
Chapter 13: Power

Daniella was nervous. Even the fresh cool breeze hitting her face, and the scent of the sea as they drove along the coast, couldn't fully erase her worries.

They were on their way to meet Astrid, an immortal who specialized in understanding and assisting with abilities. While it was true that what she had experienced last night was otherworldly, Daniella had done her best to remind herself that this was her new reality, and nothing could change that fact. But she'd heard the voices again, like an internal alerting system that buzzed when she needed guidance, and even though they were helpful - caring even - they reminded her of her mother's demise.

Yes, she wanted help to manage her new abilities, but what if there was more to all of this? What if something was actually wrong with her mentally? What if she was having some sort of psychotic break? What if -