
Chronicles of the Unseen

Synopsis: In the thrilling novel "Currents of Power," author Haxie crafts a captivating tale following multiple individuals with extraordinary abilities as they navigate a world filled with mysteries and clandestine forces. **Main Characters:** 1. **Christian:** The protagonist with the ability to have total control of electricity, recently gaining the ability to sense and manipulate energy. This power grants awareness and manipulation but leaves him vulnerable to sensory overload and energy-based attacks. 2. **Angelina:** A key member with blood manipulation powers, using her blood for distraction, and severe use if utilized correctly, But having to cut herself to activate this shows the gruesome nature of her ability adds complexity to the team's dynamics. 3. **Carlos:** The illusionist who can create convincing illusions. While his powers offer a strategic advantage, maintaining prolonged illusions consumes significant energy and concentration and tend to glitch out alot. 4. **Nate:** Possessing the power to revert time for a brief period, Nate acts as the team's insurance policy. His ability allows the group to correct mistakes but comes with a 3 second rewind window and potential consequences. 5. **Zae:** With the ability to mimic video game characters' powers temporarily, Zae provides versatility but faces cooldown periods and limited control over complex abilities. *World-Building: The novel unfolds in a world where individuals possess extraordinary abilities, each with its own advantages and drawbacks. Powers range from energy manipulation to blood control, illusions, time manipulation, total electricity control, and mimicry. Clandestine organizations, mysterious artifacts, and a high-stakes heist propel the characters into a complex narrative. Themes: "Currents of Power" explores themes of trust, sacrifice, and the consequences of wielding extraordinary abilities. The narrative delves into moral dilemmas and ethical considerations associated with the characters' powers, unfolding as a high-stakes thriller with twists and revelations. Plot: The story begins with a routine package delivery that spirals into a gripping adventure as the characters uncover a conspiracy involving a mysterious vial. The narrative weaves suspense, action, and character development as the group faces adversaries, forms alliances, and grapples with the implications of their discoveries. As the characters navigate a world where shadows conceal danger and revelation, they must rely on each other's strengths to confront the challenges ahead.

Haxie · Fantasy
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5 Chs

The Use of a Compressed Electric Field in the Attraction of Iron

"Get. Up. For. School!"

These are the words I heard the moment I woke up today.

"It can wait… Gimmie like, an additional 20 minutes?"

"You're about to be late!" My mom says to me in an angry tone…

"Ugh… alright." I say as I slouch out of my bed, brushing my teeth, and putting on whatever the hell I see in my closet.

The world with super powers have become SUPER boring, you can't really use them anywhere, and the use of them is pretty much illegal, unless you somehow become something here called a (did NOT come up with a name for this, suck it up), then, go all out…

I would say this world is something cool, but to be frank, I'd rather get reincarnated literally anywhere else, just think of how many girls would be on me in an alternate universe…

"Or maybe I'd still pull none, and it'd be worse…" I say as I grab my toothbrush

"That's fine with me though, gotta take those shots…" I say as I put some toothpaste on my toothbrush.

As I brush my teeth, a humbling thought comes into my brain

"I gotta stop watching so much anime."

As I reluctantly drag myself to school, the mundane routine of blending in with the crowd dampens the excitement that once accompanied the discovery of superpowers. The world, now stifled by regulations and limitations on power usage, feels more like a cage than a realm of extraordinary possibilities.

In the midst of my musings, a petite woman approaches me, her name echoing in my thoughts – Angelina. With her distinctive Indian features and a perpetual aura of contemplation, Angelina stands out in her own way. Dressed in a reserved yet sophisticated manner, she exudes an air of reliability.

"Hey, you," she says, her voice carrying a hint of concern. "You really need to be more punctual. Being late won't do any good for your reputation."

I roll my eyes, retorting, "In a world where we can bend reality with our minds, you're worried about reputations?"

Angelina raises an eyebrow, her overthinking nature evident. "Well, consider this – tardiness may lead to disciplinary action. And I can't afford to jeopardize our one class we have together.."

I smirk, "Always the responsible one, huh? Solve why pineapple doesn't talk to you.."

She gasps, shocked by my casual remark, "That's irrelevant, and you know it."

As we navigate the school's corridors, the topic shifts to our powers. Angelina, book smart but cautious in utilizing her abilities, often contemplates the consequences of each action.

"You know, your power is pretty underwhelming," she remarks, her analytical gaze fixed on me.

I chuckle, "Oh, and yours is a powerhouse, right?"

She hesitates, "Well, no, but at least it's not something as trivial as yours."

I raise an eyebrow, "Trivial? My power may not be about kicking ass, but it's versatile. Yours, on the other hand, is only as useful as you make it."

Angelina sighs, "I can't help it. I worry about the unintended consequences. What if I accidentally alter something crucial? It's a burden."

I shrug, "See, that's where I have the upper hand. I don't have to constantly second-guess myself. I just roll with it."

As we enter the classroom, the teacher shoots us a disapproving glance.

Throughout the class period, the contrast between our perspectives on powers becomes more apparent. While I embrace the freedom mine offers, Angelina grapples with the responsibility that comes with altering reality.

I shrug nonchalantly, "Not really. I just go with the flow. Life's too short to overthink everything."

She sighs, "Maybe I should learn to live a little."

I tease her, "Who knows, you might discover the joys of chaos."

Angelina chuckles nervously, "I doubt it. But maybe a bit of spontaneity won't hurt."

"You know, Angelina, you've got these blood powers, and yet you're too scared to use them. What's the point if you're not willing to embrace the potential?" I comment, an air of teasing curiosity in my tone.

She fidgets with her bag strap, her petite frame exuding a mix of hesitation and defense. "It's not about being scared. It's just... I don't want to hurt myself to use them. It seems reckless."

I chuckle, "Reckless, maybe. But isn't that the beauty of it? Living on the edge, pushing your limits?"

Angelina looks at me, her expressive eyes revealing a hint of frustration. "It's easy for you to say. Your powers are, well, harmless. Mine involve blood manipulation. It's not something to take lightly."

"You think total control over electricity is harmless?" I retort, raising an eyebrow. "I mean, it's not like I'm throwing lightning bolts left and right. Besides, there's a finesse to it."

Angelina looks at me, her petite frame exuding a mixture of skepticism and curiosity. "But still, you could accidentally zap someone or something."

I chuckle, "Sure, there's always a risk, but that's part of the thrill. You can't let fear hold you back. Embrace your powers, Angelina. They're a reflection of who you are."

She sighs, "Easy for you to say. Your powers don't involve potentially harming yourself or others."

I lean in with a smirk, "Maybe you need to learn to stop being scared of your powers. They're a part of you, a unique gift. It's all about how you wield them."

Angelina fidgets with her bag strap, deep in thought. "I just... I need to find a way to control them without the risk of hurting anyone, including myself."

I nod, acknowledging her concerns, "Fair enough. Take your time, but don't let fear paralyze you. You've got potential, and it's a shame to see it go untapped."

I raise an eyebrow, "But imagine the possibilities! You could be unstoppable if you just let go of that fear. Besides, who said embracing your powers comes without risks?"

She sighs, "I get it, but it's not that simple. I need to find a way to use them without putting myself in danger."

As we continue our conversation, the dichotomy of our approaches to superpowers becomes more apparent. While I advocate for embracing the unpredictable nature of our abilities, Angelina grapples with the fear of potential harm.

"You're missing out on the thrill, Angelina. Sometimes you gotta break a few rules, even if it means a bit of blood," I say with a mischievous grin.

She shakes her head, "I'll figure it out on my terms, not yours. Not everyone can afford to live on the edge."

I shrug, "Fair enough. But just remember, life's more fun when you're not constantly worrying about the what-ifs."

I make an electric makeshift knife. "Wanna see what you can seriously do?"

Angelina eyes the makeshift electric knife with a mixture of curiosity and apprehension. After a moment of hesitation, she cautiously extends her wrist towards me, expressing a subtle hint of nervousness in her voice. "Alright, but be gentle. And no sudden movements, please," she requests.

I nod, understanding the gravity of the situation. With careful precision, I gently press the electric knife against her wrist, creating a small cut. The air crackles with a faint hum of electricity as the blade makes contact. Angelina winces, but there's an air of determination in her eyes. She focuses, and a subtle glow emanates from the cut.

To my surprise, instead of blood flowing out, her blood transforms into a tiny, prickly shape that instinctively pricks me. "You bitch, that hurt..." I mutter, half in jest, half in genuine surprise. Angelina chuckles, a mix of amusement and satisfaction playing on her face.

"Well, now you've seen it. Blood manipulation at its finest," she remarks, examining her wrist as the small, transformed blood droplet returns to its normal state.

I shake my head, still processing the unique display. "That's some next-level stuff. Guess you're not as powerless as you think."

Angelina smirks, "Maybe it's time I start exploring the full extent of my powers. Thanks for the, uh, demonstration."

I rub my finger, still slightly aching from the tiny blood droplet's sting. "Don't mention it. Just remember, fear is your enemy, not the power itself."

With the connection of Angelina's blood and my energy sense, I feel something, but I can't discern what it is. "You good, Angelina?" I inquire, wiping her blood off my finger

"I hate dealing with blood.!" I say out loud as Angelina begins laughing at the reaction.

"You okay?" She asks through the laughter.

"Yeah, Ill be cool" I say, rubbing my finger once again.

Angelina calms down from the laughter, "This blood bites back."

"I will zap you, keep playing." I say jokingly

"Ugh, lets go Angelina." I say as we walk to our next class


"I wanted to thank you" 

"For what?" I reply

"For helping me embrace my powers. It means a lot." She says

"Eh, don't mention it, seriously don't." I reply

"Oh shut up, It wasn't that bad." She replies, lightly smacking the back of my head.

"Says the one that wasn't sensing her blood." I retorted.

Angelina laughs, "Fair enough."

We arrive at another class, sitting down next to each other.

"So, that package you were telling me about, you and Carlos and some others, spill." Angelina begs

I lean back in my chair, contemplating how much I could share with Angelina. After a brief moment, I decide to give her a glimpse into our mysterious escapade.

"Alright, so it was this high-stakes job involving a package with all sorts of advanced tech and weird substances. We were supposed to deliver it to an anonymous buyer," I explain, keeping my voice low to avoid unwanted attention.

Angelina raised an eyebrow, her analytical mind already piecing together potential implications. "And what was in it for you? Seems risky."

I smirked, "The pay was good, and I had done jobs for this buyer before. They kept everything secret, but the rewards were worth the risk."

She leaned in, intrigued, "What kind of tech were we talking about? Anything groundbreaking?"

I nodded, "Definitely not your average stuff. Sleek gadgets, vials of strange substances – it was a mix of sci-fi and espionage. The buyer seemed to be into some serious cutting-edge technology."

Angelina pondered for a moment, "And you were just delivering it? No idea what it was really for?"

"Exactly. The less we knew, the better. It was a 'don't ask, don't tell' kind of arrangement," I explained.

As the teacher began the lecture, Angelina continued to prod for details, her curiosity fueled by a desire to understand the intricacies of our mysterious mission. We exchanged hushed conversations, discussing the potential applications of the technology and the risks associated with our involvement.

Throughout the class, the atmosphere became a mix of excitement and tension. Angelina's analytical mind worked overtime, contemplating the possible consequences of our actions.

After class, as we walked through the crowded hallways, Angelina couldn't help but express her concerns, "Christian, I get that the payoff is tempting, but getting involved in something this secretive can lead to unforeseen complications. Are you sure it's worth it?"

I shrugged, "Life's all about risks, Angelina. Besides, we're not exactly leading conventional lives here."

She sighed, "I just worry about what might happen if things go south. We should be cautious."

I nodded, acknowledging her point, "You're right, Angelina. Caution is always a good approach. But sometimes, you have to dive into the unknown to discover what's really out there."

She gave me a skeptical look, "Are you trying to be philosophical, or are you just avoiding the topic?"

I chuckled, "Maybe a bit of both. Let's just say, that job might have led to more questions than answers, but that was the thrill of it."

As we navigated the complexities of high school life, our discussion about the mysterious package and its implications continued. Angelina, torn between caution and curiosity, grappled with the choices that lay ahead, knowing that our involvement in this clandestine affair might have consequences beyond our control.

During our journey through the hallways, we encountered Carlos, who joined our conversation. I extended an invitation for him to come over to my house later, eager to share something intriguing.

"Hey, Carlos, I've got something to show you at my place. It's related to what went down last night," I said, trying to pique his interest.

Carlos raised an eyebrow, his curiosity evident. "What are we talking about here? More mysterious gadgets, or did you come across another buyer with deep pockets?"

I grinned, enjoying the suspense. "Let's just say it's a little experiment of my own. You won't want to miss it."

With a nod, Carlos agreed to join us, adding a sense of anticipation to our plans. As the day unfolded, the threads of our interconnected destinies continued to weave together, leading us into a web of uncertainty and intrigue.

I walked back home and retrieved the handheld blaster from under my bed. Carlos, recognizing the blaster from the heist, raised an eyebrow and questioned its functionality.

"Isn't that thing the blaster you stole during the heist...? The blaster was faulty; it didn't release a single shot," he remarked, his skepticism evident.

I smirked, a mischievous glint in my eyes. "Ah, yes, the infamous blaster. Turns out, its malfunction was more of a feature than a flaw. I've made a few modifications, and now it's something else entirely."

Carlos looked intrigued, his interest piqued. "Modifications, huh? You never cease to amaze me, Christian. What does it do now?"

I gestured for Carlos to follow me as we made our way to my room. "You'll see. Let's just say it's a little side project of mine."

Entering my room, I revealed the modified blaster and explained its new capabilities. The once-faulty weapon had transformed into a versatile tool, ready to be unveiled.

"Wanna check it out?" I said, handing the modified blaster to Carlos. The blaster now sported a hybrid design, its appearance transformed to match the vibrant orange of my electricity.

I cautioned him, "Don't flip that ignition switch," pointing to the switch near the trigger. "It's a secret for now, and it pretty much drains all the juice in the blaster. Keep it on stun and just shoot that cup."

Carlos examined the blaster closely. "Is that... an emitter? Why isn't it on the blasting side of the blaster? On top?"

I grinned, enjoying the anticipation. "Ah, that's part of the surprise. The emitter placement is a key element of the modifications. Just give it a shot and see what happens."

Carlos, intrigued and slightly wary, aimed the blaster at a nearby cup and pulled the trigger. The blaster emitted a low hum, and a beam of energy shot out from the unconventional emitter, hitting the cup with precision. The cup glowed momentarily as if charged with energy but remained unharmed.

"Whoa, what did you do to this thing?" Carlos asked, a mix of excitement and curiosity in his eyes.

I chuckled, "Let's just say I added a little spark to its functionality. The emitter modification allows for some unique effects. It's not your standard blaster anymore."

As Carlos continued to inspect the modified blaster, the possibilities of our enhanced arsenal sparked our imaginations. I mean, only god and I know what could be on this thing… right?