

Andrew_Akposeye · Book&Literature
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chapter 4_Sincere Appreciation from a Beloved Wife

In what ways can a wife show gratitude to such a loving husband? There are many ways of appreciating! your husband for his love. Besides praising him before the children, sending him love letters, occasionally! taking him out, the following are some other ways to appreciate and reciprocate his perpetual love for you.

(1). Show him more love than he has shown you. Love your husband unreservedly and make sure your love is i practical. Let him see your love in your interactions and! inactions, words and gestures and in the way you serve and communicate with him.

(2). Honour and respect him. Appreciation for your husband's love should make you honour and respect him. You will respect his personality, his words, work, career, calling and his extended family. Never disdain him before the children, in public or in private. Through this, the children will see that you honour and respect !

him and they will follow your example. (3). Submit to him wholeheartedly. The Word of God i commands wives to submit to their own husbands. In Ephesians 5:22 it says, "Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord." Besides obeying this injunction, submission is one way of appreciating the one who loves you dearly. It may take different forms such as submitting to his leadership as the head of the family, submitting your body as a token of your love, submitting your substance such as money, as well as devoting your time to be with him. If you truly love and appreciate him, submitting to him shouldn't be an arduous task.

(4). Care for him selflessly. In the real sense, your husband is actually the king of your heart. So, you are to care for him like one and give him all the benefits due to a king. Care for his physical and intimate needs by satisfying them as you possibly can. Always be a ready shoulder he can lean on. Be available to share his joy, fear, success and disappointments. Care about his appearance by ensuring he is always neatly dressed. Also care about his job, his extended family members and his friends.

(5). Pray for and encourage him to fulfill his divine i assignment as the head. To reciprocate as well as guarantee the continual flow of love from your man, praying for him is one duty you mustn't toy with. You should pray unceasingly for him in every area. Also, be an encouragement to him in every way you can. By doing these, you'll be appreciating and reciprocating your man's love and you'll enjoy more of it. Les Parrott says, "Gratitude can transform common days into thanksgivings, turn routine jobs into joy, and change I ordinary opportunities into blessings."

 May God bless your home.