
Chronicles of a Holy Knight

We follow the story of our reincarnated and transmigrated hero Dayn Kanara as he grows up in the mystical world of Thallia. A world that had been abandoned by the gods following the heretical Dragon Wars some hundred years in the past finds new hope when the divines return following the awakening brought on by The Dragon God's chosen champion. However with new light comes new darkness....

Yamashita_Kaito · Fantasy
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37 Chs

Chapter Nineteen: Tanarok Export Company

The meeting came much sooner then either Dayn or Phil had thought it would, the two of them closed up their businesses for the day and headed towards the inner city. They would be meeting with a man called Thomas Smith, one of the company owners assistants, Dayn didn't really own any nice clothes but dressed to the best of his ability.

When they eventually arrived Dayn was surprised, he expected to be arriving to some fancy office space, the actual building was a massive workshop with connected warehouses. When they were shown in they were led through an impressive smithy, Dayn was captivated by the artistry of a particular set of plate mail. The artisan had depicted falcon iconography into the steel, Dayn was only capable of making functional equipment.

They were led to a desk where a middle aged man was hard at work, a younger woman stood nearby she looked about to cry. "Damnit Sara how could you possibly get this far behind on your paperwork," the woman looked like she wanted to disappear. He looked up over a pair of spectacles, he didn't look like a typical merchant to Dayn, his eyes were fierce they almost appeared to be yellow and animalistic to him. His hair was indeed brown but it was streaked with silver, he wore a plain leather tunic and a pair of green breeches which were tucked into a tall pair of fur lined boots.

"What do you want, can't you see I'm busy fixing this airhead's mishap?" he demanded of the secretary. "Your guests sir" the man said calmly, "Ah of course" he motioned to a pair of chairs in front of the desk "Take a seat I'll be just a moment." The man went to work clearing away the vast mess of paperwork at an admirable pace.

He looked Dayn and Phil over, "Bartley I take it, knew your father he was a good man, you can count on our support if you clean up your act a bit." Dayn was surprised, he thought they were meeting with an assistant how could that decision be made so easily. "Your confusion is well noted young man, I'm not Thomas, The name is Saizo, Okami Saizo, I run this company, Thomas screwed up an order so I sent him to Kanyra to deal with it personally."

Dayn raised a hand, "Dayn Kanara," Saizo raised a hand before he could say more, "I already know who you are, not gonna meet a man before knowing his business, Dragonsteel Ironworks is it, hear you do quality work." Dayn raised an eyebrow, he expected his name to at least raise some questions, "Yes and I know the other stuff too, we'll keep that a secret for now, might have some work for you in the future."

Saizo pushed some paperwork in front of Dayn, "Sign here if you please, we'll wave the fees for now till you get yourself set up better." He looked over at Sara who was still standing in the corner, "Alright give him the item we prepared," Sara gave her boss a blank look, "Are you daft woman! I sent you to the forge an hour ago to retrieve it." Sara bolted from the room, once she was given leave, "Sorry about my niece she should be back in a moment, her father really should have let her pursue different work."

The gift was more then generous, Dayn was presented with a newly forged set of plate mail, the guild artisans had given it extensive dragon iconography the center of the chest depicted a great silver dragon wings outstretched. The eyes were expertly cut sapphires they were clear with not even a hint of cloudiness.

"This is to much" Dayn stammered, "I could never pay you back for such a valuable gift," "Outrageous" was Saizo's simple response, "You'll earn it in no time, as I said I'll have work for you in the future, consider this a down payment for your services." The assistant Sara strapped Dayn into the armor and draped a silver threaded cloak over his shoulders which she clasped with the holy symbol of Selvarthrallax.

"Can't have an adventurer working for me that looks like he crawled in off the street" Saizo said a devious smile lighting up his fierce countenance. Dayn had expected he'd have to settle for a lesser armor when he set out to fight again, this was almost to much, he was overjoyed but worried about what they'd expect in return. "I must warn you, I won't be involved in anything that goes against my beliefs," "You needn't worry, we're merchants but I like to think we're honest merchants" Saizo responded.

It wasn't long before Dayn and Phil were back sitting in the Silver Chalice, both astonished at the turn of events, "My father said the man was generous and loyal to his allies but I never would have expected this much." Dayn had no words to express his gratitude, "I suppose we'll have to make our businesses worthy of his patronage."

Dayn had been setting aside some money to either purchase some armor or the materials to craft it himself but now he intended to invest that into bettering the smithy, the building could use a serious remodeling. Perhaps a basement where he could move the actual workshop so he wasn't outside for all to see, hire some masons to redo the exterior of the building and have the signage redone. Clothing as well, he couldn't afford to continue looking like a bum, perhaps he could commission something from the elf that ran the Copper Needle, the man was a talented tailor he just didn't have the money to produce expensive clothing.