

Andrew_Akposeye · Book&Literature
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Chapter 7_Husband: Cherish Your Wife

God's Word challenges the Christian husband to tenderly care for his wife the same other. way Christ loved the Church and gave His life for her (Ephesians 5: 25-29). You are to treat your your wife like a precious treasure, a queen cleave that she is. Just as you nourish and cherish your body, you should do the same for your wife. cheris Make an intentional effort to cherish your wife in the following ways: 

1. Share her roles and responsibilities: cherish her By helping her with chores and ask her how you can be of help to her. Don't just leave her to carry out this responsibility alone; she is maid.

2. Love, respect and admire her: Tell her how attractive she is, how kind she is and how her coming into your life has shaped your life positively. Also, respect her and don't take all she does for you for granted. Treat her with tender care and love her sacrificially.

3. Understand her: Women are soft, fragile, and can easily get hurt. So, understand your wife and know what works for her. Study her mood, temperaments, likes and dislikes. Learn her love languages; knowing this will help you to better cherish your wife. Also, protect her physically and emotionally.

4. Say kind words to her: Women like to hear kind and encouraging words from their spouses. So, say kind words to her. Never criticize or demean her in public or private and be willing to go the extra mile to please and satisfy her.

5. Care for her spiritually: You can create time and space for her to engage in spiritual activities by offering to I take care of the children or helping out with chores. 1 Buying her Christian literatures and encourage her to 1 read them is also a great way of caring for her.

6. Pray for her: Always have her in your prayer list and intercede for her. Pray that she accomplishes all that God has destined for her and live to fulfil her purpose. 

7. Bring out the best in her: Help her identify her talents and gifts and encourage her to develop them. Allow her to pursue her dreams and visions and help her achieve them. If she needs to go back to school, help

her with the finance and the environment to thrive. Help her free up her time for study or relaxation.

8. Listen to her. Women like to talk, so, be willing to listen to your wife. Be interested in what she is saying no you matter how busy you are, don't snub her.

A Christian husband should treat his wife like she is the only woman in the You leave world because when you make your wife happy, you are making yourself happy. arents to When you cherish your wife, you raise the bar for other men to follow.