
Chronicles of an Otherworlder

George was a man who hated his life, but fate gave him a second chance by transporting him to another world. One were magic, sorcery and different species and monsters existed. Follow George in his quest to become the strongest!

Retr0van · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Hunted! [Forest Survival arc]

I woke up the next day because of a strange pain on my face.

When I opened my eyes I saw a black and white coloured bird sitting on top of my chin.

When I looked at it, it stared back at me.

'This bird's kinda cute' I thought to myself.

But my predictions were more than wrong as it shitted on my face and flew away.

"F*cking bird!" I cried aloud.

After cleaning my face with some leaves and a small amount of water from my bottle, the smell still remained.

I cursed the bird some more and began checking everything I had on me once more to confirm that nothing got stolen while I was asleep.

I ate a portion of the bread I got while searching the dead bodies from before and drank some water.

I was good on food, but I was quickly using up the water I had.

After leaving the shelter to scout the area around me and to locate a water source, all I could see was trees and more trees.

As time began to pass, I began to panic.

'Will I die of dehydration?' was the only thought on my mind.

At first I was very careful of not making too much noise to not attract the animals around me, but as my fear grew I began to care less about it.

After running for hours aimlessly, I still was not able to locate a river.

I ate some more of the bread and drank only a small amount of water.

I checked the bottle, and the water I had left was only good enough to last until the night.

After losing all of my hope, I proceeded to head back and that's when I realized, I don't know how to get back!

Looking around me, everything was similar and I couldn't remember where I came from.

"Damn, am I gonna die like this?"

Memories of my previous life flashed before my eyes and the more I thought about it, the more angrier I got.

"NO!... NEVER!... I refuse to die like this!"

I'm not going to give up on this life so easily like I did previously.

With a blazing determination in my heart I set out to build a new shelter from scratch again.

As I was gathering the materials I noticed something weird.

Usually the forest was filled with the sound of birds and insects, but strangely I was no longer able to hear any of those.

I looked around me and not a single bird or insect was to be seen.

Suddenly I heard the sound of grass moving.

I gripped tight on the knives I had on my hands to face my opponent.

Sweat poured down from my face to the ground and I was shaking with fear.

After a while I saw a wolf in front of me slowly coming out of the bushes.

'The nearby birds and insects might have ran away because they could detect it'

Saliva was dripping from its mouth and I could instantly tell that it was hungry for food.

Judging from the size of the wolf, I was 100% sure that I was not going to win this, so the only option I had was to run.

But running will expose my back, leaving me vulnerable to attacks and for an opponent like the wolf, it was just a matter of time before it catches up to a seven year old boy.

Since I was holding a pair of knives, the wolf was a bit uncertain to make the first move, so instead of directly attacking it walked very slowly towards me.

Even though I was at the limit of pissing on my pants from fear, I did not let it show on my face.

As the wolf started getting closer to me, I started to slowly move back.



My back suddenly hitted a tree!

A sense of fear ran through my spine as I soon realized that I had been cornered!

It seems that the wolf wanted this to happen as I could sense a strange sense of happiness from it.

The moment the wolf realized I was cornered, it charged at me.

Suddenly I experienced a weird sense of rush from my brain to my legs and before I knew it my body moved on its own and evaded the attack.

The wolf was absolutely confused as to what had happened and the same goes for me.

I was absolutely sure that I was going to die there but somehow I managed to dodge that!

But even then I was not able to dodge it completely as the wolf managed to injure my left hand and I was excessively bleeding from it.

'Sh*t, this is not good, I was already tired to begin with. I can't afford to lose anymore blood'

I pressed my right hand on the injury to stop the bleeding, but the wound was too deep and showed no signs of stopping.

Meanwhile, the wolf was preparing for its second attack and I knew that running away from the wolf was my only chance at survival even though it was really risky.

I turned my body and ran towards the direction where the trees were more dense.

As the wolf was closing the gap between us I used the advantage of my small body and moved through small openings between the trees.

Even though I was creating some distance between us, the wolf instantly overcame it with its speed and agility.

On top of this, I was getting extremely tired.

The wolf suddenly stopped chasing me and looked up at the sky to howl.

I once heard someone say that wolves generally don't hunt alone but they hunt in a pack and it seems to be quite true.

When I looked back out of curiosity, I saw a total of five wolves chasing after me!