
Choosing the impossible difficulty.

Lux, just an average guy living a normal life who wants something to happen just like everyone else. Until it actually does. God tells humanity that their world will be destroyed and they will all be moving to different realities. But first they will have to adapt to the possibilities of powers and monsters existing. What will happen when Lux picks the hardest difficulty and has to try and fight for his survival. I would appreciate it if readers would leave reviews, add this to their reading lists and vote for it. Recommend it to your friends to increase my readers. If you do then it means more people can read it. Also, I have another novel called, Tortured Before The Apocalypse which I will also be writing at the same time as this current one so please check that one out as well.

L_6 · Fantasy
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52 Chs

Unexpected News

Lux opened up a portal and arrived at what should have been Fin's house to meet back up with Petra and the others.

However, instead of the same roads and buildings, he saw a landscape more futuristic than his old world which was confusing as he had not been gone for long. The house was much larger, and a lot of expensive looking cars were in front of it.

"Ah, I see what happened here. I probably should not have trusted an enemy with my entire life outside of fighting him. He probably just lied about making time slower outside. Well, I guess everyone I know is dead now."

A boy who looked around thirteen or fourteen years old approached him, "Excuse me sir, may I ask what you are doing outside of my house?"

"A friend of mine used to live here."

"Well, that can't be right, this land has belonged to my family for thousands of years."

"What's your name kid?"

"Finlay, I was named after my ancestor who was an adventurer, although that profession is now abolished, and most monsters have gone extinct and invented many devices that helped push the world forward technologically. Although since then we have come much further, our family is still very rich though. One thing I am wondering about though is how you managed to get into this incredibly guarded area without being noticed."

"Well, before I answer that I have a question."

"Go on, before I call security."

"Do you know about someone called Lux Tenebris by any chance?"

"Well of course I do, he was the best friend of the very man I was named after. However, he disappeared, and nobody knows what happened to him even after thousands of years."

"Oh, that's good. So, you must know about Petra as well then?"

"Are you referring to the spouse of Lux Tenebris."

"Indeed I am."

"Yes, I also know about her. She died alone on a mountain after wandering the world. She waited years for her husband to return but he never did, quite tragic really."

"Well I'm back now. One more thing, are there any laws on skills now that adventuring is gone."

"Yes, there are, while they do still exist, it is illegal to use them unless you are permitted or fighting for entertainment professionally. Also, what did you mean when you said that you are back now?"

"I am Lux Tenebris. The guy I was fighting for thousands of years screwed me over so now all of my friends and my wife are dead."

"While I feel like that makes no sense, I feel inclined to believe you for some reason. Would you like to meet your friend's descendants?"

"I would actually, but I never asked about Ethan. What happened to him?"

"He is still incredibly famous for having the most children in history, there are a lot of people that have his blood in them even to this day. Quite frankly it is baffling to say the least."

"Good lad, even though he is dead, I respect him for that."

"Let's get going. I was actually on my way for dinner with the whole family, you should join us."

They entered the house, that on second glance was less of a house and more of a fortress, and Finlay pressed a button that made the floor that they were standing on descend.

The ground stopped moving once they reached a very nice-looking room that seemed to be the porch of an underground house.

After entering the building, and all of the people that were Fin's descendants sceptically accepting that he was in fact Lux, they sat down to eat.

Lux wondered how strong the people of this time were and checked all of their statuses.

He then spoke to the current head of the family who was Finlay's father, "I was wondering if you guys have an item of some sort that shows a fake status for you."

"No, why would that be the case?"

"Well, I just checked your statuses with one of my skills and you are the strongest with one rare and two uncommon skills at level three with stats that reach ten thousand in total, and the others are just a bit lower in stats than that with three uncommon skills each at level two. Is that normal?"

"No, our family is very gifted to have such strong powers and if we fought professionally, we would all be quite high in the rankings. Do not be intimidated though, we are aware that people from your time were nowhere near as powerful as now."

"Where did you learn that bit of information from?"

"It is common knowledge, over time people become more powerful. Your stats and skills may be a bit weak compared to ours but there is no need to worry."

"Quite the opposite in fact, if you guys are quite strong compared to others then there will never be a challenge for me ever again."

"Why might that be?"

"I thought you people knew about me, I am a literal God."

"You might be confused; we are aware that you were an anomaly who was stronger than others at the time and looked upon as though he was a God, but you are not actually a God."

"No, I am a God. My stats are almost at sixteen billion and I have thirty-two Impossible rank level ten skills and eight titles. You are right about me being much stronger than people in my time, but everyone has become so weak since then. Your ancestor, my friend, Fin Hayward had stats that all together almost reached one hundred thousand. How could you possibly think that you guys are stronger than back then. My pet could destroy all of you with a single blink. No offence but what happened to the world?"

"It would seem there has been a mistake in our History. I am quite terrified of you right now; I apologise for my misinformation."

"There is no way that I would ever hurt my best friend's descendants so do not be scared. How do you make money in these times by the way?"

"Most people have regular jobs, but there are actors and professional fighters who make a lot of money from their natural born talents."

"Are the professional fighters allowed to kill people?"

"Only if it is a fight to the death which is very rare. Most fights are for entertainment though."

"How does someone become a professional fighter?"

"You can go and try out for it and of you are good enough then you can fight professionally but it is very difficult."

"Well, I know how I am going to make some easy money."