
Chronicles of an Otherworlder

George was a man who hated his life, but fate gave him a second chance by transporting him to another world. One were magic, sorcery and different species and monsters existed. Follow George in his quest to become the strongest!

Retr0van · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Confession [Murder at Apartment arc]

"Oh hey Emma"

"Good morning, George"

'WTF!!!, What do I do, my heart's beating like crazy!'

George didn't have a clue how to have a proper conversation with a woman. The only time he talks to his female co-workers was for work related matters, but never for friendly talks.

George just kept standing in front of the elevator like a statue and there was an awkwardness in the atmosphere.

But thankfully Emma broke the silence by taking the initiative to talk, "So, you gonna get inside or what?".

"Oh sorry", George quickly hopped in and the awkward silence was once again created.

Emma in terms of beauty was just 7/10 but it was her kind behavior, her smile and submissiveness that made most of the male employees in the company feel attracted to her.

"Hey, so why did you come out of the boss's room, did you fail to submit your project?"

"No, it's not like that"

"Then why were you called inside?"

"It was to tell me that I'm fired"

"YOU ARE FIRED?", Emma exclaimed


"But how could the boss do that, I mean you were really good at your work"

"Stop it", George said in a gentle tone, "I know you're just trying to comfort me. Anyone would have known that I had a suspension waiting around the corner, it was just a matter of time"

Emma felt sad for him and said, "Well if you need my help in the future be sure to tell me"


The elevator door opened again and they were on the first floor. George was the first to get out the elevator as he was really tensed by the fact of being inside a closed space with his crush.

"Oops, I forgot tell you congratulations on the wedding Emma"

"Aww... Thank you"

With a smile she left George and began walking away. He stood there and saw her disappearing from his sight.

'What the hell am I doing? I made a promise to myself that I would change myself and here I'm just standing like a stone? Yeah, f*ck this I'm gonna tell her how I feel no matter what'.

With his mind made up he shouted her name at the top of his lungs to get her attention.


The plan certainly worked, he got her attention... along with everyone on the first floor.

'Sh*t, now everyone's looking at me'.

George could feel the stairs of more than 50 people on the first floor directed at him, this made him nervous yes but it wasn't enough for him to back down yet. He was determined that he would turn his life around.

He walked towards her and everyone including Emma was anticipating his next action.

"Emma, I wanted to tell you this for a long time but I know that it's probably late", He looked at her eyes and he could tell that she already knew what was coming.

"Emma I-I love you, I loved you for a long time but never got the chance to tell you, but now I'm super late but still I wanted to tell you this"

Everyone on the floor was shocked but not Emma as she already knew that he had a crush on her.

"Sorry George but even if I was not married I wouldn't have accepted you".

She didn't want to say it since she did not want to hurt his feelings. But this could only have gone one way and both of them knew that this was the only end.

'Why, Why did I even get my hopes up for this? What did I even think was going to happen?'

Even though George wanted to cry there he stopped himself and looked at her, "Well it's totally fine, you're married anyway", those words came out of his mouth rather weakly but he managed to force out a smile on his face.

"I'm sure you will get a woman who is better than me in the future", said Emma as she tried to comfort George.

'Yeah, that's what most of the nice girl's say after rejecting a guy'.

"Sure, well it's getting late now, I better get going"

"Bye then"

The crowd gathered at the first floor was mocking and picking at George for what he had said as he was leaving the company. "Dude, that's super disrespectful, I mean she is married you know?", one said and the people near him all agreed unanimously.

Watching all these crazy events unfold from the top floor, James muttered to himself, "What the hell happened to you?"