
Chapter 8

“And you believed them?” Father said.

“They proved it to me pretty convincingly.”

“But why didn’t they come to me? After all, I am their father.”

“Remember what they told me? I’m a doctor, and their first questions were about confidentiality.”


“Duke,” Dani said, “when I was their age, I didn’t talk to my father about serious stuff—I talked to my older brother. It’s not at all unusual. Add to that the fact that Marco is a doctor—”

“Yes,” Father said, not entirely mollified, “I suppose you’re right.”

“And they can hear what we’re thinking all the time?” Angelina said.

“If they choose to do so,” I said. “As I understand it, they find it uncomfortable to have voices ‘in their heads’ all of the time, so they’ve figured out how to shield themselves.”

“I suppose that means they can eavesdrop on our private moments, as well,” she said.