
Chronicles Of Death's Apostle [A Multi-Crossover FanFic]

Each day was nothing less than hell, being treated like a lab rat by her mother, the only thing she could do was pray every day for her salvation. She was marked at birth as the apostle of Death, chosen by the primordial entity Lady Death. the prayers were not answered and the suffering continued. Guilty because of her gift, she was unable to die, yet too powerless to resist. Reina was engineered and trained to become a living weapon, but without her innate abilities, indomitable will, and inhuman endurance, she would have been nothing more than a doll. It is impossible to constrain a monster for long, and the envoy of death outgrew the cage. Out of the cage, she ravaged the world. Her legend grew through countless battles, and before the world knew she killed Kaguya, the Moon Goddess. It is only a small part of a much longer journey, and there is much more to discover. ------------ Alert! : 1. The FanFic is a Multi-Crossover one with the main being Naruto, Assassin's Creed, and MCU/DCU. 2. There's gonna be a MassiveHarem and yes a Yuri One. 3. If you are easily offended, I'd advise you to keep your words for yourself and not waste them on me. 4. Constructive criticism is always accepted as long it doesn't cross a certain line. If it does... you'll be YEET'ed. That's all, thank you. ------------- P.S. You can expect sauce ;-) *Lemons baby*

Ink_and_Jaws · Anime & Comics
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Brand New World And... War?

Vol. 1 Jump Into The Odyssey

Ch.1 Brand New World And... War?


"You bitch!!!" Reina screamed and cursed as she went whirling through the portal and if she hadn't experienced the Flying Thunder God, then she was sure she would have emptied her stomach long ago. Reina landed on the hard, rocky ground with a loud thump as it threw her out of the portal. "Argh! Damn her to hell."

Reina grumbled as she got up to her feet, dusting herself. Calming her sour mood, she looked around curiously, trying to assess where she was and what should be her first move.

The terrain was rocky and mostly bare, with few trees and shrubs. She was at a height and the area she was in was a narrow mountain pass. She raised her hand as she tried to channel chakra and sighed in relief as she felt the comforting warmth of the chakra.

"I am not totally handicapped though my combat ability is elite-jounin at best." Reina frowned before sighing yet once again. "Well, at least it's better than totally being robbed of my combat ability."

She narrowed her eyes as a familiar rusty stench hit her nose and she could almost taste copper on her tongue.

"Blood." Reina stated grimly. "It seems I won't be able to go exploring right away."

Reina got out of the robe she had been wearing, exposing her sacred flesh for the entire world to see and allowing her skin to bask in the beautiful moonlight. She traced her left forearm with chakra as intricate patterns appeared on her skin, allowing her to retrieve her from the seal.

Gearing up, Reina equipped a black, sleeveless kimono top over a fishnet shirt that exposed a generous amount of her beautiful cleavage and black pants that fit snugly tucked into high shin combat boots. She covered her arms in bandages till her elbow before tying her hair into a high ponytail. To finish her outfit, she covered her face with an ANBU wolf mask.

On her waist were her partner-in-crime, her trusty curved Katana, and a deadly tanto. Adjusting her mask, she nodded to herself before taking off in the direction she smelled the stench of blood.

Though her power and abilities are being limited by a huge margin, Reina still had enough power to move around a rough terrain with ease. As Reina ran, the sound of iron clashing against iron became more pronounced. Reina jumped to a height and approached the edge, looking at the scene before her with a cynical look in her eyes.

"Just my luck." Reina rolled her eyes behind the mask. "Yay! Another war! How exciting! Argh!"

Reina looked down and saw around two hundred, thirty-something men wearing sturdy bronze armor and with a helmet with pointed cheek guards and extended nose guard, armed with various weapons, a large circular shield fighting against an entire battalion of opponents wearing wicker armor.

"Now, should I jump in or not?" Reina wondered. "Also, who are the bad guys he-"

"Puny Spartan! I will gift your head to Xerxes! We will destroy your worthless army, pillage your land, slaughter your men, rape your women and enslave your children! You will die Leonidas." A big, heavily armored guy screamed at a man wielding a long spear.

"Ding! Living pile of scum in human disguise detected. Welp! Extermination time!" Reina said sarcastically as she ran stepped back a bit, before running and jumping towards the big guy. Apparently, it was easy to determine who was the scum.

"Wait, I can also understand what they are saying." She realized as she was free falling.

"Come Persian!" Roared Leonidas

"Die Sparta-" Kurush roared, but got interrupted.

"Alley-oop bitches!" Reina, too roared as she directed a power ax kick towards the troll-like man's head.

"Ugh!" The man moaned in pain as the power behind the kick had caused a lot of damage and had possibly given him brain trauma. Reina landed in front of him gracefully, her hair fluttering. The man shook his head, trying to get a grip but failed. He clumsily slashed at Reina, who unsheathed her Katana. "H-How dare you?! Dieeee!"

"Only after you shithead." Reina bowed mockingly while simultaneously ducking under the predictable attack and spinning on her heel to avoid a punch. She kicked the man on the knee of his extended leg, bending it at an awkward angle before whacking him across the face with the side of her blade.

"I-Insolence!" The staggering man stabbed, aiming for her gut but Reina easily redirected the attack downwards burying it into the ground and smashing the guy's face with a strong left hook, and wasted no time to severe his head with a quick strike.

"May Shinigami claim your soul and torment you in the depths of the abyss." Reina said, kicking the man's head away.

"Identify yourself." Leonidas ordered as he aimed his spear at the masked figure before him. Reina hummed to herself as she turned around to face the warrior king.

"That…" Reina began as she flicked the blood off her sword. "… you don't need to know."

"You-" Reina suddenly rushed at him, startling Leonidas. Leonidas hurriedly readied his stance but found himself flabbergasted, as Reina leaped over him and could only stare as she buried her blade into the chest of a Persian soldier who had been charging towards him.

"Better not get distracted, Ōji-san." Reina said with humor to a very confused Leonidas. "Wouldn't want to get skewered now, do we?"

Reina nodded gesturing behind Leonidas who hesitated before nodded turning to stab another sneaky Persian soldier. Reina smiled under her masking leaning sideways, narrowly avoiding a stab. She slashed apart the offending hand, giving the head of the bastard the same treatment.

Pushing ahead, she tilted her head, avoiding an arrow, then quickly used her sword to deflect another one. She tore through Persian soldiers like a hot knife through butter. Crouching, she cut a torso apart. Spinning on her knees, she slashed again, cutting apart a leg before unsheathing her tanto and stabbing the screaming man in the throat. She leaned back, avoiding an attack from a blunt wooden cub. Displaying flexibility, she stabbed one behind with the katana, quickly rolling she avoided a spear stab aimed at her torso. With a spring jump, she was back on her feet, dodging strikes from multiple enemies. Diving over a sword aimed for her torso, she rolled ahead quickly to regain footing. She blocked a club attack, quickly slashing the man in the face with the tanto.

Breathing out, she twirled her swords as soldiers surrounded her glaring murderously towards her.

"Come." She lowered her center of balance as they rushed at her. Taking a step back she leaned away dodging a stab. She slashed the man's throat, her deadly blade cutting through armor and flesh with ease. Spinning, she pinned a sword to the ground, threw her tanto, which lodged into an approaching soldier from the side before unleashing a vicious hook to the guy in front of her. The power sent the sob flying with a broken neck.

Gripping her Katana into the ground, and flicked dirt into one's face and kicked him away, and continued her slaughter. It left the Spartans gawking as she cut apart Persians with ease and without breaking a sweat.

"N-No! Merc-" The last fighting Persian cried out, but Reina silenced him by twisting his neck viciously. Reina dusted her hands as the man slumped over, dead.

The Spartans looked at her worriedly as they nervously gripped their swords. Reina smiled behind her mask as she looked at the apprehensive soldiers.

"Stand down Spartans!" Leonidas barked out as the soldiers parted to make for him as he approached Reina. He stared at Reina intensely, as if trying to gauge her, before suddenly kneeling on one knee with his hand over his chest. His actions shocked his subordinates and amused Reina. "O' powerful warrior! I, King Leonidas, am grateful to you for your aid!"

"Get up, I did little." Reina said, sheathing her Katana and turning to retrieve her tanto. "Your words are unnecessary."

"I do not agree, O' powerful one. If your blade had not aided us, we would have lost more men." Leonidas said his tone, grateful. The rest Spartans kneeled too understanding the importance of the role Reina played. "Please accept my gratitude!"

"Ours too!" The soldiers chorused.

Checking for any chip in her blade, Reina smiled. Seeing the blade was still as sharp as ever, simply flawless. Putting away her tanto, she turned to look at the men kneeling in gratitude.

"Accepted. Now get up. You and your men fought well." Reina said, approaching Leonidas and patting his shoulder. "We should run analysis. See how much damage was done."

"What are you suggesting, O' Powerful-"

"Okami. Just call me Okami." Reina said as she approached a Persian soldier she had knocked out and Leonidas nodded, testing the name in his mouth, and frowned as it was totally foreign to him. "Tell one man to count heads. Count the number of soldiers able to fight. Those verses in medication attend the wounded ones."

"…" Leonidas was silent as his old friend approached him and opened his mouth to protest, but he raised his hand and shook his head. "You heard her! Murade! Vinco! I trust this task to the two of you!"

"At once." The two men were quick, and Reina nodded in satisfaction.

"You." Reina pointed at a soldier who straightened up in tension. "Take two men with you and collect all the weapons and equipment you can find and while you are at it, gather the bodies of the enemies and burn them."

The terrified soldier looked at Leonidas for approval, who nodded. The man didn't spare a second, grabbing the two near him before running off.

"Leonidas, right? Come, walk with me." Reina said as she began walking away from the dead bodies. "The remaining of you set some resting quarters and prepare for the burial of your dead comrades."

"Just… Just who are you, Okami?" Leonidas asked, getting only a melodious hum in return.

"I am a lot of things. Some good, some not at all pleasant. But I not the point of concern matter at a time like this." Reina said stopping and turned her head a bit to look at the king. "We have more pressing matters at hand. Isn't that right?"

"I… I-Yes." Leonidas nodded.

"Hmm. So, tell me. What's going on here?" Reina said. She had to know what was going on and where she stood in this world. Leonidas sighed as he explained their situation to the mysterious woman in front of him.


Leonidas frowned to himself as he failed to comprehend the woman before him. Reina had lifted her mask a little so only her pouty, ruby lips were exposed as she calmly ate whatever Leonidas' hospitality offered. Okami was a woman thoroughly shrouded in mystery. From her assumed name, the clothes she wore, to her demeanor. No matter what, Leonidas found himself unable to see through her.

There was also the strange fact that the woman was unaware of the ongoing war, but hadn't hesitated to jump into the fray with such power and finesse that it still numbed his brain when he thought about it.

Lifting her hand, she politely denied wine as she nibbled on a piece of turkey. Reina had a good grasp of what was happening. She was in a land called Sparta which was being invaded by Persians, and Spartans were barely holding against the army of one called King Xerxes. Wiping her lips, she pulled her mask down.

"I suggest you better call for reinforcement. From what I've seen, these Persians may be more in number. You people have better equipment and more capable men." Reina said. "You and your men will only die a vain death at this rate and after you, who is stopping them from pillaging your lands?"

The king frowned. Not that he was unaware, but the situation was bleak.

"I can not risk any more lives-"

"They are already in danger." Reina cut him off coldly. "This is war Leonidas, bringing only 300 men to war is a brave move. It takes a lot of courage but I only see this as desperate moves of a paranoid fool."

"How dare you-"

"Shut it." Leonidas was an arrogant king, but he was not a fool. The bloodlust that hit him as soon as he opened his mouth made him sick. He had been through a lot of conflicts since he was of the age, but he had never been this terrified. The stoic wolf-mask stared at him impassively, but he saw a silhouette of a Ten-Tailed wolf glaring at him and it made him feel like he was nothing but an insignificant creature. A creature the predator in front of him would gnaw on if he made even the slightest mistake. "Being cautious is one thing and being stupid is another."

Leonidas wisely kept his mouth shut. Reina stood up as she walked out of the tent with a hesitant king following behind closely.

"By bringing fewer men you only sabotage the only chance you may have had, a chance to defeat Persians and return home safely." Reina let her words sink as she stared at the moon. "Don't you have somebody who is waiting for you at home?"

"… My wife and my son." Leonidas answered softly.

"Is she beautiful?" Reina asked curiously.

"Very." He smiled. "Easily one of the most in Greece."

"Don't you want to embrace her again?" Reina asked. "You came to war determined to die for her. Instead, you should have prepared to survive and live through this war and to return to her."

Reina's words struck a chord within Leonidas and the Spartans, who were sitting outside listening to the conversation. Leonidas' eyes softened as he gritted his teeth before looking down in regret.

"It is too late. The council wouldn't approve of the reinforcements, and I already have help from other Greek states. One thousand soldiers from Phocians guarding the left flank passage and we have the aid from seven hundred Thespians soldiers as back-up who are waiting up the passage.-"

"It's not enough. You can only dream to win this war if you only have Faith you will. What makes you so sure that you will?" Reina spat. "And at what cost, lost men? Tears of your people crying over their dead fathers, brothers, and sons? This is war and you can not win it alone. You are all but a mortal and from my experience and the stories I have heard, even your 'Gods' can be killable."


"Are you not a king?" Reina asked doubtfully as the soldiers became anxious, struggling between their loyalty for their beloved king and general and their fear of this woman. "Are all leaders senile and unable to decide without the counseling of your 'Oh so revered Council?'. Hmm?... You are a king, you decide regarding war. No doubt your take advice and should listen to the plight of your people. But your people will die for you and your land and by denying their right to fight you are making a mockery of their patriotism."

Reina herself had an unpleasant experience with 'Council'. It was the same in Elemental Nations and especially in Konoha. To her, Kage was only a showpiece who let fat, greedy assholes control the reins when they aren't fighters, tacticians, or even versed in anything regarding the matters of diplomacy or shit.

'Apparently, it's the same everywhere.' Reina rolled her eyes.

"I… What should I do then?" Leonidas asked, his demeanor shaking as Reina smiled.

'But there is still hope.' Reina turned to Leonidas. "Take control."

"But there isn't enough time. It will take seven days to march back and 4 days on horses on horses and each able man is vital." Leonidas replied.

"Do you know that a unique breed of falcon travel called Peregrine Falcon can travel at the speed of 389 kilometers per hour?" Reina said in a wise tone but sighed as she looked at the confused face of the muscle-brained warrior king. "Sigh, at a steady pace, it can reach your city in two to three hours."

The Spartans gasped and began muttering. Leonidas pondered before questioning some valid issues.

"Where do we find that bird in a time like this?" He asked. "Also, I do not believe the council that barely heeds my words is going to take a message delivered a bird seriously."

"Who said a bird is going to deliver the message?" Reina smiled. "I will act as your messenger and your enforcer and an executioner to make sure an alliance is formed, and the reinforcements are as soon as possible."

"I… I do not understand." The king was very much baffled.

"You don't have to. You should see it for yourself." Reina smiled. "But before that, give me something that will act as the symbol of your will."

Leonidas thought for a while before he took out a necklace made of a Lion's claw and gave it to Reina.

"They say this belonged to Hercules. He made it himself after he slew the Nemean lion." He said as he looked at it with pride. "A powerful man, a Demi-god, said to be the son of Zeus. Someone I take pride in calling myself his descendant."

"I am sure he would be proud of you too." Reina said honestly. While she was unaware of Hercules and his lore or whatever, it seemed like he was like Hashirama Senju to these people. "Can you survive in my absence?"

Leonidas laughed heartily. This was the first time there was a shift in Reina's voice and eased his worries.

"I was doing just fine without your aid." He said arrogantly.

"Yeah, we're doing fine getting your ass kicked." Reina giggled for the first time and the beautiful sound entranced all the men. "Hehe. I will be off then. Do not give those brutes an inch, but rob them of everything. They have laid their greedy eyes on your land and people. It is up to you men to make sure you gouge their eyes out."

"Remember the difference between you and those animals. They fight because they want to take what they think, is entitled to them. You fight to protect what is rightfully yours! Give them hell!"

"Hoooo!" The Spartans roared, their morale boosted tenfold from Reina's speech.

Leonidas looked at Reina with admiration.

"If I survive this war, I am sure we will be greatest of friends." Leonidas said as he held up his spear.

"You better not die then; my friendship isn't easily earned, and dead-men earn nothing but themselves a place within the dirt and tombstones that fade away in time." Reina said, walking away as Leonidas nodded.

Then something happened that shocked both the king and his men into shock. Reina's body glowed as she began running. They watched as she transformed into a magnificent bird in front of their eyes. She circled the Spartans with a trill before turning and rushing into the direction that Leonidas had told her.

"By the Gods… Just who or rather… Just what is she?" Leonidas gasped while he and his men just gawked in awe.

Reina speeds up as she flew in the air. Her time in that 'Shithole' taught her many things this was one of the many things she was adept at since she was a mere child.

'True Transformation.' Reina thought she had achieved countless things with the aid of this simple but useful technique. 'Welp, there is work to do and time is the essence.'

'Ugh! I really need my well-deserved, relaxing bath!'

Perhaps there are more pressing matters than a fucking war. (A/N: -_-)


Yo, hope you liked this one. 3300+ words. I must pat myself on the back, I really outdid myself.

Tell me if there are any grammatical mistakes without flaming my ass, oui?

Look, forwards to the next one.


P.S.: Btw, lemons?... Anyone?

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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