
Chronicles of the Lost Hallow

Crown Lady Emilia von Beortcild, fresh from her mighty triumph against the Norsian knaves and heralded as the Holy Silerreich's saviour, stumbles upon a grand peculiarity just outside the capital. Could it lead to Her Almighty Gidden? But instead of a divine audience, the whirling vortex transports Emilia to an unfamiliar future, far apart from her old stomping grounds. Emilia, lost and confused, meets Ayako Kinbara, a stern agent from an enigmatic organisation. Thrust into an "ineffable" future reeking of adventure, Emilia must rely on Ayako's guidance to navigate this alien world. Will she ever find her way back home, or is this the start of a grander destiny?

D4isuc · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
39 Chs


Ayako led me towards a structure that defied definition. It resembled a tower, but each floor appeared to curve outward, resulting in a succession of nested chambers that reached the sky. The towering structure shimmered in the moonlight, made of an unusual material that was both translucent and robust, hinting at technology well beyond my time. It seemed like a fortress, but one built with grace and utility I had never seen.

"Well, welcome to my home," sighed Ayako in relief.

"Home?" I raised my brow, ensuring that my judgement upon her so-called 'home' could qualify to my liking. "That is more than a manor… and even a keep, I must say."

"Apparently, this is called an apartment," she explained. "Where instead of owning a house and lot… or basically even a piece of land, we rent a room and reside there instead… temporarily or permanently. Twenty-five K of sols per month, and you don't even need to pay every other expense, too. Like property taxes, fire insurances, maintenance, and cost of capital, although annual increases might get us screwed if the market will get rigged as fuck."

Silence stretched between us, thick with unspoken tension. Ayako's gaze narrowed, a frown creasing her lips. My own eyes widened, and I raised my brows in what I hoped was a gesture of understanding. But a flicker of exasperation crossed her face. It seemed the more she explained this strange era, the more lost I became. The realisation slammed into me – perhaps bombarding someone from a bygone age with endless details was futile. Here I stood, adrift in a sea of unfamiliar customs, utterly devoid of the knowledge she desperately wanted to impart.

"I almost forgot," she continued whilst shaking her head. "That you were once a monarch who tends to reap taxes from the people living below your feet."

"What?" I cried. "Who says that I tend to reap taxes from the so-called 'people' below me?"

"Pfft," she scoffed and chuckled, rolling her eyes. "Radicals, I guess."

"And who art these so-called 'radicals'?"

"I don't know… like some peasants who realise that the world has gone shit because they don't get what the riches get, so they revolt and get rid of them so that they can finally fill up their stomachs and quench their thirst in an egalitarian condition."

"I-I see."

"Guess that really makes sense for you," she chuckled once again and walked ahead of me. "Speaking of filling up our stomachs and quenching our thirsts, I couldn't stand waiting now."

We ventured deeper into the "apartment." The room seemed brighter thanks to the large, transparent screens adorning the walls. They resembled posters, but glowed with vibrant light and constantly shifted their images. After a brief look, my eyes strained from the intense brightness.Reaching a pair of metal doors, Ayako pressed a button with an upward arrow. The doors slid open silently, revealing a small, quiet, and empty room. She stepped inside confidently, then glanced back at my surprised expression. With a playful whistle, she pointed and said, "What're you waiting for?"

I approached her, watching as she selected the button labelled "eight" from a panel of nine. A soft chime rang, and the doors closed smoothly. A strange feeling washed over me as the chamber began to rise, a mix of apprehension and fascination.

The gentle ascent stopped with another chime, and the doors glided open again. The hallway beyond looked entirely different from the one below. This floor was merely simple – a vast space with a cool, metallic atmosphere. The silver walls and sleek design felt almost sterile, but there was another one of those glowing screens beside the door.

I followed Ayako, my gaze drawn to the numbered doors lining the hallway - starting at eight hundred and counting upwards. Suddenly, I felt a bump. Thankfully, my armour held firm. Though, the one who had stumbled was none other than Ayako, rubbing her head and glaring at me for my slipshod aim.

She clicked her tongue and groaned, "Can you just watch your step next time?"

I gulped and bowed fleetingly, "A-Aye, pardon me."She rose up and stood, wiping all of the dirt off her coat, "Anyway, we've reached the room now, so you best prepare for something… special."She tapped a small button beside the door, and a deep chime echoed within the chamber, calling to one of her mates to open the way for us. Waiting, she glanced at her bright timepiece, perhaps counting down the seconds until her patience would be rewarded.Soon, the door opened, and there came a couth tall redhead stepped out, dressed naught—literally and brazenly naught. Her legs slightly crossed, and her right arm leaned against the side edge of the doorway, hanging her bare body in scantily loose. The size of her bosoms was quite ample, and her figure was notably well-endowed, its beauty overgoing beyond the most charming wench. How sultry she stood, she was still bawdy to my taste. Though, her looks were akin to my brightest sworn sister, yet her lips were rather bloody red—thus catching my breath in my throat."Oh, Aya! You're finally back," said the naked redhead smiling in front of her, then looked at me with her narrow eyes of firwit. "Who're you? And what's with that costume?""She's the self-proclaimed knightess," Ayako anqueathed with a slight scoff. "Like would you believe that?""Hmm," the naked redhead studied my armour and shared a scoff. "I suppose she's not."Then I cried, "How darest thee?""Wow… wow, chill with the accent, brave princess," the naked redhead flinched. "We're not in the world of once-upon-a-time fairy tales here."Despite the cumber, Ayako faintly and promptly pushed against her, "Let's just step in before somebody might see you like that."Then, the naked redhead stared at me—seemingly trembling over my irritated mien—and opened a way for me, "You may come in, blonde boffin."Stepping further into their living space, my eyes widened at the sight before me. The room was furnished with strange, spherical objects arranged across the clean, white expanse. Unlike anything I'd ever seen, these objects hinted at a level of technology far beyond my wildest dreams. My jaw practically hung open in awe.Suddenly, Ayako emerged from what I presumed was her bed chamber. Clad only in a white robe, she briskly crossed the room carrying a pile of clothes. With a decisive click, she disappeared behind another door."What is it in there?" I asked the redhead.

"Bathroom," she anqueathed. "Always a go-to place after her everyday work."

"I see," I squinted my eyes, gazing at her naked body from head to toe. "Have thou been in the midst of slumber?"

"Have… though? What?"

"Oh," I heaved an exasperated sigh and paused for a moment, pondering over what to say in this age, then tried. "Have y-you been… slumbering?"

"Slumbering? You mean sleeping?"

I nodded silently.

"Nah," she continued whilst giggling. "In fact, I was in the middle of… y'know, online service."

"Online service?"

"I can't tell you much more about that because I've heard that you're—" she then dropped her jaw and paused, catching her breath as if she stifled a final word hidden within her mind.

"Your… what?"

"N-Nevermind," she stuttered whilst shaking her head and glancing at her left, then winked. "You're just way too pretty to my eyes, in all honesty. Like… Do you have any good skincare tips?"

"Good skincare tips? I have not heard of it before."

"You know, placing a gentle touch across your skin with a smooth cream of vitamins," she winked. "Promise me, you'll be even prettier. Prettier than Janie."


Afterhand, she made her way toward her dormant chamber, presumably to fetch something. Freed from the watchful eyes of strangers, I felt the burden of the armour lift. Relief washed over me as I shed the heavy plates and set them aside with a metallic clang. The cool air caressed my exposed skin, a stark contrast to the stifling heat trapped beneath the metal. Finally, I stretched, relishing the ability to move freely, a wealth significantly more worthy than a stack of gold.

Meanwhile, the naked redhead appeared out of the chamber, carrying an ivory jar of white cream and jutted her arm out to flaunt it in front of me, "Here it is! This is called a skincare potion."

"For making me… prettier?"

"Yes, but you gotta take a bath first," she then paused, studying my entire garment from head to toe. "Woah, I must say, that is quite a rare vintage right there."

"Oh, this?"

"Chemisette, long braises, and corset," she gaped in awe. "Such a fashion for a vintage princess."

"Oh, pleased to hear that," I slightly giggled.

The bathroom door clicked open, and Ayako stepped out, a faint sheen of moisture clinging to her skin. A sweet aroma, like purple Loftian flowers, filled the air, a delightful contrast to the metallic tang that had lingered from my armour.

"Hey, Aya," the naked redhead called her. "Can you see this?"

"See wh—" as Ayako ultimately beheld my inner garment, her eyes widened in awe. "Woah, quite a stunning surprise. Kinda reminds of a tomboy knight who's about to kiss a princess."

Ironic for thee to say that before the once-crowned princess.

"Thinking about it," Ayako continued. "How about we can get a role for you?""Role for what?""Ma'am Janie as lead of the Rose-to-Rose film… who sets off to the lone island where she searches for her beloved princess kidnapped by two mere bandits and—," said the naked redhead."That's not what I really meant," interrupted Ayako with a faint cry."Oh, I thought she's gonna be the next fit role for the film… like she definitely looks like her.""No, what I really mean is," Ayako approached me, then whispered to my ear. "How about you become the Janie instead?""What? Why?""You look pretty much similar to Janie," she anqueathed. "Both in looks… and perhaps in personality.""Then what must thou achieve through it?""…. By simply playing a role.""Hey," interrupted the naked redhead. "Don't you dare hide a secret from me?"

"It's none of your business," Ayako rolled her eyes, then turned her lips back towards me. "Anyway, we shouldn't let your identity be originally exposed widely because once you carelessly proclaim yourself like that… there's a possibility that…"

Then Ayako froze, her ansen furrowing in a braid of deep thought. Her hands, cool and unexpected, settled upon my shoulders. A subtle tremor coursed through them, a tremor that mirrored the sudden disquiet gnawing at me. What weighed upon her thoughts to prompt such words?

"That… what?" I asked.

"That you'll be… t-targeted by somebody else."

Targeted? What on earth does it mean?

"That's all I can tell," Ayako continued, then glanced at the naked redhead, calling her. "Hey, Ana, can you order a… beef weolintun? In Take."

The naked redhead, namely Ana, faintly scoffed, "How about you've to pay me something for that?"

"What's it? Money?"

"Nah, just simply tell—"

Suddenly, Ayako's eyes remoulded, ablaze in crimson and darkness, glued on Ana, who quivered and stiffened under her gaze. Ana, the object of Ayako's glare, trembled and went rigid. Her gaze darted where Ayako's fixed, and a flicker of pure terror crossed her face. It was as if Ayako's eyes held the power to pierce souls and command obedience. When Ayako blinked and averted, the crimson and darkness receded, replaced by her normal black. Ana seemed to snap out of a trance, though a deep unease lingered in her expression, as if she could not quite shake off the echo of Ayako's power.

"Well, I'll call a Take for our dinner then," Ana winked, then walked into her own private chamber.

Ayako then looked at me and said, "How about you take a bath there? I'll head into my own room and change there."

As Ayako retreated to her private chamber, I entered the bathroom and closed the door behind me. The floor bore the damp remnants of her previous turn. My gaze wandered until I discovered a basket laden with clothes, faintly redolent. Among them rested the well-known black coat that Ayako had favoured, now resting atop the stack.

So I deduced, "So this must be it."

To prepare, I unravelled my braid and carefully peeled off my garment, placing each piece meticulously in the provided basket. With newfound freedom in my movements, I stepped through the transparent screen. A cool dampness met my bare feet, signalling the presence of water. Overhead, a cascade fixture resembling a waterfall hung elegantly from the wall, its spout connected by a pipe. Beneath this apparatus, the gentle patter of water droplets filled the air, a soft symphony hinting at its recent use.

"Where shall I let the water… drop?"

Gazing downward, my heed was drawn to a rotating contrivance resembling a wheel. Upon closer inspection, the inscription 'Open' adorned the arrow's rightward steer, while 'Close' was etched on its exact opposite. Thus, to engage it, I would need to twist the device to the right.

A torrent of water erupted from the cascade, drenching me instantly. But then, to my utter shock..."Hot! Hot! Hot!" I yelped, scrambling to shut off the flow and gulping for air.Despite years braving the chilling winds of the north, the water, meant to be a soothing caress, felt scalding against my skin. By the heavens, how could something intended for comfort inflict such sudden agony?

"Hey, do you need any help?" the voice of Ana suddenly echoed through the door. "Looks like you got scared of hot water."

Indeed, I grew fear of the scalding water. However, for Ana to possess a hint of abrothenness around her brazen habits, I daresay, "Nay, I'd need no help."

"Awwh," replied Ana. "I wish we could've gotten to each other in the middle of the shower. Y' know, a share of com—"

Then suddenly, I heard a faint groan coming from her, seemingly choked by Ayako.

"Don't you ever believe in her," cried Ayako. "She's gonna do a dirty on—Hey! What in damnation are you doing!?"

"He he he he!"

"Anyway, just bear with it. We're in the cold sea—Gyah!"

After hearing those faint moans behind the door, I heaved an exasperated sigh and mumbled, "Just what on earth art they doing?"

Proceeding with ignorance, I turned the wheel open, and the hot water once again showered upon me.

"Goodness!" I shouted, then murmured within my mind whilst breathing as strictly as necessary. "Bear… bear… bear… bear… I must bear…"

Breathe. Breathe. Breathe. I repeated the mantra, willing the searing pain to subside. It felt like the water was conspiring against me, a far cry from the comforting warmth I had foreseen. Perhaps this was their version of a fuloughthood by fire... or rather, scalding water.

Unlike my first braid, however, where the initial discomfort always led to a beautiful outcome, this torture seemed endless. But slowly, blessedly, the water pressure lessened, and the heat became more tolerable. My pleas, it seemed, had finally reached whatever deity controlled the shower settings."V-Verily," I stuttered and smiled, gladdened over the feeling of warm solace came upon the touch. "'Tis soothing. Almost like… I can feel resting upon the clouds of heaven."Finally succumbing to the warmth, I let the water cascade down my entire body. It was a revelation – a stark disparity to the frigid baths I was accustomed to back home. Here, the shower's intricate design delivered a stream of perfectly temperate water, a soothing balm that washed away the lingering chill and aches, bit by bit.In vain, I felt myself rubbing my hands down my arms and legs in gratitude. This bizarre new feeling, which had begun as a cause of discomfort, had evolved into a lovely delight. A gamble, yes, but one that paid off with a smile in the end."Oh hu hin hin hin," I hummed. "In lands of cold and shadows deep,A realm of madness, secrets keep.No love did in its heart abide,We broke its chains, forever tied.We forged wonders 'cross the vale,A child of grit came, our new tale."

The song known as 'The Reign of Cold Love', a melody echoing from the chambers of my past, flowed naturally from my lips. As tender as my mother once crooned to me and as tender as I once crooned to my newly-born son, my voice became in harmony with my ears.

Then as I narrowed one eye, the other caught a peculiar canister that seemed to be a soap, 'Shampoo', as it was entitled. A pale, clear liquid streamed from its open top, almost like a thick spunk pouring out of a man's rod. Yet upon flicking it open and smelling it, its scent reminded me of a purple Loftian flower, and upon touching it, 'twas indeed sooth… or seemingly so.

"Woah, so this liquid… is a soap," I rubbed a drip of it using my two fingers, then came a frothy burst slightly sprouting out of my fingers. "Well, 'tis to soothe throughout my flesh."And thus, I dispensed a dollop of the "shampoo" onto my palm. It seemed like a meagre amount to cover my entire body, especially considering the expanse between my collarbone and breast. Undeterred, I lathered it across my abdomen, but a nagging sense of inadequacy persisted. Bottle in hand, I embarked on a ritual of dispense-and-anoint – again and again until I was swathed in a light, invigorating lather. Thankfully, there was just enough left in the canister to avoid a sudsy disaster.With a satisfying click, I shut off the shower. Grabbing a large, fluffy towel, I ran it over my skin, meticulously drying off every lingering droplet. As the soft fabric caressed my body, a sweet scent of Loftian flowers filled my senses. It was calming, almost like a gentle breeze carrying the fragrance of wildflowers across a vast meadow. But this was a manufactured comfort, a pale imitation of the invigorating chill of the northern air that used to greet me after emerging from my bath back home in the palace.Emerging from the steamy shelter of the shower, I froze. For a moment, I expected to be greeted by a waiting handmaid with fresh linens, as was customary back home in the palace. But then, reality crashed down on me like a cold waterfall - this was not the Hoff, it was this strange place they called an 'apartment.'So I opened the door and walked out of the bathing chamber with a wrapped cloth covering from breast to knees."My my, what a figure you have," whistled Ayako, leaning against the wall, donned in a sole large tunic that reached her thighs. "Seems like the standard of your time still quite remains the same as now.""Oh, truly?" I replied. "Well, such gluttonous anlikenesses art not to our liking.""I see…. So, how's the bath?" asked Ayako. "I assume it must've felt good for you to sing a song like that.""Heavenly," I giggled. "A pain in the first, then a soothing warmth in the end. 'Twas better than a bathing pool of mine that is rather dull.""I could also imagine that pool to be irreplaceable," she slightly grimaced."Fret not… I always remind my hoff maids to dispose of it, rinse the surfaces, and refill it. As a saying goes, 'As verdant as meadows,let the waters sway,

Banish the shadows,

Shall bring back the day.'""Well, that's neat of you.""Also, where is that naked redhead?""Ana? Downstairs… waiting for our dinner to be delivered.""Is she naked there, too?""Silly, she can wear clothes, too. Albeit just shorts and tops. Though, braless… and pantyless as well.""Braless? Pantyless?""Basically, no undergarments.""Such indecency.""Quite."Anon, a chime rang through the chamber anew, prompting Ayako's gaze to sweep over me from head to toe, her demeanour becoming noticeably perturbed."She's back," murmured Ayako, then dragged me towards the room as swiftly as mightly. "Quickly, change your clothes before she sees you.""W-Why? Art we all wo—""Just do it."Then Ayako lit the room and engaged the lock on the knob, bringing forth a subtle click. She deftly closed the door in near silence, ensuring Ana paid no heed to any upstir. Meanwhile, a chime resounded twice, resembling her dwindling patience."Coming!" cried Ayako, as I heard her from behind the door.Complying with Ayako's request, I scanned the room meticulously, my gaze flitting across every corner and crevice. The space was filled with fascinating artefacts that sparked my curiosity. The bed, however, was not the kind suited for amorous nights – it was clearly designed for a single occupant, never befitting for a marital bliss. Speaking of the bed, three pieces of clothing lay arranged on it: shorts, a sleeveless tunic, and a flimsy undergarment, the combination resembling a ghost's attire more than anything else."So this must be what I shall wear."With what was offered, I donned them, piece by piece. Whilst doing so, I could hear their waxing voices exchanging fervent words from behind the door.

"Gal! Did you just use almost every drop of shampoo!?" cried Ana.

"N-Nanda? No," anqueathed Ayako. "Why?"

"I just bought this shampoo just yesterday, and right now… almost all of it is gone. Damn, who on—Oh, I know… that blonde boffin bitch!"

"Well, looks like you guessed it right."

"I swear I'm gonna rip out of her bloody twat as if I'm gonna extend her period… double… triple…and make her my slave who'll do the cleaning so that I'm not gonna buy another P.H. care again.""Geez, you're going way too overboard."

Then a slam of the door slightly echoed, as loud as her rising temper.

So I unlatched the door and emerged from the chamber, beholding Ayako's slightly inflated cheeks, which she attempted to stifle a wrast laughter."W-What?" I asked. "What jest dost thou make?"

"I mean, do you hear everything that she was yelling about?"

"Aye, though I ponder not a single idea."

"Well, you're better off not knowing," shrugged Ayako, seemingly in relief. "Just don't ask about that, got it?"

"A-Aye, I shall mind nothing."

"Good. Then how about we'll start eating our dinner now? Shall we?"


Ayako set three boxes on the small table and carefully opened one. Inside, a golden-brown, flaky crust encased a work of culinary art. A thick slab of savoury meat nestled amidst a bed of something dark and mysterious. As I drew closer, a heavenly aroma wafted up, a symphony of rich scents promising a spark of flavour."Is this food familiar to you?" asked Ayako."Might be," I took a closer look at it, its scent bolstered. "Cow pie."

"Cow pie? More like a… beef pie?"

"Thou may say that."

"Well, this is apparently Beef Weolintun. Coated with beef gravy…brings more flavour to it."

"Oh," I looked around the table, searching for a spoon and a carver. "Where art the dining tools?"

"You mean, the utensils?" Ayako took a small translucent pack, only filled with a peculiar-crafted piece, then handed it over to me. "Here… just tear it open."

"What is this?" I tore it open and took it out of the pack, studying it whilst rubbing across. "And why is it… so light and smooth?""Light and smooth? You mean, plastic?"

"Plash… tick?"

"Basically, the cheapest material you can get to craft anything, but not really what you can keep as a lifelong treasure."

"So… what must I do with it? "

"Use it, then dispose of it after eating."

"I see. I see," I sat on the floor with legs folded and dragged one box of supper nearly before me. "Must we wait for Ana?"

"If you wish to talk with her, then sure… you can wait," chuckled Ayako. "However, judging by her current mood right now, it looks like she might screw the hell out of you instead."

I shedded the so-called plastic pack and took a pair of dining pieces out, then stuttered, "O-Oh."

"Plus, you don't wanna get your food to be cold, so eat up."

"Aye," I then joined my hands together in a prayerful gesture and louted, whispering. "O Lady, we gather in thankfulness for this meal, blessed by thy leam. Nourish our bodies and souls with thy holy bounty. With thanks, we partake. Insanda"

"Woah, did you just… pray?"

I raised my head and nodded silently, to which she continued, "I've never ever seen some people here doing that before… unless I would've paid a visit to Stergatan City."

"Oh," I frowned, slightly weighing my mind. "By the heavens, no wonder most folk here dress… rather unseemly."

"Is your religion really that important?""Aye," Her ask shocked me at a braid, pondering over what I must say before her doubts would fill inside her mind, "Pray, may I dare myself to elucidate?""Your lips' on the spotlight.""Oh," I nodded, as proudly as I could to impress her. "Long time ago, an eld far away from the wield of our regal formfathers, the Gidden of Light had alighted unto the realm of Earth. Seeking balm for wounds and adles borne from heavenly awin, She graced the folk with song and merriment, holding their elation as paramount to Her calling. Yet, shadows of dwere veiled some hearts, wary of heavenly forms that might seek to beguile with artful ruse.""Even after she healed them, those people still held doubts about her?"Before I answered, I took a bite of a cow pie before me. It was remarkably tender and carried an earthy flavour, though an unexpected bitterness of a wine, followed as it melted in my mouth. "Ohh…," I softly exclaimed, taken aback by the taste. Then my gaze caught Ayako's faint smirk, as if she had anticipated my reaction. Curious, I knew, yet continued, "Well, fiends were erstwhile ingly wards tasked with shielding the realm. Alas, they forsook their holy duty, sowing their seeds into the womb of mankind instead, thus violating the holy law whilst drawing the folk's faith away.""I see."

"Once… the Gidden shared Her heart with a gallant hero, a living knight of his tribe and his homeland. This oneness, however, led to his folk's swikedom, for they sought to cast Her away forever. Guided by the chivalry of this nameless kemp, She sought refuge in the far west, where She brought forth a son, whose very name became etched upon the soul of this land."


"Aye," I nodded. "Said to be the forefather of the Beortcild dynasty."

"Oh, I see," Ayako gaped her eyes whilst her mouth brook every bit of cow pie she had eaten. "Is there any more?"

"Sadly, that is all there is to it."

"Awww, I was about to enjoy your history lesson," she heaved an exasperated sigh and frowned. "Especially that's something that I've never ever heard of before."

"Indeed, I hold the same sentiment as thee. Wreaty and gripping, yet alas, anqueaths still elude us, thus my faith still holds firmly, for my forefathers brought this land foroned with fea and torghtness. As we inherently indwell the same wonderdeeds blessed by Her Lady's bearing fruit, we vowed ourselves to keep this land shall abide sheer… holy… and wolderful. Healing folk through a share of blessings and might has and shall be its eternal cause…. And what of the present at this very braid?"

"Not a single idea. I'm not deep into history," she shook her head and slightly grinned, with her head swaying lazily and her voice moaning at a braid. "Unless I could've recalled what I'd studied profusely since my high school days… like hell, that was just to keep my scholarship status intact."

"Scholarship… status?"

"You know, whenever you get a consistent grade of ninety plus throughout the subjects, then you'll grant yourself a free tuition for being an absolute academic maniac."

"Consistent grade?"

She sighed and shook her head, "Never mind about that, it'll be deemed unnecessary for you later on… but just think of a rank. Yes, they're the same."


Observing the furrow that etched itself onto my ansen, Ayako answered with a gentle grin, as if to alleviate the burden of my thought, "Don't worry, we'll find another way to get yourself back into your original timeline, but… actually, nevermind about that, too. Just enjoy your meal."

I continued my meal in silence as Ayako finished hers. She discarded the remnants in a large bin designed for waste. Despite the delicious food, a wave of weariness washed over me. It felt like the night air itself whispered of sleep, urging me to rest. Yet, I remained standing, captivated by the strangeness and boundless wonders of this unfamiliar world.Suddenly, the bathroom door creaked open, and Ana emerged, her fiery red hair cascading down her back. Unclothed once more, she seemed completely comfortable in her bareness. As our eyes met, her gaze morphed from casual to intense. A determined glint flickered within them, and with a firm stride, she headed straight for me.

"How… dare you!?" cried Ana, then jumped higher towards me. Truly astonishing was her capacity for such a feat, yet somehow not entirely… surprising.


"Hey, Ana, stop it!"

In a throb of heart, Ana's intentions became alarmingly clear. With a shout, I lunged for my weapon, its flat edge flashing as I instinctively raised it in defence. But she was quicker. Her bare foot darted out, landing squarely on the blade's surface. Using it as a springbed, she launched herself upwards with surprising agility. Her movement was a dazzling display of acrobatics, reminiscent of a daredevil dancer defying gravity on a vast stage.

"Woah," gaped Ana, then clicked her tongue. "There's no mistake."

"No mistake… what?"



Just what is this feeling?

A wave of sudden weightlessness crashed over me. Time seemed to stretch and blur, like the dead of night merging into an endless twilight. The blade slipped from my grasp, clattering to the floor with a dull thud. My eyes grew heavy, fighting a losing battle against an insistent drowsiness. A yawn, deep and irresistible, ripped through me, urging me to succumb to sleep's seductive embrace. But confusion gnawed at me.

Why now, at this very braid?

So drowsy… 'tis a dream, is it not?

And so, my mind began its descent into the realm of oblivion., just as my eyes shut altogether and my body yielded to its pull… once more.

"Hey, listen to me…," these words marked the final whispers that reached my ears.