
Chronicles of a Holy Knight

We follow the story of our reincarnated and transmigrated hero Dayn Kanara as he grows up in the mystical world of Thallia. A world that had been abandoned by the gods following the heretical Dragon Wars some hundred years in the past finds new hope when the divines return following the awakening brought on by The Dragon God's chosen champion. However with new light comes new darkness....

Yamashita_Kaito · Fantasy
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37 Chs

Chapter Five: Impending Issues

As they passed the pot of food Dayn had brought he had mostly recovered, "I can get back from here," he picked up the pot of food "This is for all the workers, thanks for coming to get us" he said with sincerity. He took Siari's hand again and led her out the main entrance, "This isn't the way I came in here" she said shyly, "I'm sure your parents will come here to find you eventually" Dayn responded. He wasn't aware there was another village near these mountains, he should ask Sister Eve about it, if Siari's parents didn't come here to get her they could take her there instead.

They arrived at the temple, Sister Eve immediately came out and rushed Dayn and Sieri inside, she swept them into the dining room without saying a word, "Now who have you brought us?" she asked Dayn.

"I found her lost in the mines" Dayn said calmly, "She said this isn't her village but I don't know of another one anywhere," "There isn't any" Sister Eve stated, "Besides she's not a human she's a gnome." "What's your name dear?" she asked, Sieri stepped behind Dayn still frightened from her ordeal, "She seems quite attached to you young man" Sister Eve said with a slight smile. "She's Sieri" Dayn said, the sister thought for a moment, "Surely not Sieri Sprocket?" she asked astonished, Sieri nodded, "Well, well, who would have thought" she said looking at Dayn.

Dayn was later told that he had to be kept out of sight since the Inquisitors were at the temple again. One of them was the same fellow who had previously been here, since Father Archibald suspected they were responsible for his parents deaths he didn't want them to know Dayn had survived.

The sister listened to their story about what had happened however Dayn chose to leave out the part he didn't fully understand yet, Sieri gave him a look that the sister didn't miss.

"Why didn't you tell her?" Sieri asked when they were alone "Your magic was amazing I've never seen anything like it and we gnomes use a lot of magic its part of our daily lives, did you know about illusions my grandfather can make them, illusions can make lots of things happen they can make a rock look like a cave troll and...."

Dayn had to stop her there he was afraid she would've kept talking forever if he didn't interrupt, "That was magic?" he asked "You didn't know?" she responded, "I've never seen it before, I had no idea what I did" he said flatly. "Well.. I've never seen a spell that could burn something like that before, it was like fire but it was the wrong color for fire it was all white and sparkly and it wouldn't go out no matter how much that kobold tried to get it to go out...." Sister Eve wasn't kidding he was amazed at how she could keep talking like that without stopping for breath.

After the guests had left Father Archibald entered the dining room with Sister Eve, "I heard you've been through quite the ordeal young Dayn" he started, "Have you changed your mind about cooking for the miners?" "No" Dayn replied, "No matter what path you walk there will always be danger if I just ran away every time I faced a problem I'd never accomplish anything" he said stubbornly.

The father raised an eyebrow curiously, this boy was wise beyond his years, he wondered what path he might choose. "Well said son" he encouraged, "You are absolutely right, you can't live without facing trouble its what you do when you face that trouble that defines who you will become." "Now little Sieri, I've contacted your family, they won't arrive till tomorrow evening so you'll be staying with Sister Eve tonight in the mean time Dayn will show you around the temple."

The tour didn't take long, Father Archibald's church was small, Sieri seemed fairly uninterested during the whole affair and Dayn really couldn't blame her.

"I can show you where I play in my free time" He offered. He said play since he didn't think a child would understand what looked like work would be fun for a child, he had set up a small camp in the woods north of the city where he would go when he was done with his chores. Sieri seemed excited at the idea, so he led her off the temple grounds, as they were leaving the village they were noticed by a young woman clad in armor who followed them.

Dayn led her to a small clearing where he had set up a makeshift tent using tree branches and blankets from the temple, "Don't tell the sister about this, she'd scold me if she found out I took some of the blankets" he said.

There was a small pond next to the firepit he dug and a large blackberry bush on the edge next to the trees, Sieri went wide eyed with amazement, "Its like your own secret fort" she said excitedly. Dayn puffed out his chest feeling self important, "I found it when I was looking for herbs during my free time," "Herbs?" she asked, "Do you do alchemy? theres an alchemist in our village, his house smells funny."

They heard the undergrowth crunch and snap as someone made their way towards them, Sieri moved behind Dayn as he turned in the direction of the noise. A golden haired girl bounded into the clearing, she was dressed in a small chain linked shirt with a red cloak, she had silver eyes with a fairly elegant build, Dayn guessed she couldn't be any older then thirteen.

"Children shouldn't be playing in the woods alone" she said sternly, Dayn looked at her confused "Shouldn't you have told an adult then?" he asked "I am an adult" she said sternly. Dayn and Sieri looked at each other "Then why are you so small?" Sieri asked, "Oh are you a halfling? Grandfather told me halflings are small like us and that they are very clever and they live in villages built into hills...." "Stop!" the girl shouted, "I'm not small!" she said angrily.

"Stop treating me so disrespectfully do you know who you are talking to!" Dayn and Sieri looked at each other again, "Are we supposed to?" he asked, the girl stomped her foot in frustration, "I'm Dana Es Kanara! how can you not know the princess of the kingdom you live in!" "I'm a gnome" Sieri said, "My grandfather said we don't have to know anything about any human kingdoms" she said in a matter of fact tone.

"If you live on our lands you owe me and my father fealty" Dana said glaring at Sieri, "She doesn't live in the village" Dayn said "She got lost in the mines I helped her out her parents are coming to get her tomorrow." Dana looked Dayn over and laughed "You? went into the mines, by yourself?" she said amused, "You're just a child" she mocked. "It's true" Sieri insisted, "He even killed a kobold with his magic," "Well if you have magic" she said sarcastically, "Then I'm sure you'd have no trouble stopping me."

Dana drew her sword and moved a few steps forward Dayn instinctively grabbed his amulet as he and Sieri moved away from the stuck up girl, I want this to stop but I don't want to hurt her, he thought to himself. Dayn looked up his eyes glowing a radiant silver, the ground began to shake under Dana's feet, the girl looked surprised for a moment but continued to advance thinking it must be a trick. "Please stop!" Dayn said, he thought he said it softly however his voice echoed like thunder demanding obedience, at this Dana stopped, she looked confused, she hadn't meant to stop but she did. After a moment she could move again, "What did you do?" she asked fearfully, Dayn looked at her confused, she sheathed her sword "My father will hear of this!" she said feeling overcome before running back towards the village.

The two walked back to the village quietly, "What spell did you use?" Sieri asked, "I don't know" he responded, "I just wanted her to stop but I didn't want to hurt her," Sieri didn't really understand magic very well but after today she would definitely be asking her grandfather.

Night had already begun to fall, Dayn knew he was in for a pretty severe scolding when he got back he not only stayed out later then he was supposed to he took Sieri with him. Sister Eve was going to be furious, he knew he'd likely be caned for this and the last time the sister had caned him his bottom had hurt for the rest of the week. "What are you thinking about?" Sieri asked him, "Sister Eve, she's usually really nice but sometimes she turns in to a demon" he said woefully.