
Chronicles of a Holy Knight

We follow the story of our reincarnated and transmigrated hero Dayn Kanara as he grows up in the mystical world of Thallia. A world that had been abandoned by the gods following the heretical Dragon Wars some hundred years in the past finds new hope when the divines return following the awakening brought on by The Dragon God's chosen champion. However with new light comes new darkness....

Yamashita_Kaito · Fantasy
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37 Chs

Chapter Six: Royal Family

Dana moved with purpose, what she had seen and heard must immediately be reported however her loyalty was to her family first and the Inquisitorum second, her trek took her through the garden of ancestors. As she approached the great gilded doors of the Temple Palace she stopped to gaze on her forebears, foremost among them the Paladin King Dayon, the man who ruled during Kanarys' golden age. The years had not been kind to the kingdom following the Dragon Wars, it was left in ruins when the unified armies of three nations brought war to their gates for their refusal to participate.

Even against those odds they might have won, following the war divine magic had been ousted as if every god had forsaken the mortal race, her grandfather said it was a result of the evil they had committed against the elder race. With the Royal Families power gone the Inquisitors were quick to seize control, they claimed the loss of the divine was a result of the heresy in worshipping false gods. They alone seemed to maintain the ability to heal the most grievous of wounds, the common folk flocked to them, her great grandfather eventually ceded control of the government. The Grand Inquisitor of the age allowed the Royal Family to remain as figureheads but they had little to no power anymore.

The ornate doors opened to the central hall, great pillars held up the vaulted ceiling the decorative carvings of great gold or silver serpents climbed the ornate marble columns. On the far end of the hall on a raised dais was the Dragon Throne, decorated in silver and gold the likeness of the kingdoms former gods perched on either side of the resting rail. Selvarthrallax and Giarallis, the silver and the gold gods the Kanara had worshipped since they're inception, they're worship was now outlawed.

Her father and grandfather still worshipped them in secret, she knew better if the Kanara family were to rise again they'd have to do away with the old ways and adapt to the changing times. This is why she chose to join the Inquisition, she would rise to the top and be named Grand Inquisitor then her family would once again take their rightful place as rulers of these lands. She put those thoughts out of her mind, she had to find her father, if what she believed was true they'd have to move quickly as it would only be a matter of time till the Inquisition learned of Dayn's existence.

She found her father absorbed in his reading, sitting on the throne was pointless these days so he would often spend his time in their vast library, she cleared her throat before him. The king raised a hand for silence as he continued to read, after he finished the page he looked upon his daughter and raised an eyebrow at her choice of attire.

She was still accoutered in the uniform of the Inquisition, "My daughter..." he said calmly "You are almost of adult age now, how do you expect to find a worthy husband if you insist on dressing like a man." Dana looked at her father with a sour expression, "I don't have time for your nonsense father, I have made an important discovery," "What is it" he replied not expecting much. "Its possible within the village of Sartann dwells a child capable of performing divine magic" she said excitedly, The king was intrigued "Are you certain he's not merely some charlatan?" "Unsure, apparently he used some manner of silver fire on a kobold according to a gnome girl, other then that he was able to stop me in my tracks merely by telling me to stop in a thunderous voice."

The king stroked his graying brown beard thoughtfully, "This could merely be the arcane arts, although I've never heard of silver flames before" as he considered the situation he remembered something. An old book he had read which recounted a battle between his ancestor Dayon and a creature from the abyss, "Very well I'll look into this, you may return to your duties." "I'm sure I don't have to tell you but don't tell the Inquisition of this encounter, whether he is able to use Divine magic or not they'll have him killed on suspicion alone."

Dana bowed her head and left the room, the king smiled, Divine magic he thought to himself, if this is real its possible a mortal child has earned their favor if that child were to become his servant it would do well to improve their family's standing. The wheels began to turn in the aging kings mind, he called his servant to his side, "Send for my father and be quick about it" he said sternly he retrieved a dusty leather bound tome from an old forgotten shelf once the servant had left.

Zakary no longer dwelt in the palace, after his son had been crowned he had moved into the Temple Paladius and spent his twilight years overseeing the training of the young aspirants.

"Lord Zakary, a message from the palace" Zak accepted the missive from the young man, he tucked it away to view later "Damnit your strokes are to shallow, put some muscle into it!" he yelled at the young men.

The order didn't get the best recruits these days, at one time they were the Dragon Paladins, Kanyra's standing army and the most skilled knights in the realm, they were now relegated to the duties of mere Honor Guards. Were Zakary not at they're Grandmaster they would've been disbanded, he kept them busy with ceremonial rights and festival guards claiming they were part of the lands history.

Back in his room Zak took out an ornate silver knife and cut the seal from the envelope, the missive was from his son it seemed, He thought it would be the usual request to retire and move back into the palace.

Zak's eyes widened in surprise, "Divine magic.." he muttered to himself, if this were true he must train this lad he thought to himself, should he have the favor of the gods he might be able to help return Kanyra to its former glory. Zak sent for his two foremost students and made ready to travel to Sartann, he penned a reply to his son, he decided quickly should this be true it was his duty to guide this child.

Within a few days Zak had a party ready to depart the city, the Inquisitorum insisted they take along one of their number and he agreed as long as it was his grand daughter, the arguing didn't last long as it were he insisted the purpose of his trip was the mines. Zak claimed he got a report that the productivity had dropped and intended to investigate as that would result in a loss of tax revenue for the country.

"You're going to speak with Father Archibald aren't you?" Dana asked, "If the father knew about this I'm sure the Inquisition would have caught on by now" Zak corrected, "I'm going to observe the boy." "His name is Dayn, I know little more then that about him" Dana admitted, "I'm certain about his magic though."

Zak knew a little more then most about the art having spent most of his life in the Paladius, the ancient records held in the temple were more accurate then most retellings, they maintained a secret vault and had never really given up their faith. The path to Sartann was a long trek and was seldom made especially following the yearly Inquisitorial inspection, Zak knew this would raise some questions he also knew how to keep things secret, they'd never learn the true purpose of his visit.

"Form a perimeter, shields up, don't let them through" Zak shouted, no sooner had they entered the foothills then their party had been attacked by a group of bandits, "Keep close Dana you haven't experienced a real battle yet."

Once the blood had started to spill the young lady had started to panic, training can never prepare you for a real fight after all. The thugs weren't well trained but they had numbers, the arrows hammering their position were keeping them from spreading out.

"Here they come!" Zak yelled above the cacophony, after expending their ammunition they charged in waving makeshift weaponry, the pitchforks and lumber axes were no match for the trained and well equipped paladins. Zak drove his claymore through a ruffians midsection, blood spurted from the bandits mouth as he slid from the well honed blade, "Put them to rout" Zak shouted charging into the next melee.

"I'm sorry grandfather" Dana said ashamed of herself, "This is the fate of every soldiers first battle" he replied smiling, "You've done nothing you should be so concerned over" Zak knew his words would be meaningless. His grand daughter was hard headed she would continue to feel downtrodden until she redeemed herself, this was a good trait for a warrior to have as they wouldn't fail to perform in their next encounter. They could see Sartann in the distance now, they would be arriving in the early evening.