
chapter Three

     Being on the ship felt normal for Meira, having spent a lot of time on the ship back in her own time, so it felt familiar to be somewhere she knew so well. Meira sat on the deck, looking out at the water. Briefly closing her eyes, she let the small breeze pass over her. "Think the queen will catch up to us?" she asked after a moment. Her eyes opened to look over at the pirate who was standing at the wheel, steering the ship.

    Hook leaned against the ship's railing, his gaze fixed on the horizon. "The Evil Queen is persistent, lass. She won't be easily deterred," he replied, his voice carrying a note of caution. "We'll need to keep a keen eye on the seas and stay one step ahead if we're to avoid her clutches." He told her.

    Hook nodded understandingly. "Of course, lass. Take some time to rest below deck. We've got a voyage ahead, and we'll need all hands and minds sharp for whatever may come." The pirate told her. Meira made her way below deck, the creaking sounds of the ship above providing a comforting backdrop as she sought a moment of respite amid this adventure.

    Meira went down to the cabins, unable to help her eyes scan the familiar surroundings before she laid down on one of the beds, closing her eyes. The gentle rocking of the ship and the distant sounds of the sea lulled her into a state between consciousness and slumber.

    Meira didn't know how long she was asleep for, but she opened her eyes slowly when she heard the sound of faint shouting. She blinked slightly and slowly sat up before she walked to the steps that led up to the deck, careful not to make any noise. The distant stomping above deck hinted that the Queen's guards might have caught up to them.

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    Meira bit her lip slightly as she sat on her knees against the stairs, contemplating whether she should stay hidden. Worries crept in as she realized Hook was up there, and uncertainty gnawed at her, not knowing if he was alright.

    Gathering her courage, Meira decided to ascend the stairs cautiously. As she approached the deck, the sounds of commotion grew louder. Peering through the partially opened door, she saw Hook engaged in a heated exchange of swords with the Queen's guards. Meira quickly assessed the situation, her instincts urging her to stay out of sight for the moment. She crouched near the door, straining to hear snippets of the conversation and to hope that Hook would be alright.

    As Meira hesitated near the door, the confrontation escalated into a chaotic noise of swords. Hook parried the guards' advances with his sword, his movements a fluid motion of precision. "You won't take me without a fight, lads!" he bellowed, his voice echoing over the ship. The guards, undeterred, lunged at the pirate with their swords. Meira, torn between the desire to assist and the fear of exposing her abilities, watched the conflict unfold, her heart pounding.

    As soon as Meira saw Hook's sword go flying out of his hand and land with the tip of the blade sticking up in the wooden deck and saw a couple of the guards grabbing his arms. Without another hesitation, she stood and pushed through the open onto the deck. "Let him go!" She said, working to hide a little nervousness she felt, now having a better view of how many guards there were.

    Meira's sudden intervention drew the attention of both Hook and the guards. Her hands glowed faintly with a subtle light as she summoned her magic. "Release him," she commanded, her voice carrying a slight tone of authority she hadn't known she possessed. The guards hesitated, momentarily distracted by her. Taking advantage of the moment, Hook wrenched free from their grasp as he spun and retrieved his sword with a swift motion.

    "The Queen isn't happy about you two escaping," one guard declared, his tone dripping with menace. "We have orders to bring you in." The weight of their situation pressed on Meira as she surveyed the guards. Despite her magical abilities and Hook's prowess with a sword, the odds were stacked against them.

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    The pirate chuckled, a glint of amusement passing over his expression. "I'm not about to leave my ship so willingly," he declared, his grip on his sword tightening.

    The guards exchanged glances but were well aware of the consequences they might face if they returned to the Queen empty-handed. "We'll let you come willingly, or we'll have to force you," they warned, adopting a stern stance.

    Meira looked down at her hands, where a faint trace of her magic lingered. Her gaze shifted back to the guards just as a fight erupted. Hook was engaged with a couple of them, the clash of blades filling the air. Meira, sensing a guard approaching, tensed her body and raised her hand. A quick burst of magic shot out, pushing the guard back. However, before she could make another move, her arm was roughly grabbed by the guard.

     With a swift, instinctive motion, Meira reacted to the guard's grip. Channeling the energy within her, she summoned a surge of magic that shot from her hand. The guard, caught off guard by the unexpected power, loosened his grip momentarily. Seizing the opportunity, Meira twisted out of his hold and took a step back. Meira glanced at Hook seeing he didn't seem to have any injuries yet but knew the guards were going to let them go so easily.

     Seeing one of them try to grab her, Meira went to use her magic again. Only to have nothing happened. She still didn't always have full control so sometimes it didn't exactly work, and the fear she felt probably didn't help. Meira felt her arms grabbed, making it impossible for her to be able to move. Her eyes turned to the pirate but saw the other guards having turned to him and had managed to overpower him, she watched as his sword was knocked from his hand and a couple of guards grabbed his arms to keep him from trying to fight back.