
chapter Four

Meira wasn't happy. She couldn't sit still so she was just pacing around the small room she and Hook had been placed in, at least it wasn't behind a cell. But still, Meira didn't like it. She felt trapped. She didn't even fully remember how they got here, it was all a blur, happening too quickly. She knew they had been on the Jolly Roger when the queen's guards had suddenly caught up to them and next thing she knew, they were being shoved and locked into this room.

"Will you stop pacing around?" Hook asked, a small sigh escaping as he leaned against the wall, his arms crossed over his chest and one leg bent up slightly so his foot was pressed against the wall.

Meira frowned, turning to face the pirate. "You aren't nervous?" She asked, hands on her hips. "We got caught. We're waiting to see what the evil queen will do, if she'll kill is it just keep us locked up!" She won't lie, she was panicking.

The room they're in is small, with stone walls and a single iron door. There's minimal furniture—a small wooden table and a couple of chairs. A dim oil lamp on the table casts flickering shadows across the room. The air is musty, and the only window is small, high up, and barred, letting in just a sliver of weak light. Overall, it feels cramped and oppressive, adding to the tension of their predicament.

"That window is barred, can you use your magic to perhaps make the bars disappear?" He asked, turning to look at the blonde.

Meira hesitated and nodded slowly. "I.. think I could." She said slowly, sounding uncertain as she turned to face the small window, needing to tilt her head back to look up at the window, and took a deep breath, slowly exhaling to try and calm her nerves. She just hoped she actually could do this. She closed her eyes, trying to focus her magic, and raised a hand to the window, she saw her hand glowing faintly and watched as a blast of magic shot out of her hand, wincing as the bees landed on the floor with a ringing noise. "I hope no one heard that." She said softly as she lowered her hand.

As soon as the bars were off, Hook walked over and grabbed the edge of a table, tugging it over towards the wall, just under the window. He knew they were at the evil queen's palace but he wanted to see how huge the window was and the scenery of where they were, to see if they could escape. Hook climbed up onto the table which gave him enough height to be able to look out the window.

As Hook's gaze swept across the landscape, he took in the haunting beauty before him. The twilight sky was a deep indigo, streaked with violet and dusky pink, signaling the approaching nightfall. The air was heavy with the scent of earth and damp foliage. Below the window, the terrain unfolded in layers of rugged terrain. Jagged cliffs rose from the earth, etched with time. Gnarled trees clung to the rocky slopes, their twisted branches reaching skyward. Amidst the rocky outcrops, patches of green moss and wildflowers added touches of color to the landscape. In the distance. Hook gave a small frown, trying to see if there was any way to get out. That was until his eyes landed on a ledge.

"There's a ledge just below the window... it's not very wide but we may be able to use it to escape." The pirate said but seeing it looked like the window wasn't about to open, he turned his face away and used his elbow to smash against the glass, thankful for the coat he wore that protected him from any glass breaking his skin. His head snapped to the door hearing the sound of thundering boots against the stairs. Guards. "We have to go. Now." Hook said, looking around until he saw a dusty old blanket in the corner and hopped off the table he grabbed it, shaking it slightly as he looked around and saw a long rope that was hidden in the shadows, he grabbed it and tied it to the table under the window and climbed back up onto the table. He put the blanket over the window so when they climbed over no broken glass could cut them. The window may be small but at least it looked like it was big enough for people to fit through. Killian grabbed the rope, glad it was long as he draped it over the windowsill, looking at Meira, holding a hand out to her. "Come on." He told her but saw the fear in her eyes.

"It's going to be alright." Hook said, trying to keep his voice soft. I'll be right behind you." He assured as he took her hand and helped her climb up onto the table.

Meira nodded slowly, taking his hand as she climbed up but could hear the guard's footsteps just down the hall. She reached up and grabbed the bar above the window, using it to lift her so she could sit on the window sill, turning slightly so she was holding onto the window sill before she grabbed onto the rope and used that to slowly shuffle down, trying to look anywhere but down as she slowly lowered herself onto the ledge before she stepped to the side, back now pressed against the wall as a shiver ran up her spine but wasn't sure if it was from the harshness of the wind blowing through her or the fact that she was standing in a ledge high up and could slide and fall any minute. Her arms were out wide against the building, a gasp escaping her when she saw how high they were up.

Heading a gasp, Hook leaned over to the window but relaxed seeing her, he pulled himself up and out through the window and grabbed the rope as he shuffled down until his feet landed on the ledge, his eyes going to Meira. "Don't look down, focus up at the sky, okay?" He asked seeing the fear on her face. "We need to hear but we'll take it slow, shuffle to the side." He said trying to keep any urgency out of his voice. She didn't need to feel any more anxious than she already looked.

Meira nodded and slowly started to shuffle down the side, keeping her back firmly pressed against the palace building, biting down on her bottom lip so hard she could taste a metallic taste of blood in her mouth, she tried to keep her feet steady but a small cry of surprise left her when she felt her foot suddenly slip, the ledge becoming slippery due to the falling rain.

Hook reached out and grabbed around her sides, pulling her back into the wall, "are you okay?" He asked seeing the nod but could feel her shaking. Though he didn't know if that was from the rain or because of the fact she had nearly fallen. "We're almost to the end of the ledge." He said softly but made sure he could be heard over the wind and the storm that was forming.

Meira nodded slowly and straightened up. "I'm okay.." she whispered, trying to keep herself from shivering so much as she started to shuffle to the side on the ledge, trying not to slip. She relaxed a bit when she saw them now was looked like a balcony.

From the balcony, Meira's eyes drank in the sight of the landscape, bathed in the glow of twilight. Below, the terrain sprawled out in all its untamed beauty. Clusters of trees dotted the landscape, their branches swaying wildly in the breeze. Beyond, a winding river meandered through the valley, its waters shimmering like l silver beneath the fading light as the storm approached. The distant peaks of mountains stood against the horizon, their forms silhouetted against the darkening sky. The air was filled with the sounds of thunder and rain hitting the palace.

"No time to look at the landscape. The storm is picking up and the guards I'm sure know we have escaped." Hook told her, glancing around but was glad that ledge had led them onto a balcony since the balcony was much closer to the ground, Killian climbed over the railing, letting his feed drop onto the ground with a thud.

Meira hesitated but she took a deep breath and climbed over the edge of the railing and let herself drop onto the ground, her feet hitting the ground before she wrapped her arms around herself trying to ward off the chilly even though it didn't help between the rain and the harsh wind. She looked back as she heard the shouting of the guards but she took off running after Hook, getting her balance on the slippery ground.