
Chronicles of Hunteria: Cards of Destiny

Synopsis: In the eccentric world of Hunteria, where swords and magic reign supreme, Gothar, a cynical and sharp-witted outsider, finds himself thrust into an extraordinary Isekai adventure. As he navigates this realm, he discovers that the key to power lies in enchanted cards that harbor unimaginable abilities. Gothar must unravel the mysteries of the Cardrealms, where cards aren't just tools but conduits of magic. Each card bears a color that signifies its potency, from the mundane Gray to the awe-inspiring Platinum. As Gothar explores, he unlocks the potential of cards ranging from everyday items to mythical beasts, reshaping his destiny in this card-infused universe. With humor as his ally, Gothar forms an unlikely team, realizing that success in Hunteria relies not only on individual prowess but also on the synergy between card-bearers. Together, they embark on a quest to conquer challenges, battle formidable foes, and discover the true purpose of their card-enhanced abilities. As power levels escalate from Common to God-like, Gothar faces dilemmas that force him to question his principles. Will he succumb to the allure of legendary cards, or will he uphold the camaraderie that defines his newfound team? "Chronicles of Hunteria: Cards of Destiny" is an action-packed fantasy where the laughter echoes as loudly as the clash of swords, and the cards wield the mightiest enchantments in the whimsical World of Hunteria.

TattooedGod · Fantasy
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31 Chs

The Village of Beginning

Within the confines of the opulent carriage, the influence of the Card of Greed subtly seeped into Prince Arion's mind. Lord Octavius, the mastermind orchestrating this clandestine journey, relished in the manipulation unfolding before him.

Amidst the hushed whispers of unseen forces, Riven, Aurelius's loyal servant, respectfully interrupted the ongoing theatrics. "My lord, we are nearing our destination," he announced with a calm demeanor, his focus unwavering as he steered the carriage towards the unknown village.

The cloaked figure, Prince Arion, leaned forward in anticipation, his voice laden with excitement. "Have we arrived in Jontran?" he queried, his impatience evident in the eagerness of his tone.

To his surprise, Lord Octavius, with a theatrical flair, denied the arrival in Jontran. Instead, he unveiled the name of the village with an enigmatic smile. "Behold, the Village of Beginning, Konkan."

Prince Arion's confusion etched across his features, he questioned the purpose of their detour. Lord Octavius, ever the puppeteer of the unfolding drama, explained that the true target of Prince Arion's revenge was a formidable adversary, one requiring additional strength to overcome.

Frowning with impatience, Prince Arion pressed for answers. Why conceal the identity of his enemy? Why the need for added power when his strength was seemingly unmatched?

Lord Octavius, reveling in the air of mystery, replied cryptically, "All will become clear in due time, my prince. Konkan holds the key to unlocking the strength you seek."

The prince, dissatisfied with the ambiguity, persisted, demanding to know the identity of his enemy and the nature of the strength concealed in the village. Lord Octavius, ever the manipulator, maintained the veil of secrecy, urging the prince to be patient and trust in the unfolding path.

The opulent carriage, halted abruptly on the outskirts of the enigmatic Village of Beginning, Konkan, as if the very air held its breath in anticipation. Riven, Aurelius's devoted servant, brought the vehicle to a stop with unwavering precision.

Prince Arion, thrown off balance by the sudden stop, expressed his frustration with colorful language. "What in the realms is this interruption?" he exclaimed, eyes narrowing at Riven.

Lord Octavius, maintaining an air of composure, inquired about the cause of the unexpected pause. Riven, ever dutiful, responded with a sense of urgency. "There's someone in gray standing in the middle of the road."

With a perplexed expression, Prince Arion questioned the significance of an individual in gray. Lord Octavius, however, seemed to recognize the weight behind the description. "Intriguing," he mused, his eyes betraying a hint of curiosity.

Riven, ever the defender of his lord, raised his voice in protest, condemning the figure's audacious presence. Lord Octavius, however, silenced Riven with a subtle gesture, his gaze fixed on the emerging figure in gray.

The enigmatic figure, shrouded in the neutral hue, asserted himself with an overbearing tone. "Octavius, what brings you to this place?" he demanded, cutting through the air with authority.

Riven, incensed by the perceived disrespect, shouted in defense of Lord Octavius. The tension escalated as the figure in gray continued to challenge Octavius's presence.

Surprisingly, Lord Octavius, rather than rising to the defense, calmed Riven with a measured gesture. Descending from the carriage with deliberate poise, Octavius addressed the figure in gray with an almost frivolous tone.

"Ah, Raelin, my old acquaintance," Octavius greeted, seemingly unperturbed by the confrontation. "It's been quite some time since our paths crossed."

Raelin, unfazed by Octavius's casual demeanor, repeated his query with a penetrating gaze. In a dramatic gesture, he threw a lifeless human form toward Octavius.

Riven, displaying a deftness that matched his loyalty, employed his wind card with precision, catching the lifeless body hurled by Raelin before gently placing it before Lord Octavius. The wind card user shot a defiant glare toward Raelin, brandishing his two green cards in a silent declaration of readiness.

Octavius, playing his part in this intricate performance, inspected the body with feigned surprise, his fingers delicately tracing the features of the lifeless form. Prince Arion, now standing beside Octavius, his features concealed by a black cloak, voiced his inquiry in a deep, resonant tone. "Who is this, Octavius?"

With an air of nonchalance, Octavius explained that the body was a mere clone, a manifestation of his first card's ability. He then theatrically presented his yellow card to Prince Arion, preempting any mention of its true name. The prince, though visibly curious, nodded in compliance.

As Raelin, the figure in gray, stood silently, awaiting Octavius's revelation, the lord cut off any potential questions from the prince. "That card," Octavius interrupted, "is my second, and its identity is our secret."

The prince, though slightly perturbed by the interruption, conceded with a nod. Raelin, however, narrowed his eyes, keenly observant of Octavius's revelation regarding his possession of a second card.

Remaining silent, Raelin allowed Octavius to address him. The lord, ever the master of frivolity, spoke with an air of nostalgia. "Old friend," Octavius addressed Raelin, "I am here for the sake of our shared past." Simultaneously, he activated his yellow card, summoning the clone's body into its mystical depths until it vanished from sight.

Raelin, displaying a stoic indifference, dismissed Octavius with a curt command. "You are not welcome in this village, Octavius. Leave." As he walked away, his figure slowly dissipated into the air, leaving an air of tension lingering in the wake of their encounter.

As Raelin dismissed Lord Octavius with a disdainful command, the atmosphere crackled with unresolved tension. Riven, fueled by a mix of loyalty and anger, could not contain his impulsive reaction to Raelin's arrogance. "Impudence!" he roared, activating his two green cards in a swift, practiced motion.

Transforming into a formidable wolf with his first card, Riven unleashed a flurry of wind blades with the aid of his second card, aiming them towards the retreating figure of Raelin. The blades, sharp and deadly, sliced through the air with a promise of retaliation.

However, the expected retaliation took an unexpected turn. The wind blades, frozen in their trajectory, disintegrated into countless pieces, abruptly changing direction to hurtle back towards Riven. Shocked and unable to evade the redirected onslaught, Riven found himself ensnared by his own attack, cut to pieces as he shouted in pain.

Beside them, the conversation between Lord Octavius and Prince Arion was interrupted by a sudden thud. Riven's unconscious body lay foaming at the mouth.

Prince Arion, startled and concerned, questioned the abrupt turn of events. "What happened to him?" he inquired, his voice revealing both confusion and worry.

Lord Octavius, instead of answering the prince's query, burst into jovial laughter, his amusement reverberating through the air. With an air of mockery, he addressed the empty space, "Still a masterful display of illusion, my old friend!" Raelin's voice cut through the unseen space, laden with disdain. "A lowly mutt showing its master's lack of manners."

The realization struck, unraveling the illusory nature of the apparent confrontation. What seemed like a physical fight between Riven and Raelin had been nothing more than a deceptive display, expertly crafted by the enigmatic figure.

While the prince grappled with confusion, Lord Octavius continued his laughter, seemingly undeterred by the unfolding events. Slowly, he strolled back towards the waiting carriage, leaving a declaration hanging in the air. "I need an audience with the mistress," he proclaimed, the words echoing as if they carried weight beyond their immediate surroundings.

Raelin, begrudgingly acknowledging the statement, grunted in response, the tension lingering as the illusion dissipated. The enigmatic dance of shadow and illusion persisted, leaving behind a multitude of unanswered questions.