
Chronicles of an Otherworlder

George was a man who hated his life, but fate gave him a second chance by transporting him to another world. One were magic, sorcery and different species and monsters existed. Follow George in his quest to become the strongest!

Retr0van · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Changing fate [Murder at Apartment arc]

(Authors note: All the sentence's under single quotes are the MC's thoughts while everything under double quotes are conversations)

"Sir, I want paid leave for a month"

"WHAAAT !!!"

'The man who shouted at the top of his lungs just now was my boss, John Smith' (Authors note: I know the names of the characters are generic). 'He is usually very cheerful, supportive and easy to get along with but when it comes to work he is like Hitler'.

"George, do you have any idea how crazy that sounds?"

"I know sir"


"I have some personal reasons"

"Do you have a family?"

"No sir"

"Do you have a girl friend?"

"No sir"

At this point Smith let out a long sigh. On top of being tired from his mountain of work, after hearing George's ridiculous demand he felt that 2 years of his life had suddenly disappeared. Smith looked into George's eyes, he saw a burning fire of determination he had never seen before in him.

"So, are you going to tell me why you want to take a month of paid leave"

"I'm afraid I can't tell you anymore than the fact that its a personal reason"

'I already know you're not going to give me permission since I have a bad history of taking too many off-days and being lazy during work hours, so its just going to be a waste telling you the reason'

"I'm sorry George, but if you're not going to cooperate with me I can't give you what you asked for"

"Then I want to quit sir"

Hearing this Smith was really surprised, "Wha-, I-I don't understand this, why are you doing this?". The reply to his question came out quickly as if George was waiting for him to ask this, "For proving a point sir".

"And what point could that be?"

"That I can change my fate sir"

Smith over his 32 years of experience in the company had met various types of people and heard different types answers, but none of them came remotely as strange as what George had said. He knew deep in his heart looking at George's face that his decision could not be changed and finally gave in, "Fine then, you go do what you want, but remember this, you won't be able to return here after you leave here".

"I know that sir", George replied without a hesitation

"Very well, it was nice knowing you"

"You too, Jason"

"Oh, so you quickly adjusted to the changes huh"

"Yep". At that moment George had a big smile on his face almost as if he was freed from a cage.

Walking out of the department head's room George had various things on his mind like finding a new job and the reason for the request of a month's leave, Finding the true culprit behind the death of the old man. He was never able to apologize to him, so he wanted to at least do this much. The police had already dropped the case so if he wanted to get justice he had to do it himself.

And on top of this he was called to police station because the CCTV in front of the apartment identified him as the last person to be in contact with the old man before his death. Questioning a few people related to the case was just a façade for the public since the police have no interest or pressure from the top to continue this case, so its more than likely that this case is going to end up as an 'unsolved case'.

But even if the police are not serious about the case one should go to the police station if they are called, so it was better to hurry quickly.

George took a look around the company and took in a deep breath and smiled. No more was he trapped inside this cage, no more will he be stuck doing the same paperwork's over and over. He smiled, but reality quickly dawned on him as he thought what he would do after quitting the company for a living.

'Well, lets not not think about pointless things like that. I will just think about that later'.

Still in his thoughts he approached the elevator and pushed the button. After 10 seconds the door opened and there she was, his crush!