
Project Struggles

Leo and Lily had been assigned to the same group for their spacecraft design project. As they gathered with their groupmates, Leo couldn't help but feel intimidated. They were all clearly talented and knowledgeable, and Leo didn't want to be the weak link.

Their project involved designing a new type of spacecraft that could travel faster and farther than any current models. Leo listened carefully as the group discussed the various components and features of the craft. He contributed what he could, but he felt like he was mostly just nodding along.

As the group worked on their design, Leo tried to keep up with the technical jargon and complex concepts. He made notes in his notebook, hoping to research them later, but he knew that he was out of his depth.

Lily, on the other hand, seemed to be in her element. Her eyes lit up as she discussed the finer points of propulsion systems and structural engineering. Leo was impressed by her enthusiasm and knowledge, but he couldn't help feeling jealous of her abilities.

As the days went by, the group worked tirelessly on their project. Leo did his best to contribute, but he could tell that his ideas were mostly surface-level and lacked the depth of his groupmates' insights.

One day, the group decided to work on a simulation of their craft's flight path. They gathered around a computer screen as Lily navigated the program, inputting their design specifications. Leo watched as the simulation played out, feeling a sense of awe at the speed and distance their craft could achieve.

But as the simulation progressed, Lily noticed something was off. The craft's trajectory seemed to be deviating from its intended path. She quickly tried to adjust the parameters, but the simulation only grew more erratic.

Leo watched in horror as the simulation crashed, sending up error messages and flashing red lights. His groupmates looked at each other in confusion and frustration, wondering what had gone wrong.

Leo suddenly had an idea. He had never used his powers in front of others before, but he knew that he had to do something to save their project.

He discreetly activated his time manipulation abilities, slowing down time around him. As he looked around, everything seemed to move in slow motion, giving him ample time to assess the situation.

He saw that one of the calculations in the simulation had been mistyped, causing a cascade of errors. He quickly corrected the calculation and re-ran the simulation.

As time resumed its normal flow, the simulation restarted, and the group watched with bated breath. This time, the craft followed its intended path perfectly, soaring off into the digital sky.

The group cheered and high-fived each other, congratulating themselves on a job well done. Leo tried to hide his relief and satisfaction, glad that he had been able to contribute in some small way.

As they wrapped up their meeting, Leo felt a sense of gratitude towards Lily. She had never judged him for his lack of abilities, and she had always been willing to help him. He knew that he had a long way to go before he could catch up to his talented classmates, but he was determined to keep trying.