
Chronicles of the Otherworld Investigator

In the bustling metropolis of Busan, Nathan McNeill, a cocky and blonde Otherworld Investigator, is renowned for his unparalleled prowess in combating ghosts and spirits. With his steadfast partner, Mars, a no-nonsense feline with a mysterious past, Nathan navigates the supernatural underbelly of the city with confidence and arrogance. When a series of inexplicable hauntings plague the city, Nathan and Mars are thrust into their most challenging case yet. As they delve deeper into the sinister forces at play, Nathan's overconfidence is put to the test, forcing him to confront his own vulnerabilities and limitations. As the lines between the living and the dead blur, Nathan McNeill must confront the ultimate truth: in a world where the supernatural reigns supreme, even the strongest of egos can be shattered by the darkness that lurks in the shadows.

Wicked_AnimeGirl · Fantasy
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78 Chs


For the next week we stayed at Lucan's ranch, helping around the house and assisting the employees. Blair stayed in bed while in fox-form and mostly asleep. The Daeva had broken many bones, severed his tendons and nerves. 

According to the vet, if he is well taken care of, he will eventually recover, although he won't be able to be fully functioning as before.

At least that's what would happen to an ordinary fox, but not Blair. 

"Leave me alone and I'll be back to normal in a month," he whined. Thus we are keeping ourselves occupied until he recovers.

I'm so bored. 

"Mars, I'm so bored," I grumbled pathetically to the ginger cat as I scrubbed the stable while he lay on a straw bed. 

"Then phone your father to see if he has any cases for you," Mars replied tonelessly. 

"Good idea," I eagerly said as I ditched the sponge. Mars gazed in bemusement as I cleaned myself up and whipped out the cell phone. 

"Hey Dad? Oh it's you Mom? Hey, how's it going? Good? It's quiet here. I'm currently thinking of running away so is there anything for me to investigate? I'd rather it not be too big after the last case.

Yeah? A mansion? That sounds great. Thanks Mom, you're the best. Love you. Dad? Um, tell him I said hi."

I hung up and glanced at Mars with eyes twinkling. "One of mom's acquaintances has a job, and it's in a mansion!"

Mars blinked slowly as he responded, "Should I come with you?" I pondered but then replied, "I don't think so. Mom said that I have to go in a disguise and bringing you might make it awkward."

He nodded and the matter was settled. I advised Lucan that I would be leaving the next day, but would leave my two pets behind. 

"How long will you be gone?" he asked. I shrugged, "As long as the case lasts," I answered nonchalantly. 

And to my distress, Lucan continued to question me about my next investigation; "What are you investigating? Is it a ghost?"

"I'm not sure yet, that's why I'm going," I said as patiently as I could.

"Where is it? Are you going to some abandoned building? Or a haunted hotel?" Lucan heartily asked.

It's going to be a long night.

The next day I happily gave several farewells to the Robertsons, Mars and even Blair. 

"Hold on," Blair said reluctantly. I hesitated at the doorway, "Yes?"

"Before you leave, I need to tell you something," he muttered, flustered. He looked so adorable. I waited patiently as he gathered his courage. "The Daeva we fought was odd. He should have been a mental demon, yet he battled like a physical demon. It's out of the ordinary."

"Wasn't he just unique?" I guessed haphazardly. After shaking his head, he winced in pain. "His case shouldn't exist in the first place. This must be looked into."

"I'll ask Mars and Dad." Looking assured, he lay back down.

The grand mansion was only a three hours' ride from the ranch. Known as Dunmore Park, it was a magnificent sight. It remained for centuries and included massive gardens with marked trails and several parks.

As I pressed the bell on the giant iron gate, I eagerly waited with my two bags beside me. When the creaky gates opened, the hedges and trees made me feel incredibly small when I passed the entryway.

The doorway was unbolted by a slight elderly woman before I even knocked.

"Nathan, I presume? I'm Isla Balfour. Call me Mrs. Balfour or ma'am. We were informed that you were interested in becoming a butler? " she remarked sternly.

A butler?

"Er, well, um—" I stammer clumsily. She tapped her foot impatiently. "Come on, don't just stand there. Are you shy? Doesn't really matter though."

She turned away and yelled, "Lea! Come over here! We have a newbie." I grimaced at her shrill voice. For a tiny person she has a very strong voice. 

"Coming ma'am," a familiar voice answered. No, it can't be! A head peeked out and there she was. The long blonde hair and hazel eyes stared curiously at me.

"Oh crap," was her response. 

"You know each other?" Isla demanded. I smirked and replied, "We've met once." Lea scowled. She stood to one side as I picked up my bags.

I followed her to the boarding rooms. "What are you up to? Surely you're not really intending to become a butler?"

I flicked my hair unconsciously. "Who knows? Maybe I am." She snorted. "All right then," I said truthfully, "I'm here because of an investigation." I threw my bags onto the empty bed and peered intently at her.

"Is there something strange going on in Dunmore Park Mansion?" I inquired directly.