with his subordinates. He just says what he needs to say. If he does something bad, he points it out directly. He never saves face for anyone.

It is said that he even criticized the general manager in public, but the general manager did not dare to say a word.

She founded the company by herself, and there is nothing she doesn't understand from top to bottom, so the whole company respects her.

Also, she is still single. It is said that she has been pursued by many suitors since college, but she rejected them all, maybe because she has too high standards.

Under the leadership of several branch managers, Chen Beiye walked in the door with several company executives.

The employees applauded.

Chen Beiye smiled politely at everyone, which was regarded as a response, and her behavior was not very cold.

But there is an air of repulsion about him.

When Jiehong Ge saw her, he sighed that the rumors about her figure and appearance were true. She was indeed very beautiful! Long legs. Just like a big star.

Jiehong Ge communicated with the system in his mind: "System, change the relationship between me and her to brother and sister."

The system's pleasant voice came immediately.

"Ding~ The character relationship has been modified successfully! The current relationship is: sister and brother!"

Wang Caili said next to Chen Beiye with a smile on his face: "Mr. Chen, I heard that you are coming, and the employees are very welcome."

He said before that he would come to inspect . At that time, Chen Beiye's secretary told us that she was just taking a casual look at the working environment of grassroots employees.

Wang Caili introduced Chen Beiye to him: "Mr. Chen, this side is the office of our business department, and over there is the finance department..."

But Chen Beiye's attention didn't seem to be on his side.

Instead, he turned his head and looked at the employees, as if he was looking for someone.

Then, her eyes fell on a salesman, and then she showed a very sweet smile and walked over briskly.