
Chronicles of a Holy Knight

We follow the story of our reincarnated and transmigrated hero Dayn Kanara as he grows up in the mystical world of Thallia. A world that had been abandoned by the gods following the heretical Dragon Wars some hundred years in the past finds new hope when the divines return following the awakening brought on by The Dragon God's chosen champion. However with new light comes new darkness....

Yamashita_Kaito · Fantasy
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37 Chs

Chapter Twenty: The Azure Maiden

Abigail sat in the meeting room her long manicured finger nail tap tapping at the armrest of her expensive chair, she had been waiting for half an hour, how dare this foolish mortal waste her time. The torches in the cold stone room flickered as if a gust of wind had entered despite the lack of windows, to her left in the unoccupied seat sat a man who seemed cloaked in an aura of shadows.

A cold raspy voice came from the confines of his dark robes "He isn't here yet?" Abigail rolled her eyes, "What's new, this mortal is seriously pushing his luck with me," electricity sparked from her finger tip. "Ah welcome to you mah fine friends, I asked you hear today to solve a most egregious insult to mah honor" Vincent Stalrad stepped into the torchlight from the shadowed doorway.

"It seems our fine city's newest addition decided to spit in mah face and accept patronage from that dreadful Lord Okami" the shadowy figure turned his head in the man's direction. "You know my rules, I won't kill innocents for you" Vincent put on a hurt expression "Innocent? why this boy is guilty of a most heinous crime." "He conjured an electrical storm which killed several of the fine Inquisitors of Kanyra shortly aftah you killed that swine Walter Ziriel for me."

Abigail perked up at the mention of an electrical storm near Kanyra, she never did find the man she was interested in and feared he had perished in the desert, she had even circled the land a few times searching for a corpse and turned up nothing. "What does this unfortunate man look like" she asked her curiosity peaked, "When I saw him he looked like a beggah." "He had exceptional looks, dark brown hair, gem like green eyes but his clothing, distasteful," Abigail's eyes lit up with excitement.

"You know him?" Vincent asked, a mischievous smile lit up Abigail's pretty face, "He's mine, if you get in my way I won't hesitate to kill you" she said eyeing Vincent dangerously, "That goes for you as well Valdax."

Abigail was ecstatic, she had given up on seeing this man again, she went back to her Inn room immediately and dressed herself up pulling on her favorite high cut black gown, it revealed much of her current forms best trait her legs. It also enhanced her small bosom, she picked out a nice hat, it was a pointed number with a wide brim, she painted her lips in a light pink color made from crushed tourmaline.

She looked herself over in a small hand mirror, making minute adjustments to her outfit till she was satisfied, she was determined to bend this male to her will if not with terror then with allure. She skipped down the street drawing the attention of every male she passed, this satisfied her, there was no way he would be able to resist. She approached the shop Dragonsteel she thought to herself what an impertinent name, she knocked delicately at the painted shop door.

"We're closed" came a curt answer, she listened for a moment and heard several men talking within, she knocked again and heard booted feet rapidly approaching. The door swung open and she was standing face to face with Dayn, she put on her most charming smile, Dayn had been annoyed when he opened the door but quickly felt embarrassed.

"I'm sorry for my rude response ma'am but the shop is undergoing construction at the moment and I'm not taking any orders." Abigail smiled politely at him "I wasn't here for a commission, I heard tell of the handsome new blacksmith and simply had to come see him for myself." Dayn blushed fiercely, he couldn't help it here stood the most beautiful woman he had ever seen and she was complimenting him.

She had long black hair that he swore shone with a light blue hue when the sun hit it just right, her bewitching gold flecked gentle green eyes, the lipstick which accentuated the fullness of her lips. She was shorter then Dayn by a good foot but his eyes were drawn to her long well toned athletic legs, the hem of her dress was cut so low he thought a strong wind would reveal her other assets for all to see.

"Where are your eyes going naughty boy" she said said seductively, Dayn was far to embarrassed to continue this conversation, "I'm sorry miss, thank you very much for the compliment but I'm quite busy today." Abigail turned to leave a pout clear on her features, her pouch slipped from her belt and fell on the stone steps, she bent down to pick it up giving Dayn a clear view of her lacy pink undergarments.

"I don't suppose I can convince you to take me out to dinner tonight" Abigail pulled at her dress feigning embarrassment, "You owe a lady after getting such a clear view of her private area." Dayn flushed a deep crimson, he was at a loss for words, he had never had a woman pursue him so aggressively. "Dinner, that sounds fine, I'll meet you in the market this evening we can go from there" he no longer knew what he was saying his mind was filled with thoughts of the shapely backside this woman had just shown him.

Abigail smiled brightly overcome with happiness, "I'll see you this evening my good blacksmith" as the door closed behind her she couldn't help but wonder, why did this man give off the faint smell of dragon.

Think I'm going to end Volume Two here, need to think what to cover in volume three. Dayn was forced into exile and has the Inquisitors on his tail, should he work to make a name for himself in this new kingdom? or should he try to return home and clear his name?

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