

Andrew_Akposeye · Book&Literature
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8 Chs

Chapter 8_Wife: Cherish Your Husband

The Bible talks about the virtuous woman in Proverbs 31: 11-12: "The heart of her husband doth safely trust in her, so that he shall have no need of spoil. She will take a different turn, they're the first to break their word. This, of course, has led to many breakups. Nobody plans for any negative situation like sickness, job loss or financial challenges in marriage, but if it happens, you are to be there for each other regardless. Be grateful to God both in good and difficult times "for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you" (1 Thessalonians 5:18). Encourage and support each other no matter what happens or doesn't happen. Challenging times are no time to fuss, lecture, give ultimatums or lose hope. Be patient with each other, learn to forgive, be selfless, love each other and be committed to staying in your marriage come what may. These chequered marriage experiences will work for good if handled properly. Difficult times have the potential to improve and strengthen the marriage bond. Besides, no situation or condition is permanent; tough times never lost. Things will definitely change for good as you continue to pray and trust God together.

There is no better way to conclude this, than with these words from Dale Johnson: "Don't ever give up on your marriage, no matter what comes your way. When friction festers into fights, new "oil is needed to re-lubricate the relationship. When romance disappears into a dull fog of mundane someness fresh oxygen is needed to from the cooling embers into sparks that will rekindle the glowing flames of love.

"When chronic financial distress threatens the emotional equilibrium of the home; or when dysfunction and compulsion surface like white cops in the bay to rock the family boat; or when in-laws interference, fangled expectations, health crises and other predictable issues persist as huge problems that won't go away, biblical words of help and encouragement are needed to revive the marriage out of the emergency room and carry it gently into rehabilitative therapy. Whether as the hot fiore- ups polarization or the long dry dredges of boredom and disillusionment, decide now that you will fight what infects the intimacy of your marriage relationship. Keep your vows. Never give up and God will reward your faithfulness"