
Choosing the impossible difficulty.

Lux, just an average guy living a normal life who wants something to happen just like everyone else. Until it actually does. God tells humanity that their world will be destroyed and they will all be moving to different realities. But first they will have to adapt to the possibilities of powers and monsters existing. What will happen when Lux picks the hardest difficulty and has to try and fight for his survival. I would appreciate it if readers would leave reviews, add this to their reading lists and vote for it. Recommend it to your friends to increase my readers. If you do then it means more people can read it. Also, I have another novel called, Tortured Before The Apocalypse which I will also be writing at the same time as this current one so please check that one out as well.

L_6 · Fantasy
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52 Chs

The Ultimate Sin

The being in front of him was a huge old man sitting in a throne with a large beard and a cane in his hand.

"Welcome young man, I presume you are here to challenge me for my title of {Ultimate Sin}."

"I guess you could say that, although really I was just bored and wanted to get stronger."

"Even though that is a pretty terrible reason for coming to fight me, I can not deny that it is your right to battle with me as I am the Ultimate Sin. If you defeat me then you will be the second person from our world to gain the title."

Lux checked the man's status.

Name: Vladlen Rodion

Age: ∞

Class: The Final Sin

Species: Half God, Half Vampire

Title: {Ultimate Sin}


[Ultimate Sin] (Impossible) lvl.10. (Full Mastery) User can negate any and every external force that comes their way which means no attacks can hit the user. The user can also manipulate nothingness which means they can erase anything they want ,including people and monsters, as long as their base stats are lower than the user's. However, in return the user can not feel any emotions and becomes numb to everything around them.

*[Time Void] (Impossible) lvl.10. (Full Mastery) User can create a void that can change the flow of time. This can not reverse time but can slow it down to any degree inside of the void or speed it up. This means that one second in the void could be one hundred years outside of the void or one hundred years in the void would be one second outside of it. Anyone can enter the void as long as they are accepted by the user and the same goes for exiting the void.

[What Is Time?] (Impossible) lvl.10. (Full Mastery) The user has not got the ability to know how much time has passed which means they can repeatedly do the same thing for an insane amount of time and feel as though it had just been a second.*

*These skills are connected and one can not exist without the other*

[All Knowing Eye] (Impossible) lvl.10. (Full Mastery) User can know anything and everything about whatever or whoever they want instantly. The user can see things that they were not present for in the past and what will happen at any time in the future as long as they will be alive when it occurs.

[Bat Summoning] (Impossible) lvl.10. (Full Mastery) User can summon a monstrous bat to fight their enemies. The bat's size and power depends on the level and rarity of the skill.

[Blood Control] (Impossible) lvl.10. (Full Mastery) User can control their own blood inside of their body and other peoples blood while inside or out of their body. This can be used to create a weapon or solidify it while inside of them. can also be used to drain blood from the enemy.

[Immortality] (Impossible) lvl.10. (Full Mastery) User can live forever and will only die if killed by external forces. It is impossible to have diseases with this skill.

[Choice] (Impossible) lvl.10. (Full Mastery) User is able to present every single person a question specific to them with two outcomes. The outcome the person picks will happen in reality. This can only be used for negative choices and each person only can be asked one question.

[Combine] (Impossible) lvl.10. (Full Mastery) The user is able to combine anything they want to create a new product. This can be used on monsters or people and can be used on things that have already been combined previously.

[Memory Manipulation] (Impossible) lvl.10. (Full Mastery) The user is able to manipulate other people's memories to whatever degree they want. This can be short term or long term and there is no way to reverse the effects.


Strength: 5,750,000,000

Speed: 5,750,000,000

Defense: 5,750,000,000

Dexterity: 5,750,000,000

Endurance: 5,750,000,000

Vitality: 5,750,000,000

Magic: 5,750,000,000

Charisma: 5,750,000,000

"Well I do not even think I can beat that. Why is your first skill so broken? Nothing can damage you? Now that just does not even make one bit of sense."

"You will never be able to defeat me so you may as well give up."

"Nah, just put us in a time void where no time will actually pass but I have as much time as I need to try and fight you. How about that?"

"That gives absolutely no benefit to me but I will comply with your wish and do as such. Once again, this is a pointless endeavour and this is your last chance to back out."

"Just make the void already dude."

Vladlen opened the void and both him and Lux entered.

While inside of the void, Vladlen just sat and did nothing while Lux attempted to kill him with any means necessary.

Even after hundreds of years, no progress had been made but Lux did not give up as he was improving himself despite not damaging Vladlen.

It did not matter how much he raised his stats with training, due to Vladlen's skill no external forces could damage him and his efforts were futile. Not even [Possession] would work as it counted as an external force.

Thousands of years passed but all of the efforts were to no avail.

That was until Lux had an idea. If he could not use external forces, why not use internal force.

Lux used [Liquification] and entered through Vladlen's mouth which was not hard as he had long since spaced out and stopped paying attention and his body was several times larger than a human's.

Once inside of Vladlen's body, Lux used [Wither] and saw that it was actually working and started to destroy the inside of his body which was incredibly surprising.

After thrashing around for a while, Vladlen stopped moving and Lux exited his body.

A grey light exited his body and entered Lux's.

Skill [Ultimate Sin] (Impossible) lvl.10. (Full Mastery) has been obtained.

Skill [Sin Of Envy] has been used on Vladlen Rodion.

Skill [Time Void] (Impossible) lvl.10. (Full Mastery) and Skill [What Is Time] (Impossible) lvl.10. (Full Mastery) have been stolen.

Title {Ultimate Sin} has been obtained. Title will allow user to use Skill [Ultimate Sin].

Lux was thrown out of the Time Void as it's owner was dead. However, before returning to Petra after an immense amount of time, he checked his stats.

Name: Lux Tenebris

Age: ∞

Class: Inheritor of Deception

Species: Half God Half Jötunn

Title: {Sin Of Envy}, {Sin Of Sloth}, {Sin Of Pride}, {Sin Of Greed}, {Sin Of Lust}, {Sin Of Wrath}, {Sin Of Gluttony}, {Ultimate Sin}


[Infinite Regeneration] (Impossible) lvl.10 (Full Mastery)

[Matter creation] (Impossible) lvl.10 (Full Mastery)

[Teleportation] (Impossible) lvl.10 (Full Mastery)

[Shapeshifting] (Impossible) lvl.10 (Full Mastery)

[Activate Lævateinn Set] (Impossible) lvl.10 (Full Mastery)

[Ultimate Psychokinesis] (Impossible) lvl.10 (Full Mastery)

[Life Drain] (Impossible) lvl.10 (Full Mastery)

[Absolute Order] (Impossible) lvl.10 (Full Mastery)

[Elemental Mastery] (Impossible) lvl.10 (Full Mastery)

[Charm] (Impossible) lvl.10 (Full Mastery)

[Possession] (Impossible) lvl.10 (Full Mastery)

[Self Multiplication] (Impossible) lvl.10 (Full Mastery)

[Full Control] (Impossible) lvl.10 (Full Mastery)

[Godly Body] (Impossible) lvl.10 (Full Mastery)

[Ultimate Analysis] (Impossible) lvl.10 (Full Mastery)

[Dimension Warping] (Impossible) lvl.10 (Full Mastery)

[Wither] (Impossible) lvl.10 (Full Mastery)

[Ultimate Musician] (Impossible) lvl.10. (Full Mastery)

[Ultimate Pain Immunity] (Impossible) lvl.10. (Full Mastery)

[Like Night And Day] (Impossible) lvl.10. (Full Mastery)

[Liquification] (Impossible) lvl.10. (Full Mastery)

[Animal Tattoos] (Impossible) lvl.10. (Full Mastery)

[Time Void] (Impossible) lvl.10. (Full Mastery)

[What Is Time] (Impossible) lvl.10. (Full Mastery)

[Sin Of Gluttony] (Impossible) lvl.10. (Full Mastery)

[Sin Of Wrath] (Impossible) lvl.10. (Full Mastery)

[Sin Of Sloth] (Impossible) lvl.10 (Full Mastery)

[Sin Of Envy] (Impossible) lvl.10 (Full Mastery)

[Sin Of Pride] (Impossible) lvl.10. (Full Mastery)

[Sin Of Greed] (Impossible) lvl.10. (Full Mastery)

[Sin Of Lust] (Impossible) lvl.10. (Full Mastery)

[Ultimate Sin] (Impossible) lvl.10. (Full Mastery)


Strength: 15,750,000,000

Speed: 15,750,000,000

Defense: 15,750,000,000

Dexterity: 15,750,000,000

Endurance: 15,750,000,000

Vitality: 15,750,000,000

Magic: 15,750,000,000

Charisma: 15,750,000,000

"Well I got three skills out of it and my stats have increased by a very large amount after thousands of years of training. Time to go have some social interaction for the first time in forever."