
Chronicles of Hunteria: Cards of Destiny

Synopsis: In the eccentric world of Hunteria, where swords and magic reign supreme, Gothar, a cynical and sharp-witted outsider, finds himself thrust into an extraordinary Isekai adventure. As he navigates this realm, he discovers that the key to power lies in enchanted cards that harbor unimaginable abilities. Gothar must unravel the mysteries of the Cardrealms, where cards aren't just tools but conduits of magic. Each card bears a color that signifies its potency, from the mundane Gray to the awe-inspiring Platinum. As Gothar explores, he unlocks the potential of cards ranging from everyday items to mythical beasts, reshaping his destiny in this card-infused universe. With humor as his ally, Gothar forms an unlikely team, realizing that success in Hunteria relies not only on individual prowess but also on the synergy between card-bearers. Together, they embark on a quest to conquer challenges, battle formidable foes, and discover the true purpose of their card-enhanced abilities. As power levels escalate from Common to God-like, Gothar faces dilemmas that force him to question his principles. Will he succumb to the allure of legendary cards, or will he uphold the camaraderie that defines his newfound team? "Chronicles of Hunteria: Cards of Destiny" is an action-packed fantasy where the laughter echoes as loudly as the clash of swords, and the cards wield the mightiest enchantments in the whimsical World of Hunteria.

TattooedGod · Fantasy
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31 Chs

Secrets Enshrouded in Time

Inside the stationary carriage, Prince Arion, still cloaked in mystery, grew increasingly impatient. His impatience stemmed from a mix of confusion and the unresolved confrontation with Raelin. In response to the prince's agitation, Lord Octavius, ever the storyteller, began to weave a tale as they waited for their audience with the mistress.

"Patience, my dear prince," Lord Octavius began in a whimsical tone, "for the secrets of this village hold the key to unlocking the power needed to avenge your sister." With that, he delved into the folklore surrounding the ancient village of Konkan.

The village, Lord Octavius narrated, harbored a profound secret—it was believed to be the hidden sanctuary of the primordial and forbidden Card of Time. Over 10,000 years ago, the Watchers, an enigmatic and powerful group, emerged as the true masters of the Cardrealm. Legends spoke of their dominion over countless kingdoms and the manipulation of the fates of mortals within this mystical realm.

"The Watchers controlled the four forbidden cards, and among them was the Card of Time," Lord Octavius continued, his words carrying the weight of ancient tales. "And it is said that Konkan is where this forbidden card is concealed, its power influencing the very fabric of time itself."

Explaining further, Lord Octavius revealed the peculiar nature of Konkan. Within the confines of the village, time perpetually looped, replaying scenes from the inception of the Watchers' powerful reign. This temporal dance had persisted for millennia, rendering the village both an anomaly and a well-guarded secret.

"Enter Konkan without the power of a Star Card, particularly one of the twelve Zodiac Cards, and you'll be ensnared in an unending illusion," Lord Octavius elucidated. "Every attempt to escape will lead you back to the same scenario, trapping you in a relentless cycle until you succumb to the inevitability of old age."

Prince Arion, surprised by this revelation, questioned whether Raelin, with his ability to reside in Konkan, held a Zodiac Card. Lord Octavius, with a mocking smile, denied this assumption. Instead, he claimed that Raelin served as a mere servant to the true possessor of the Zodiac Card.

In response to the prince's impatience, Lord Octavius, seemingly intoxicated by his own amusement, burst into laughter. "Oh, my dear prince," he chuckled, "but we are not here to grasp the elusive Card of Time. It's but a charming myth, a tale woven into the fabric of this enigmatic village."

The prince, clearly affected by the lingering influence of Card of Greed, demanded to know the purpose of their journey to Konkan if not to claim the mythical Card of Time. Lord Octavius, still grinning, leaned back, ready to divulge another layer of the unfolding narrative.

"We're here for something far more fascinating, my dear prince," Lord Octavius responded with a theatrical flair. He proceeded to unveil the peculiarity of elven card mastery—each elf could only master one card throughout their extended lifetimes. The Tree of Life, the ancestral guardian of elves, originally known as the Card of the Living Soul, granted them prolonged lifespans. Yet, in exchange, elves were restricted to a single card.

However, Lord Octavius unveiled another layer of elven lore. Each card owned by an elf held slumbering souls within, a hidden potential awaiting awakening. To enhance the prince's power, they needed to rouse the living soul within his current card—the Card of Archery.

The prince, taken aback, instinctively withdrew his card, bathed in a gentle blue glow. Lord Octavius explained the significance of this awakening, a process that required the blessing of the Zodiac Card's owner residing in Konkan.

"Awakening a living soul," Prince Arion mused, his eyes fixed on the blue radiance of the Card of Archery. The profound implications of this revelation echoed through the carriage, a secret quest within the larger tapestry of Cardrealm mysteries.

Prince Arion, his eyes ablaze with a mixture of anticipation and anger, fixed Lord Octavius with a determined gaze. "Who is the wretched soul that I seek revenge upon?" he demanded, his impatience palpable. "And why should I go through this absurd process just to bring about their downfall?"

With a casual air, Lord Octavius began to unravel the supposed narrative of the prince's vendetta. "Your target, dear prince, is none other than the City Lord of Jontran, Cedric Voss, a wielder of the yellow card," he declared, weaving a web of deception. "Cedric Voss is allegedly in league with the infamous House of Ravenscroft, partaking in the despicable trade of magical beings, particularly elves, auctioned in the shadows of Jontran's black market."

The prince, fueled by both personal grief and the influence of the Card of Greed, clenched his fists in an unbridled display of fury. His mind teetered on the edge, a precipice of rage threatening to consume reason.

Feigning concern, Lord Octavius whispered words that danced with hidden malice. "But my dear prince, there's more to this than a mere vendetta. The City Lord, in addition to his yellow card, possesses a black card—a formidable force akin to my own Devourer of Souls card. I have reason to believe he employs this dark power for nefarious purposes."

The sinister undertones in Lord Octavius's words were veiled by an outward facade of camaraderie. "Awakening the living soul within your card will grant you the strength needed to confront both the yellow and black cards wielded by Cedric Voss. We must tread carefully, for the City Lord's actions are stained with darkness," he added, a sly smile playing on his lips.

Prince Arion, succumbing to the waves of anger and grief, bellowed in response, "I care not for the City Lord's deeds, but his grievous mistake was crossing paths with my sister, Thalia!" The echoes of vengeance reverberated within the confines of the carriage, an oath sworn amidst the shadows of deceit and manipulation.


Inside the mystical village of Konkan, Raelin, bearing the card with the symbol of entwined fish, maneuvered through the ever-repeating scenes with a grace born of familiarity. The card enveloped him in a shimmering barrier, shielding him from the relentless march of time that gripped the village.

Approaching a house adorned with the same enchantment, Raelin knocked on the door, announcing his presence before stepping into a realm of enchantment that defied the mundane exterior.

The library unfolded before him, a kaleidoscope of colors and ethereal energies. Books levitated in mid-air, their contents seemingly bound by forces unseen. The air buzzed with ancient wisdom, and the shelves stretched into infinity, revealing the accumulated knowledge of countless cycles.

Raelin, a beacon of respectful composure, bowed towards the figure at the heart of the celestial library. "Octavius is here to see the mistress," he declared, his voice carrying the weight of formality.

The mistress, immersed in the cosmic dance of books, remained silent, her focus undeterred by the arrival. She seemed to navigate the pages with an otherworldly grace, as if she were in tune with the very essence of knowledge itself.

Patiently awaiting acknowledgment, Raelin maintained his bow, a testament to the reverence he held for the mistress. Time in Konkan flowed differently, but his respect held steadfast.

After what felt like both an eternity and a fleeting moment, the mistress, a figure of enigma, broke her silence. Her response, unexpected in its warmth, resonated within the library's enchanted walls. "Once I finish this last volume, Octavius may enter," she declared in a voice that echoed like sunlight piercing through the mystical tapestry of the library.