
Chronicles Of Azaroth

Several centuries back, Azaroth the Alpha of Alpha werewolves, sealed his kind away for their cruel and bloodthirsty deeds on the human race. He walked the earth for over five hundred years constantly changing locations and taking the key to the seal with him due to his inability to age. He constantly fell into depression and loneliness feeling like his life didn't have any other purpose beyond protecting the key to the seal to make sure humanity remains free from the terrors of the creatures of the night. Even though he interacted with humans, he never allowed himself to form bonds with anyone... Until she came along. Felicia was a charismatic and popular girl on campus. Her life was perfect, with influential parents and two little brothers. She lacked nothing. Attention, power, wealth, beauty, everything was hers for the taking as a young adult. She had goals and dreams of traveling across the world, touring different kinds of places with popular ancient history quite different from what people would expect from someone who could have anything. Her first encounter with Azaroth was when he saved her from an accident and since then she had tried to make friends with him. She was a classmate in the college Azaroth attended in the present time, 2046. She slowly pushed her way into his life trying to know him better since she felt attracted to him. Azaroth remained hardheaded and kept trying to push her away. However as circumstances would have it, both of them would be pulled to each other by situations beyond their control. Azaroth would eventually find himself falling uncontrollably for this young, smart, caring, and charismatic girl. Just as their love story was starting to play out a disastrous situation occurred... ----- "The seal... It's broken," Azaroth's heart rate went up just as he sensed this. Felicia happened to have just finished sharing a passionate kiss with him under the basking glow of the moonlight. Her eyes widened as she witnessed Azaroth transform into a beast that was read to her as bedtime stories when she was younger. "Go home!" Azaroth's words boomed loudly in her ears as he bolted into the distance leaving her standing underneath a tree. She was filled with so much confusion and unanswered questions at the time. What she didn't know was, the creatures that once terrorized the nights shall walk the earth once again. Follow Felicia on a journey of discovery as she struggles to keep Azaroth in her life while also dealing with the newfound craziness of the world. Disclaimer: Mature contents will be displayed from time to time. POV also changes constantly between the MC and ML.

TimVic · Fantasy
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22 Chs

Getting His Contact

"I have about sixty-two pages of historical documentation here, you can check it out and add yours to it," He added while pushing the laptop towards her.

Felicia's eyes widened as she heard that and pulled the laptop towards her to check.

"Sixty-two? impossible," She couldn't believe her eyes as she kept scrolling to check.

She had come here with the intention that they would have to make a lot of research and check for historical books in the libraries to further their research.

Her compilation were documentations she had been researching over the years due to her love for history. She only had about thirty-seven pages of this, so it was unexpected that Azaroth had way more.

This assignment was only just coming in so she believed this was something he must have compiled a long time ago.

'Does he also love history?' She couldn't believe her eyes as she stared at the detailed reports of different events.

Events that she had never even heard of.

'He must be a lover of history as well,' Felicia was both excited and dissatisfied at the same time. She couldn't believe she was bested in history which made her feel a little dissatisfied while she was happy that Azaroth was similar to her which just made her attraction towards him increase.

However, what she didn't know was Azaroth wasn't a lover of history... He was a witness of history. He had seen lots of civilization rise and fall. He had lived in most of these times and witnessed some of these events personally.

Felicia noted the titles of these documentations and realized that everything she had mentioned was also inputted within.

It took her a whole twenty minutes to sort through these scanning them as fast she could and when she was done the only expression on her face was that of surprise.

"How do you have all these?" She asked.

"I did my research," Azaroth answered bluntly.

"But I have been researching for years and this is as much information as I was able to get..." She pointed at her laptop as she voiced out with a disbelieving tone.

"Then I guess you just don't know where to source for information," Azaroth added with an unbothered tone.

"...I... Hmm... most of these old historical documentations has been scattered and filtered across town, some have even gotten lost over the years so it's hard to conduct proper research... I even went as far as asking old folks that have lived here their entire lives," Felicia had a dissatisfied expression on her face as she spoke.

"Since we have yours now, mine isn't needed,"

She closed her laptop after saying that.

"Now we have Sixty-two pages... we just need about ten more... Should we source for history books in the libraries... we have the college library, the island library, and some other local libraries scattered around, maybe there is something we missed?" Felicia asked with a contemplative expression.

"There's no point to that... This is as far back the history of Merilyn Island goes," Azaroth stated with a look of certainty.

For some reason, Felicia didn't doubt his statement. The way Azaroth spoke gave off a kind of powerful feel that removed every form of internal doubt.

"So what do we do?" Felicia was distraught over the current predicament.

Other students in their class got different projects on other places' history but theirs just happened to be based on this island.

Azaroth wasn't even bothered. He didn't mind submitting the project this way even though they hadn't met the quota but Felicia was quite the perfectionist when it came to history-related topics. She wasn't going to let things end this way.

"I have an idea," She suddenly voiced out after a few minutes of thinking.

Azaroth sat up a little to pretend like he had any interest in this.

"How about we travel to different historical spots of high significance and take a picture of how they look now," Felicia stated.

"We have a few images in your documentation but these images only display the past looks of these spots... let's visit these locations and take pictures of the present and add it to our project," Felicia finished explaining.

'Oh, that's quite smart...' Even though Azaroth wasn't really interested, he was amazed that she thought of this.

"Good idea... What places do you suggest?" Azaroth questioned while a big smile appeared on Felicia's face.

'This is going to be our first outing together...' The excitement building up within her was so high that she couldn't stop giggles from escaping her lips.

'She's quite passionate about this...' Azaroth misinterpreted her giggles as he thought.


About an hour later they both arrived at a part of the island where a massive scientific laboratory facility was located.

It was shaped to look like a conical flask and the upper part resembled a tower.

This facility had up to two hundred floors and was the largest scientific laboratory on the island. This happened to be the location where the first science research lab was created.

This same lab helped cure a chronic sea infection that affected the island about a hundred years ago. At that time it was just a small bungalow building but now it had been developed into one of the best medical research facilities in this world.

This just happened to be where Felicia's mum worked.

Azaroth got out of the car with Felicia. They had transported themselves here using her car. Azaroth had to leave his car behind in school.

The eyes that were on him from the moment he was seen walking with Felicia down to her car made him feel uncomfortable.

The stares even increased when he got into her car before they drove off.

Azaroth could not wait for this to get done and over with so he could go back to being unnoticed.

Felicia brought out a small camera and began taking pictures of the vicinity. Although there were security guards, none of them stopped her after recognizing who she was.

Felicia went on to pull Azaroth with her into the building and they moved towards different spots within, taking photographs.

Initially, Felicia wanted Azaroth to meet her mum but she was told her mum was having a meeting so they left to another location after taking a few more pictures.

In the next five hours, they had managed to visit about three more places and took loads and loads of photographs.

Azaroth held the list in his hands and crossed out a location after they left any place.

On the list, there were about fifteen locations written down and so far they had only visited four.

Azaroth realized that this would take longer than today to finish up.

'Sigh,' He sighed internally. He would have preferred it if he was grouped with an unserious student like always but it just had to be Felicia who happened to be a history freak.

It would take them at least three days to complete this. Since the island was very big, it was impossible to travel to all the locations they picked in a single day.

Getting to some places would take nothing less than two hours of driving.

After checking out the fifth location they returned to college.

It was almost 9 pm at this time so the skies were dark. The entire college premises were empty and mild winds blew from time to time.

The beautiful looking stars in the sky with the outline of the glistening crescent-shaped moon along with the quiet environment gave off a peaceful vibe.

Azaroth got down from Felicia's car and turned around to move towards his.


Felicia suddenly called out to him while coming out of her car.

Azaroth paused his footsteps and slightly turned around, "Yes?"

"I don't have your phone number, please can I get it?" She asked politely.

"...Sure," Azaroth hesitated a little bit before bringing out his smartphone and walking towards her.

He passed it to her, "I don't know the number so just add yours," He stated.

Felicia received his phone with a nod and opened it to put her number in.

'What? No call history? No saved number...' Felicia resisted the urge to voice out as her expression changed.

She turned around to hide the look on her face while typing out her number, 'My number is the first saved number on his phone... Just how lonely must he be,'

This revelation didn't give Felicia any joy, instead, it made her feel pity.

She used his phone to call hers and saved his number after it appeared on her smartphone screen.

She was glad that she finally got his number but she felt the need to get closer to him now after finding out that he had not a single contact saved on his phone.

She slowly turned around after hiding emotions from her face and passed Azaroth's phone back to him.

"I'll text you when we're to meet next," She said with a sweet smile before getting back into her convertible pink Luxurious-looking car.

"Sure," Azaroth turned around after this exchange and walked towards his car by the side.

"Bye," Felicia voiced out before starting her engine.

One car looked so clean and beautiful while the other looked like one you wouldn't want to get a ride in even if it was being given for free.

Of course, the latter belonged to Azaroth, however, he didn't seem to care about this as he got into his car and zoomed off into the distance.

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