
First Contact

Heat and light greeted him as he woke up. After a couple of seconds of struggling, his mind cleared as he remembered what happened the previous night. A grumbling sound then greeted him next as he realized on, crucial fact. He's hungry!

It may have been the fault of his hot-bloodedness but he forgot the thought of food yesterday and now he was famished. Never was he been so famished as he was now! A mage in the army has special privileges. Their meals are better than the common soldiers and they get to eat on time. In this wilderness, he may as well die if he was a mage of olden times.

Mages of old are powerful, of course their power is the powers of their speels and intelligence but not their bodies. Modern mages may not be as powerful as mages of old but their bodies are tougher and they have a full bag of tricks.

After settling his things and grooming himself a bit, he went down the tree as he scanned his surroundings. The plants and trees in his surroundings are the same as those in his home planet. Why? Mages of old likes to flaunt their powers every so often. Some would do insane tricks while some will kill insane monsters. Some may create a powerful treasure and some might create a whole world!

He was not sure as to what planet he came upon but he was sure that there will be civilization as this planet may well be a colony of mages of old. The reason? Well there are similar trees and animals so humans are not out of the bag.

An hour later, he sat in front of a gigantic tree as the smell of roasted meat drifted towards him. At the survival school, the instructors would always say that snakes are the most dangerous creatures in the jungle, and the most delicious. He was now roasting a snake. As to what kind of snake? Only God knows what snake it is.

After sating his appetite, he began his journey to find civilization. Humans are social animals after all and being outside of the society for a long time might drive his not so sturdy mind to fall into pieces.

Night greeted him as he climbed a gigantic tree and settled upon it as he lighted a fire and read the books he acquired as night passed. Roars of different kinds of carnivorous animals are heard in the forest as he kept watch of his surroundings while reading a book.

When the sky began lighting up is the time when he slept. In a world fill with magic and mystery, the optimal time to sleep in the wild when you are alone is at dawn as night time heralded the feeding time of almost eighty percent of hunting creatures. At dawn, those creatures would be searching for shelter or will be returning at their dens.

And with this, he was able to pass day and night alone in the wild. Days passed as he discovered a stream which he followed in hopes of seeing civilization. Trouble will knock upon his doorstep every now and then but as a modern mage, would he be afraid? Mages of old uses their spells most of the time to do what warriors call as 'brute force'. Modern mages on the other hand learned the mistakes of their predecessors as they created various bags of tricks and improved their survival ability, after all, for amage, age is equal to knowledge and knowledge is power. What more efficient way to gather knowledge than trying your best to keep yourself alive?

And so with constant danger, he was able to exit the forest he was walking on as a mountain range greeted him. The mountain range consists of various mountains of varying height with the highest at about 8000 meters.

His journey went on as he began walking towards the mountain. Thats when he began to notice footprints upon the foot of the mountain, The footprints may well be months old according from his knowledge and experience as a scout in the military. The footprints looks like it come from a bipedal humanoid. It is barefoot, and from the looks of it, the humanoid is about 120 cm or so.

Humanoid creatures are nothing to worry about as some of them are friendly to humanity. Elves loves the forest and are natural born life mages. Dwarves loves the mountains and are natural earth and fire mages. The Gnomes, well they are more of a nuisance and they are adept at the magical arts they called explosions. There are more humanoid races out there but these three race are the races that has the most connection with humanity.

There are also Angels, which loves light and purity and Demons which reeks of evil. In the past, people are inclined to side with the Angels but as time goes by, humanity seldom contact these races as both race is at constant war with each other and will only bring conflict upon others. As for the Devils, they may be evil but they are the most trust worthy out of the races. Of course they are trust worthy to those with smarts, sly and cunning, but to idiots, they are your worst nightmares. They are more of a bunch of troublemakers which abided by their oaths and contract and they make the best businessmen.

Enough with the races as he shook his head to clear his thoughts as he further examined the footprints. It looks like it came from demi-humans, possibly Goblins. Goblins are the only race out there that can live in nay environment available. They are the cockroach among the humanoids.

His brow furrowed as he remembered his previous dealing with the Goblins. Civilized Goblins are nice and straight forward people. But likewise, wild Goblins were too barbaric. Based from these footprints, the chances of those Goblins being civilized is small as civilized goblins often wear footwear.

Sounds of stones and dirt are heard from afar as he prepared his first contact with the natives of this planet.