
Chronicles of an Otherworlder

George was a man who hated his life, but fate gave him a second chance by transporting him to another world. One were magic, sorcery and different species and monsters existed. Follow George in his quest to become the strongest!

Retr0van · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Getting ready [Forest Survival arc]

I immediately started to look around my surroundings for the things I needed the most but I did not know where to begin.

At that moment I noticed the carriage that had already been ransacked by bandits.

'There may still be a possibility of finding something usable in that carriage' I thought to myself.

I approached the carriage and noticed a huge symbol etched on its body.

The symbol had a sword and shield, and some text under it.

"Rodriguez" I read it aloud.

'Am I related to this family? Was the lady and her son headed to the Rodriguez family? Will they come looking for me if I just stay in this forest?' hundreds of such questions ran through my mind but I couldn't care less about any of those as I noticed a bottle inside the carriage.

I picked it up and opened it to find a bottle filled with fresh drinkable water.

I searched the carriage some more but couldn't find anything more on it, 'looks like the bandits wiped it clean'.

Then I proceeded to check the dead bodies lying around and lucky for me, I found some bread to eat.

As I was not starving I chose to save it.

But for doing that, I needed a container and I was easily able to find one pouch on the dead body of a bandit.

After storing them I was good on both water and food.

Now it was time for deciding which weapon I would be using.

As there were tons of dead bodies of people who were fighters, finding weapons was as easy as looking for children in a school.

I began looking at all the weapons lying on the ground.

The first weapon to catch my attention was the sword.

Sword is a very balanced weapon since it has a reasonable attack range and deals high damage. But the problem is that it's too heavy and big for my body.

This was the same problem I had with a spear, blades, hammer, mace and axe lying around.

But there was one weapon that could be wielded by even this weak body, a knife!

It has a short range and is only good for assassinations or as a last resort. But right now it was the only weapon that I could use and there was a lot of it near me.

I collected about 4 knives from the dead bodies which were more than enough to ensure my safety.

I carried two knives on my hands and tied the rest of them on my thighs with a cloth as a replacement.

But right now there was one more problem, which was my clothes.

The clothes I was wearing were soft and expensive but they were easily noticeable in this forest because of their bright colour.

Since I don't want to attract any unwanted attention from the animals nearby I had to wear a cloth that blended with the surroundings.

I looked around for a cloth that fitted me but the only thing I could find was the clothes on the dead bodies that were twice my size and soaked in blood.

Staying undetectable was one of my top priorities as I did not want to take on any unwanted fights.

So it only left me with one single option, make my dress blend with the surroundings.

I took some water from the bottle and mixed it with the soil.

Then I proceeded to rub the dirt on my clothes.

As much as it pained me to ruin my perfectly fine clothes, this was a sacrifice that I was willing to make as safety comes first.

I was not able to coat the entire dress with the amount of dirt I had, but it was fine.

With food and water on my pouch placed on my hips, 2 knives on my hand and another 2 of them tied to my thighs using a cloth and my entire dress which was covered in dirt to blend with the surroundings, I was ready to head out.

I approached the corpse of the women and prayed for her, "Hope you also get a chance to reincarnate"

I left her body lying there with a heavy heart, but it was no time to regret as I had a bigger mission, to SURVIVE and reach the Rodriguez family.

Night was soon approaching and it made the entire place hard to see.

As moving around in an unknown place at night was extremely dangerous I hurried to look for a temporary shelter.

I walked cautiously looking at all my directions every time for any enemies and to spot a shelter.

I knew subconsciously that if I made a single mistake then that was it for me, and I surely did not want to die again.

As I began looking around for a shelter time began to pass quickly and the darker it got.

Finally after realizing that I was not going to find a shelter accidentally like some Isekai MC's, I gave up.

If I was not able to find one then I will make one.

I collected some big branches that looked sturdy enough lying on the ground to make a tent-like structure.

I did not have any clothes to use as a roof, so I had to compensate for that with a big leaf.

As my body was really small, I only had to build a small shelter which made the construction much easier.

It didn't take much longer for the entire forest to become dark and there were all kinds of insects making noises at night.

In a way it was nice to hear all those noises since I would have felt much lonelier without it.

After some time it started to get cold and I didn't have any blankets to protect me either, so the only thing I could do was to endure it.

I missed my pillows, my blanket and my bed, but right now I could not afford any of those luxuries.

As I closed my eyes and pretended to fall asleep, I began to recall the memories of my previous life. I remembered Emma, Benjamin, my boss, my friends and the old man.

Now that I was remembering my previous life, the only moments that stood out were my time with Emma and the last few days before my death.

This made me realize just how boring my life was for over 30 years and made me more determined to correct the mistakes of my past, in this life at least.

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