
Chapter 9

“Two reasons,” I said. “One—to see if he and Serafina can communicate over that great a distance; and two—to see if that ‘cry for help’ is any louder in Tuscany.”

“Why can’t I go?” Serafina said.

“Because, my sweet,” her mother said, “you need to stay here so you can try to communicate with your brother. Besides, you’re a young lady, and it wouldn’t be right for you to go traveling with two men and four boys.”

“But Marco’s my brother, and so is Valerius.”

“Even so,” Angelina said.

“Mama…,” she said.

“Enough,” Father said, using that tone. “It’s settled.”

“Meanwhile,” I said, “there are decisions to be made.”

“Yes,” Father said, “not least of which is how to protect ourselves.”

“Couldn’t we encourage all family members to start thinking in Etruscan?” I said.

“Can you learn to think in another language?” Stefano said.