
Chronicles Of Azaroth

Several centuries back, Azaroth the Alpha of Alpha werewolves, sealed his kind away for their cruel and bloodthirsty deeds on the human race. He walked the earth for over five hundred years constantly changing locations and taking the key to the seal with him due to his inability to age. He constantly fell into depression and loneliness feeling like his life didn't have any other purpose beyond protecting the key to the seal to make sure humanity remains free from the terrors of the creatures of the night. Even though he interacted with humans, he never allowed himself to form bonds with anyone... Until she came along. Felicia was a charismatic and popular girl on campus. Her life was perfect, with influential parents and two little brothers. She lacked nothing. Attention, power, wealth, beauty, everything was hers for the taking as a young adult. She had goals and dreams of traveling across the world, touring different kinds of places with popular ancient history quite different from what people would expect from someone who could have anything. Her first encounter with Azaroth was when he saved her from an accident and since then she had tried to make friends with him. She was a classmate in the college Azaroth attended in the present time, 2046. She slowly pushed her way into his life trying to know him better since she felt attracted to him. Azaroth remained hardheaded and kept trying to push her away. However as circumstances would have it, both of them would be pulled to each other by situations beyond their control. Azaroth would eventually find himself falling uncontrollably for this young, smart, caring, and charismatic girl. Just as their love story was starting to play out a disastrous situation occurred... ----- "The seal... It's broken," Azaroth's heart rate went up just as he sensed this. Felicia happened to have just finished sharing a passionate kiss with him under the basking glow of the moonlight. Her eyes widened as she witnessed Azaroth transform into a beast that was read to her as bedtime stories when she was younger. "Go home!" Azaroth's words boomed loudly in her ears as he bolted into the distance leaving her standing underneath a tree. She was filled with so much confusion and unanswered questions at the time. What she didn't know was, the creatures that once terrorized the nights shall walk the earth once again. Follow Felicia on a journey of discovery as she struggles to keep Azaroth in her life while also dealing with the newfound craziness of the world. Disclaimer: Mature contents will be displayed from time to time. POV also changes constantly between the MC and ML.

TimVic · Fantasy
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22 Chs

Video Call With The Girls

For the next three days, Azaroth and Felicia spent a lot of time together after their lectures.

They moved from place to place all across the island taking pictures of spots with historical significance.

Some places that used to exist before no longer existed again but they still took pictures of these spots. The whole purpose of all this was to show how these places looked in the present time so it didn't matter if the structure was no longer in existence, replaced by a new one.

The first pizza store also no longer existed. It was now a business administration. Felicia still took pictures of this business administration and after they were done they moved on to another location.

In the past where the island was attacked by the Shabobas', there was a barn that was turned into a stronghold for the weaker and less privileged citizens on the island.

They visited this spot as well and took pictures of what had now become a three-star hotel.

Azaroth just kept tagging along and would occasionally be given the camera to take pictures of places sometimes.

He had no idea how to use a camera even though he was well versed in almost everything due to age. Mostly this was because he tried to stay away from anything that could bring him to the spotlight which included cameras.

However, Felicia used this chance to teach him how to use it and introduced him to social media which he told her bluntly that he wasn't interested in.

She explained to him that he didn't need to post anything or add anyone, he could just be there checking information from time to time about things because information traveled faster on social media.

Using this opportunity she added herself to his friend list so she could message him easily now.

Even though Azaroth found this whole thing bothersome, he couldn't deny that being in Felicia's presence was quite interesting.

Azaroth was mostly quiet but she would keep yapping away non-stop. He wondered if she was this way with everyone and was surprised that people didn't find her annoying.

What he didn't know was Felicia was just trying to get through to him. She wanted to know more about him but she didn't want to push too deep.

His lonely gaze at times always spoke to her that there was more to him than met the eyes.

However, no matter what she tried, Azaroth wouldn't open up to her. She had noticed that he did find her company more bearable than before based on her reading of his expressions but this still didn't help her in trying to get through to him.

She wanted them to take pictures together several times and it ended up failing because Azaroth always declined to be in pictures.

The day ended once again and Azaroth moved back to his home as did Felicia.

The next day would be their last day working on the project together. They had just one more location left to visit but it would take at least three hours of driving to get there and they would spend another three hours driving back. So it was literally a six hours journey and they would still have to take the pictures and get back to college to do the necessary compilations, edits, and other stuff.

Luckily they didn't have any lectures tomorrow so this wouldn't be much of an issue to complete since they would have enough time.

At this point, they already had enough to complete the project but they still wanted to add this location to it because it was one of the places with the highest historical significance on the island.


Felicia laid on her bed after dinner and sighed as she rolled from side to side along the Queen sized bed.

Her room was decorated with ribbons and flower patches across the walls along with some girlish posters.

It was so big that it could be mistaken for a living room. She had about two shelves placed by the left side that had books stacked together. A large-sized computer on her reading table and a piano placed on the right side. Even though it seemed like her room was full of different kinds of stuff, it was big enough to make it look a little scanty.

After moving from side to side across the bed, Felicia opened her eyes and sighed before reaching out for her phone placed on the side.

It was currently ten pm and she was unable to sleep.

Felicia used her fingers to push the strands of hair covering her face to the side before tapping on her phone screen.

Beep! Beep!

Messages began popping in, the moment she came online on the social media call 'Kannect'

-"How you doing girlie *Smirk emoji*

-"Hey I want to take you out for dinner on Tuesday, what do you say? *Wink emoji*

-"Bitch you think you're so great you decided not to respond to any of my texts again?" *angry face emoji*

Felicia ignored the one thousand eight hundred plus messages from different guys all across campus and on the island trying to get a word in.

Most of them seemed quite thirsty to her so she only responded to those who messaged normally.

She located her three friends' messages amongst the crowd of messages.

-"How is it going Feli? What time are you leaving tomorrow with him," *Nicole*

-"We're coming over by morning," *Candice*

-"OMG girl they said you're dating that hottie, what was his name again... Jonathan?" *Avery*

The instant she saw these messages a smile appeared on her face as she began responding to them.

"We leave by noon,"

"I'll be expecting you girls... Make sure you arrive early,"

"No we're not dating lol he barely even talks to me,"

The girls continued to chat for a few minutes before starting a group video call. Felicia shook her head with a wry smile on her face as she picked the call.

"Don't you girls sleep?"

Giggles burst forth from Felicia's speaker as the girls began to laugh and converse with each other.

The video call went on for about thirty minutes and Felicia noticed it was already forty minutes past ten pm.

-"He was so hot but his member down there was just too small to..."

"Girls girls we can continue this chat in the morning tomorrow, I need to sleep now," Felicia called out to them.

-"Oh come on it's just a few minutes to eleven, it's not even late yet," Avery was the first to voice out.

-"Don't be unreasonable Ave, she's gotta go to bed on time because tomorrow would be a busy day for her still," Candice stated next.

-"Of course the day will be busy... it would be busy spent with Jonathan," A playful smirk appeared on Nicole's face as she voiced out causing all four girls to burst out in laughter.

"Stop with that y'all... He doesn't even see me," Felicia voiced out with a low tone.

-"Hmm but you do see him... Looks like we're dealing with unrequited feelings here," Nicole said while raising one eyebrow.

"What? who said anything about feelings?" Felicia quickly turned defensive after hearing that.

-"Girl you think we're dumb? For the past three days it's been Jonathan this, Jonathan that... we can tell you're starting to fall for him," Candice added.

-"He is really hot though so I kinda understand," Avery said with a dreamy gaze.

"Girls stop, you all are jumping to conclusions... we're working on a project together remember?" Felicia shouted out before realizing that it was night.

She quickly covered her mouth as her eyes slightly widened while she looked around.

The girls chuckled upon seeing her reaction.

-"Okay we believe..."


-"...That you like him,"

It hadn't even been a second that Felicia sighed in relief before the sentence was finished with a meaning contradictory to what she thought.

"Girls!" She shouted out uncontrollably again before covering her mouth after realizing causing the girls to throw in another fit of laughter.

"Stop it..." She said with a slightly shy expression while recalling Azaroth.

-"But we are right... you do like him so make sure you try and be more assertive," Candice advised.