
The New Dawn

Night came as the sound of insects greeted him as silence shrouds the entire forest. After setting up a fire and a tent, he immediately began pouring the magical equipments and items he looted from the ruins. After sorting through it, he found 22 magical items, 13 materials for magical purposes and 6 ordinary items. Among the magical items he found, half of them are items used for repairing, maintaining and calibrating a Teleportation Circle. The other half consisted of 4 magical blades, 1 magical bow, 2 magical items capable of producing fresh breathable air and 4 magical items of unknown purposes. The ordinary items he found are ordinary based on the perspective of a mage of old. After spending time on tinkering with them, he failed to know their usage and just kept all his loot at his storage item.

Then next came are the books. There are a total of 119 books and at his joy, all were written with the language of Ancient Mage Tongue. Modern mages studied this language for the purpose of reading ancient books and he himslef studied the language once when he was at the magic academy.

The books are all about spacetime magic anf its basics along with the creation of teleportation circles and whatnot. At once he felt genuine joy at the bottom of his heart. Spacetime magic are magic lost to time, and only mages of high status have access to it. And here he is, reading the introductory to spacetime magic.

As he read, he also started experimenting with the knowledge he learned. The results? Nothing. If spacetime magic is east to learn then the mages of old aren't worthy of respect.

As time passed, he felt that something is watching him as he looked at his surroundings and saw nothing. Well, his instincts screamed at him that there is something there so he immediately cast the wind spell Sensory Wind. The spell Sensory Wind summons a wind all around the user and disperse it towards the user's surrounding. The air then bounces of the surrounding returns with the information. Of course the information received from the Sensory Wind is hard to understand so modern mages found a way to understand it thoroughly.

He casted the spell Inner Mind, a spell that calms one's mind and arranges the user's thoughts as the results of Sensory Wind unveils itself. Sweat trickled his body as he realized the identity of the creature that has been observing him. It is a gigantic python, about 10 meters in length and 1 meter wide. With scales shaped like pentagon as a small twisted horn rests upon its head. A Night Lurker Serpent. It has no poison nor it is powerful, but there is one thing that makes it the bane of all mages. Its scales can nullify any magic to a certain degree, and for this 10 meter snake, it can nullify up to tier 4 magical spells.

The highest magic he can cast is tier 3 magic so without doubt, he's powerless to this snake. But fret not, the chances of his survival remains large. The reason? This snake are common at his home planet and they hate the smell of certain potions. From his pocket he took a bottle and opened it and he poured a drop on his body as a pungent, tangy smell assaulted his nose.

After waiting for a while, he casted Sensory Wind and Inner Mind and lo and behold, the snake is gone. The downside is he can't sleep anymore due to his fear of the surroundings and the pungent smell of the potion, which is extremely pungent, without doubt.

Well, he got no choice but to suck it up and continued reading the books as every now and then, he will cast Sensory Wind and Inner Mind to ensure the safety of his surroundings.

His surroundings became extremely quiet all of a sudden and he casted Sensory Wind and Inner Mind at the same time. After casting the spells, goosebumps appeared on his body as he kept all his items, readied his gear, lighted up a torch, then began running as if hell were on his heels.

Why? Because a Kodo is chasing him! You don't know what a Kodo is? Kodo are lizards about 4 meters in length and 2 meters in height. They are strong, swift, and powerful and a tier 4 mage is needed to defeat it. Back at his home planet, Kodos are extinct and is illustrated only in books and in museums but he forgot the fact that he is teleported to another world so what animals in his home planet that exists may or may not exists in this planet.

Kodos are fast when running in straight line but are poor at turning to the sides so he immediately run in zigzags as the Kodo kept on roaring as it lost its prey after a few minutes.

Mages are supposed to have weak bodies! That is only applicable for mages of old. The improvement between modern mages and mages of old is that modern mages are also trained to maintain a fit body and they exercise regularly, especially combat mages like him so the run before exhausted only his stamina as he outrun the Kodo.

After that pitiful affair, he lighted up as new bonfire as he climbed a tree and tied himself to it as he read the books he got as he waited the first ray of light.

The first light of the sun greeted him as he kept the book, and stared at the distant sun pondering upon what he should do next.

A new dawn arrives.

UnluckyMongrelcreators' thoughts