
Chronicles of the Dragneel Children

(COMPLETED) Please if you don’t get some of the events that happen in this book, read mor other book ‘Good’o Morning-Motion Sickness’ This is the sequel after it. Thank you!

TruckieChan · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
19 Chs

Chapter 7 - Careless -

Igneel took in a sharp breath as he covered his wound with his hand. It was a long scratch from the Monster he had tooken up the offer to kill on his mission to make a hole into a mountain. But he didn't know the monster was going to be tougher then he thought. He sighed at how reckless he was to let his guard down thinking the monster was dead.

"Fuck… I'm so stupid.."

*Igneel took a peek at the gash in his left arm seeing it was going to leave a scar at how deep it went. He winced as he kicked the dumb burnt monster who was dead for real this time as he limped out of the cave like hole he made.*

He made it to a small town where he got some bandages to wrap his arm in. As he booked a reservation room in a motel nearby in town. He took a seat in the corner of the bar that was a cavern the motel had as he sipped some alcohol to relax his nerves.

Igneel was 17 sure, but was already moving fast on maturity and responsibility. He was probably the least lucy and natsu had to worry about getting into trouble. He was also thinking in moving out soon as he turned 18.. he wanted to go explore and do his own things as a individual person, but felt a tug at his heart on leaving his parents so soon… that's why he decided to wait until his 18th birthday to mention it to them.

"*whistle* …That's one nasty cut there man.."

*a girl had suddenly tooken a seat next to Igneel who only hid his arm that he had just noticed begun to bleed through the bandages. He cursed as he tried changing the bandages but the mysterious girl stopped him.*

"You know that your are poisoned right?… that cut won't stop bleeding unless you apply a antidote.."

*the girl who looke the same age as him was starting to get on his nerves.. he shook her off from where she had her hands wrapped around his injured arm and began going upstairs to sleep here his room was.*

As he came into his room he let the door swing shut as he made a straight turn into the bathroom. He began washing out the cut wincing at the burning but was paranoid about what the girl said..

"I told you already! That won't do unless you get an antidote!"

*the girl now able to distinguish her looks stood at the entrance of the bathroom as she placed her hands on her hips as she wore a white coat and had a beautiful burgundy, purplish hue hair. She pouted in a annoyed expression as she waltz right up to him and took a look at his arm. Igneel I as ready to scream at her as to why she would barge into his room but, somehow he began to feel the poisons affect.. he was becoming tired and lazy.*

"Ha! I see your a fairy tail member, should have known you guys always get hurt. Let me help you I'm part of my dads guild called the Crime Sorcière guild. I'm pretty sure you know it."

*the girl was a real chatter box as Igneel furrowed his brow but had no choice but to trust her..*

"Fine.. help me then.."

"Okay, oh! One thing, are you a dragon slayer?"

*the girl asked a very specific question that got Igneel to look at her weird and shook his head.*

"No I'm not, I only work with demon magic I got from my father.. *hiss*"

*Igneel was running out of time now as he couldn't feel is left arm anymore. The girl nodded and began creating her magic surrounding him and her in the room together. Igneel coughed as he realized that this girls magic was poison magic but felt the relief and 'antidote' the girl began producing as the mist of purple poison turned that of a glowing light turquoise. He felt something snap in him as he felt a sudden throb him his heart began to pulse.*

"There that should do it,… hey? Are you okay? You should be able to get up now."

*they girl worried about the boy tried touching him but only felt his intense glowing pair red of eyes look at her.*

"What did you do to me? *pant pant pant*"

"What do you mean?! I only cured your poison that you had inside of your body, I had to use some of my dragon slayer magic to enter your body and distribute the antidote.."

*the girl explained as Igneel kept panting and felt a sudden chill up his spine as he caught a whiff of her scent… wait scent? He didn't have the ability to smell or hear how hard her heartbeat pounded or how delicious she smelled.. what was happening to him..*

"You need to leave…*pant pant pant* I feel like I want to rip you to shreds if you don't leave now…"

*igneel tried sounding as respectful as possible but these new senses and urges to dominate her were messing with his emotions, he didn't like this one bit.*

The girl didn't listen as she got a clothe with cold water to apply to his forehead. He was sitting down on the closed toilet as she pushed back his head in a rude manner as she got angry at how disrespectful he was.

"No! I'm not leave until I get a thank you from you.. plus you seem to be getting a fever.. no one has gotten a fever before when I cure them."

*the girl kept talking to herself as she brushed igneels beautiful red shiny hair. She wondered who did he get his hair color from? Was it from the Titiana Sword user Erza? Or was it from someone else who was part of the fairy tail guild. Suddenly she felt two hands grip her hips as some elongated nails pinched at her pelvis bones. She yelled as she felt somewhat turned on by this but looked at Igneel now seeing how dazed he looked in his glowing red eyes and very blushed face.*

"What have you done to me… I feel hot… must not lose control.."

*igneel kept repeating as a way to meditate and not focus on how dirty his thoughts had become, he imagined or wondered how she would look like underneath him, pinned to the wall by him, and sitting on his lap…*

"Are you.. whose your parents?"

*the girl decided to ask as she saw all the signs she was taught to avoid and to ignore by her father who was a dragon slayer… this boy was presenting all those signs but she already had confirmed he was a dragon slayer… unless he wasn't a full dragon slayer and only part..*

"*pant pant pant* Natsu and Lucy Dragneel… why??"

*igneel panted as he tried stripping off his shirt because he was feeling so hot but had ripped it in the process. The girl only nodded as she facepalmed and just went along with things now. She helped him take off his shirt as to also undo his pants.*

"*Pant pant pant* wh-what are you doing!??… stop… I don't want to do this… I don't even know your name.."

*igneel tried letting go of her hips as he managed to rest his hands again after taking off his shirt. The girl stopped as she redirected his head twords her eyes. She looked at his dazed state again as she began to get effected by his pheromones he began spreading like wild fire.*

"The names Ethe, and I'm also a dragon slayer… don't worry about hurting me, I'm not a virgin anymore so just relax and let's get you out of your rut.."

*Ethe distracted igneel as she kissed him and began to drive her tongue down his throat. He growled as he could feel how good she felt in his mouth, he tensed up more as he felt her hands undo his pants finally before snaking in her hand to pull out his shaft. He moaned as he felt her squeeze him and began to thrust his hips into her hand unable to control his drive.*

"Mm… don't tell me your a virgin… man, I'm going to enjoy myself tonight <3"

*Ethe whispered to herself as she sat on igneels lap to motion him to relocate them to the bed. He did as he was told and carried her in his strong arms to the bed where he had slept in the last 2 nights.*


Igneel didn't know when things escalated, but only felt how he thrusted into her suddenly and she screamed at how thick he became suddenly. He looked down to blink to see he was very much naked and her too. Their bodies were connected at their cores as he could feel himself pump out what he felt like was piss but was very hot.

Ethe flinched as she could feel the warm liquid fill her insides and how he wasn't pulling out. She tried sitting up but felt him pin her down as he growled a feral growl.

"Hey… pull out now or your going to get me pregnant..*pant pant pant* the sex was good but I don't plan to become a mother at 18…"

*Ethe aired out her complaints as igneel didn't respond. She didn't know why he wouldn't respond but felt a sudden ball or balloon inflating inside her. She moaned as she tried pushing herself away from him to escape from the ball that was becoming dangerously to big but he held her firmly from her hips. She cried out in pleasure though as she felt the ball hit maximum size now and felt a new rush of hot liquid fill her up. She saw how igneel whimpered and would shiver at his orgasm he was having now which turned her on.. she just loved to see bad boys like him submit under her or show signs of weakness.*

Ethe felt her world go dark as she felt her slimy thighs rub against igneels torso, she smiled as she thought.

'I wouldn't mind being stuck to this handsome guy for the rest of my life'

As she fell asleep underneath him. The next morning igneel woke up to his sore left arm that had a healed scar already and a girl under him who was buck naked and so was he… he blushed at how his dick had flinched at his sudden awakening and heard her moan in her sleep. He look in between them under the blanket as he saw himself still inside of her.

"Oh man… what did I do last night…"

*that was the only thing that left his mouth as he heard a giggle from Ethe as she met eyes with him. She wrapped her legs around his waist pressing into him more feeling how wet and moist they both were still inside her.*

"The question is what you 'didn't' do last night… thanks I had a blast..;)"

*Ethe winked as she sat up making him groan at how much pleasure he got from just feeling himself sliding out of her as he saw a big pool of white cum pour out of her entrance.*

She wiped herself dry with the bed sheets they already had soiled and made a quick visit to the bathroom. Igneel say their with a blank expression not knowing what to do or say after a event like 'that'… he just heard Ethe ask for her clothes through the door as he got up to pick up her clothes and give them to her. She came out of the bathroom right after as she fixed her mini shirt and white cloak she had on top and brushed her wet hair.

"Here let me help you.."

*Igneel mentioned to her as he got behind her and put his fingers into her hair. He made his hands turn into his demon form of magic as they heated up and straighten and dried her hair.*

"Wow.. my hair takes forever to dry.. how convenient to have heat magic.."

*Ethe looked at him with her new hairstyle, she had wavy and spiky hair but after Igneel dryer her hair it had tamed her hair to of a more silky, straight hair. Igneel felt himself breathless at how beautiful she looked like this but only coughed and turned around to go into the bathroom next.*

"*ahem* Yeah it's what all the Dragneel children got from our father.."

*Ethe saw him disappear into the bathroom as she chuckled at how terribly awkward he was when he wasn't dying. She sighed at how dead she was again for not coming home again to her house. She grabbed a paper and wrote her name her address and a note for him as she kissed it and left the room.*

"I'm sorry for taking long-"

*Igneel saw she wasn't in the room anymore as he saw a note on top of his folded clothes she left behind.*

'You know where to find me if your interested In having another night with me, also your great in bed…

P.S. try not looking for me when my father is around he's Erik/ Cobra. Pretty sure your dad knows him also mark your date from today as your first rut.. you can ask your pops about that

With love,


Igneel felt a tug at his heart at how fast she was to leave. He folded the paper and saved it in his pants pocket as he got dress and had to wear his vest open since his t-shirt was ripped to shreds. He looked a little like how natsu used to dress but he didn't like it as you can see the nail marks on his chest and torso that was showing. He only sighed as he got his knee it wasn't time to go lovey dovey over someone who wouldn't even spare him one morning after sleeping together. He only marked this as a mistake and went back home.