
Chosen For You

I'm Kade and I'm turning seventeen soon. On my birthday I get to take a personality test that determines whether I'll become a vampire, werewolf, or stay human. After that I get to meet other people which I've never done. I'm not sure why they keep us separated. I don't have a mother or a father. I know how a child is made though. Where are my parents? What happened? I don't know how I'm here. I wonder what it's like outside of all the white walls? I wonder why they keep us separated? I wonder who I truly am?

Zarksy · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Chapter 6

Jaxson's Pov:

I follow the man to a room at the end of the hallway. The door slides open and Kade is lying in the bed not moving. There are a couple of people around him trying to figure out what is wrong with him. I run to his side and grab his hand. "Kade?! Please, please, please wake up. I'm here now. Please get up. Give me a sign. Please, Kade..." I feel his hand squeeze mine. A tear rolls down my face.

The woman next to me begins to speak, "Jax back away. Give him some space." I back away as Kade begins to sit up. The ladies hand him a glass of blood then back away themselves. He sips the blood and looks around the room. Once he sees me his face lights up. He's so adorable. He almost chokes on his drink. "JAX!" He sets the glace down and jumps out of the bed. He jumps into my arms. "Thank God you're ok." I hold him tightly in my arms. He wraps his legs around my waist, and his arms go around my neck, so I'm holding him. My tail begins to way a ton. He seems so small but I know he's not. He's so strong. But I still want to protect him.

I look him in the eyes. "Are you alright?" He doesn't respond but instead kisses me. His lips still taste like blood, but they're soft and plump. "I'm ok now that you're back with me." Kade snuggles his head into my neck. I look at the ladies around me. "Are we allowed to return to our room?" They nod their head. I begin to walk back to our room. Hopefully, Amy will be there so I can ask her why it took so long for us to get out of solitary confinement. 

I feel something warm on my neck. It begins to go numb. "Kade, why are you licking my neck?" Then a sharp pain shoots through my neck. Kade begins sucking on my neck. We get back to our room. I scan my hand and the door opens. Amy isn't here. I sit on the couch and Kade is now on my lap. His mouth is still over the wound on my neck. "Kade, you should stop. I shouldn't lose too much blood." He stops and licks the wound so it numbs up more. He leans back and looks at me. "Vivi told me that fresh blood heals you faster. I didn't think you would mind."

The door slides open and Amy walks in.  "This is not what I expected to walk in on but ok." Kade quickly climbs off of me and sits next to me. He whispers to me, "Sorry." I smile to reassure him that it's alright.

Kade's Pov:

Jax smiles at me letting me know that what I did was ok. Amy sits in a chair across from us. "Jaxson, I'm sorry.  I meant to get you out a week ago, but things got out of hand. Then Kade had that episode earlier. I'm sorry boys I failed at my job." She puts her head in her hands. "What? A week ago?" I look at Jax and he seems to be upset. "He could have died Amy. A sorry isn't going to fix that." Jax leans back on the couch and crosses his arms. "Jaxson c'mon, please." Jax stands and goes into his room. "Dammit," Amy whispers under her breath.

What is happening? Why is Jax so mad? "Amy, what happened?" She finally lifts her head and then sinks into the chair. "I secretly met with Jax while he was in confinement and I told him I would get you guys out a week ago, not today. He's so protective that he's upset because you got hurt. After all, I couldn't keep a promise." She sighed, got up, and then went into her room leaving me all alone.

There's a knock on the door. I go to the door and open it. It's Vivian. "Hello Kade." She gives a warm smile and a wave. "Hey, what's up?" I step out of the apartment. "Do you want to come down to the commons and talk? A lot has happened in the last two weeks." I nod my head and follow her to the commons.

We sit down on one of the couches in the commons. "People have started to go missing, Kade. Nobody knows what's happening. I don't know where Emma is." Tear's begin to fall from Vivi's eyes. "I don't know where she is. She's not the only one some wolves have disappeared as well. We don't know if they're dead or alive. The caretakers won't tell us anything. The vampires and wolves made a pact to not fight till everyone that's disappeared has returned." She wipes her eyes. "I thought you were dead but now I have hope for Emma since you came back."

"So, there are no clues as to where they went?" She shook her head no. What is happening? Where are these people? "I could ask Amy about it. She tried to get us out of solitary early. She would probably be willing to tell us whatever we want." Vivian's eyes light up. "An insider would be great! Thank you, Kade!" Vivi hugs me and thanked me again.

Vivi stands up, "Sorry I have to go, talk to Amy for me will you?" "Of course" she walks out of the commons. No one else is in here except for an old wolf who's reading in the corner. I lay down on the couch and close my eyes when I hear a slight commotion. There's a bunch of men taking the old wolf. I stay still so I don't get noticed. I watch as they inject him and take him away. Then they noticed me. Shit. I close my eyes and stay still. Please don't take me, please don't notice me.