
Hidden Potential

The next day, Leo woke up early and headed to his first class, which was about the academy's unique approach to teaching superpowers. He had heard whispers about the class before, but he had never imagined it would be this intense.

As he walked into the classroom, Leo saw that the walls were lined with mirrors and padded mats covered the floor. His classmates were already there, stretching and warming up. Leo noticed that some of them had unusual features, like glowing eyes, scaled skin, or even wings.

The teacher, a stern-looking woman with short black hair, entered the room and instructed the class to begin their warm-up exercises. Leo tried to follow along, but he quickly realized that he was out of his league. His agility and reflexes were nowhere near as impressive as those of his classmates.

Leo also noticed that the class had a section on abilities. He was tempted to join, but he knew that using his time manipulation powers in front of others was too risky. He had never told anyone about his powers before, not even Lily, and he wasn't ready to reveal them now.

Leo tried to focus on the class and absorb as much as he could without drawing attention to himself. He learned about the different types of abilities and their classifications. He listened as the teacher explained how to control and enhance one's powers, how to use them for good, and how to avoid their potential dangers.

The class went on for several hours, and by the end of it, Leo was exhausted. He couldn't believe how much he had learned and how much he still had to learn. He was excited about the competitions, but he knew he had a long way to go before he could be considered a contender.

As he walked back to his dormitory, Leo thought about his powers and what he could do with them. He had always been careful not to misuse them, but now he realized that he could use them to help others, to improve his own abilities, and to excel in the competitions.

Leo made a mental note to practice his powers in private and to seek advice from Lily, who was always supportive and understanding. He knew that he had to be cautious, but he also knew that he couldn't let his fear hold him back.

As Leo settled into his dorm room, he felt a sense of excitement and anticipation. He knew that he had a lot to learn, but he also knew that he had the potential to become something great.

The following day, Leo attended another class, this time on spacecraft design. He was excited to learn more about the subject, but he also felt a sense of unease. He knew that he couldn't use his powers in front of anyone, and he was worried that he might slip up.

As the class progressed, Leo found himself struggling to keep up. He had been studying the book Lily had given him, but he still felt like he had a lot to learn. He made notes in his notebook and tried to memorize as much as he could, but he couldn't shake the feeling that he was falling behind.

At one point, the teacher asked the class to work on a group project, designing a new type of spacecraft. This is exactly what he had been waiting for this is his opportunity to show his knowlidge that he gained through the years of hard work.