
Chronicles of Asura

Alexander endured a thousand hardships without fear, but in the end, everything he held dear was taken from him. Now this young man would become a weapon to wipe those who had harmed him from the face of the earth, a legend on the path between Elysium and Earth. What happened at the end of the road was irrelevant. Alexander wanted to be the ruler who decided.

SageGumiho · Fantasy
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52 Chs

Chapter 24: Mission (2)

After getting the details about the mission and the target, Alexander got the supplies he needed from the warehouse. This mission was not an easy one. There would be many powerful specialists protecting Draegan, a Chancellor of Aldmoor.

This was not a simple task.

It was almost impossible to attack and escape.

After completing all his preparations, he took a strong Fergana Horse and set off. The duration of the mission was a month, but it would only take him a week to get there. Even with a Fergana Horse, it would be an arduous journey, so it was best to leave early.

Although Alexander left the Black Dragon Camp, he had no intention of escaping. It was like software that was hardwired into him. There was no room in his mind for thoughts of leaving the Black Dragon Camp.

After all, for years he had been brainwashed by the Black Dragon Camp and the Shadow Cathedral. Orders were the only purpose of his life.

Thanks to the superior strength of the Fergana Horse, Alexander reached the Drachen Hills within a day. The Drachen Hills were the closest mountain range to the Heavenly Mountains where the Black Dragon Camp was located. It was like a river bisecting this part of Elysium.

The Aldmoor Kingdom was on the other side of this mountain range.

Alexander rested for half a day in the Drachen Hills and then set off again.

There was a monster wolf moving around. Today it was keeping its eyes on a person because it was extra hungry. The figure was constantly moving on a black horse. The wolf hesitated but realized that this figure's movements were a bit strange. He also felt uneasy for some reason. So he changed his direction, obviously, this hunt was not for him.

The sun set and the moon rose.

Four times this was repeated and the imposing walls appeared on the horizon. The city of Aldmoor was huge. Aldmoor's glorious flag hung from the walls, soaring high into the sky. The officers guarding the gate were armored to the teeth, examining the documents with iron spears in their hands.

Alexander went into the forest before entering the main road and came out again disguised as a short, middle-aged adventurer.

Disguise was one of the first skills they were taught.

He took the Fergana Horse by the rope and walked calmly into the queue. After waiting for a while, it was his turn. He showed the officer the fake entry document he had prepared beforehand and entered the city without much difficulty.

Aldmoor was very crowded. All kinds of creatures were moving and interacting in the crowded streets. Not very tall buildings were the first thing that greeted him. But as he got closer to the heart of the city, the height of the buildings increased exponentially.

There was a huge square in the heart of the city. Just behind the square was a large building, the width of a football field. This was the parliament building where the main decisions of the congress were taken.

Alexander didn't want to attract too much attention, so after a quick look around, he visited a nearby inn and started gathering information. A middle-aged adventurer kept a low profile. So it didn't take him long to get the information he needed.

His target, Draegan Roseberg, rarely left his mansion because of the riots in the back streets. The only thing that took him out of his mansion was the meetings of the congress. It was not easy being a chancellor, but he seemed to be getting quite comfortable.

Alexander spent the first day just gathering information. Patience was the greatest quality of an assassin. Alexander and the other students faced deadly trials to develop their patience. Just for these days.

Draegan's mansion was in an upscale neighborhood in the hinterlands of Aldmoor, with a small hill behind it and ten stories of magic towers in front of it. The neighborhood was unsuitable for an attack. The guards kept watching day and night.

Trying to infiltrate it was suicide, so he had to create an opportunity. The sun set after Alexander had finished his first day like this. Before curfew, Alexander went to his room and strategized a suitable strategy for the assassination.

When dawn came, he was on the move again.

He spent the next few days just watching the Roseberg guards. As far as he could see, only the mansion guards could enter the mansion.

He memorized his working hours and set himself a goal.


Carson Fletcher was a middle-aged knight serving Draegan Roseberg. He had married and settled down soon after graduating from the knighthood academy at a young age. He lived happily with his wife of twenty years.

It was an ordinary shift change as usual. On his way home after reporting at the end of his shift, everything seemed normal. But suddenly his whole life was turned upside down as a hand emerged from the darkness and pulled him into the darkness.

Where was he?

It was dark everywhere.

The nose-burning smell of urine made him gasp for breath. His mind began to ache from the smell.

What was going on?

Was he kidnapped?

But why?

Suddenly the blindfold covering his eyes came off. The pale flame of the torch illuminated a middle-aged man. In his hand were silver needles of various sizes.

"What's your name?"

"Who the hell are you?"

Carson realized that his hands were tied tightly to the chair restraints. Normally these ropes wouldn't hold him, but strangely he couldn't move his body.

"You don't want to make it difficult for me. Just answer my questions."

"The price for kidnapping a knight of Master Roseberg... ARRGHH! Ca-Carson! Please stop it!"

The silver needle stabbed into his fingers and stimulated the nerves at their tips. Carson suddenly screamed, tears wetting his face.

"All right, Carson. Now you're going to answer the questions I ask you. And I'm going to leave you alone so you can go back to your family."

The pain had already chained his mind. Carson could only shake his head, unable to say anything. This pain was too much.

"All right. Spill all you know about your hobbies, your friends, your acquaintances in the manor, your enemies, important people in the Roseberg manor and Chancellor Roseberg. Don't worry, no one will know you did it. You don't need to jeopardize your life and your family's life for them, do you?"

Carson continued to moan in pain.

"Got it! Please let me go!"

The killing intent in the middle-aged man's eyes made Carson shudder. It took him seconds to spill what he knew. After he had said everything, he looked at the middle-aged man with a pitiful expression.

His gaze seemed to work.

The middle-aged man removed the silver needle from Carson's finger and untied the ropes with a dagger.

"In exchange for your knowledge, I'll give you a chance to live. Go and live a quiet life."

"O-Okay. Thank you!"

Rubbing his wrists, Carson jumped up and started to leave. But he hadn't taken a second step when the dagger cleanly pierced his heart. Carson was stunned. He turned his head and looked into the middle-aged man's emotionless eyes.


It was the only word that could describe him.

Carson realized it when he was on the verge of death.

His survival was impossible from the beginning. It was all a game of the middle-aged man. He had used his will to survive as a tool to get what he wanted, to give him hope.

It was going to end in death anyway.

Without another glance at Carson's body, the middle-aged man pulled out the dagger. With another cut, he separated Carson's head from his body and left after taking what he needed.