
CHAPTER 28 Date Day 3

  After goodness knows how long of Simon talking, a Christmas song that was playing lightly over the overhead speakers came back into range, and I realised that Simon had stopped talking, and was looking directly at me.

  “So, are you…?” he asked, staring directly at me.

  Oh crap - I hadn’t heard a word he’d said!

  “Erm, sorry, what? I couldn’t hear you then, because of the music that’s playing,” I covered.

  “It’s not that loud, is it?” he asked, looking around him like I was genuinely complaining that the music was too loud.

  “What did you ask me?” I prompted, willing to get to the point.

  “Whether you’re coming to the ball tomorrow night?”

  “What ball?” I asked, wondering how much of this conversation I’d missed.

  “The ball tomorrow night, at the manor. Everyone is going, and you’ve all been invited.”

  Ah, so that’s why my mum was going dress shopping with Tess and Georgina. Crap - what was I going to wear?