

Andrew_Akposeye · Book&Literature
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Chapter 3_Sterling Qualities of a Loving Husband

There are distinguishing qualities that mark anyone out as a loving husband. These qualities are usually so irresistible and compelling that your spouse can't help but fall head over heels in love with you again and again. let us examine them more closely.

God-fearing: A truly loving husband is godly. He has a blossoming relationship with God through genuine repentance from sin and faith in God. Having been born of God, his whole being is regulated by His Word and Spirit. He obeys the commandments of God and teaches his family same. He relates with his wife in the fear of God. He places God first in his life, then his wife and children. As the spiritual head of the home, he manages his family's affair by the principles of the Kingdom.

Loving and caring: Love and care are two defining words of a loving husband because they demonstrate what he feels for his wife. They are like the two sides of the same coin; you can't claim to love your wife when you don't care about her, neither can you truly care for her if you don't love her genuinely. A loving husband loves his wife unconditionally, selflessly and sacrificially (Ephesians 5:25). He corrects her in love does or says nothing deliberately to hurt her or amplify her weaknesses. His love moves him to care about every detail of her life, whatever the cost. He supports and assists her with house chores, nursing the children and other demanding areas of home management and career. Beyond these, he cares about her spiritual life, her mood, feelings and physical appearance. He equally works hard to provide for her needs and those of the children.

Protective: This is one non-negotiable quality of a loving husband that makes his wife feel safe and secure with him, whether he is around her or far away. Husbands with this quality see their wives as sheep to be shepherded at all cost by them, not someone else. They protect their wives from extended family members, colleagues, neighbours and friends who may want to take advantage of them deliberately or otherwise.

Accommodating: This quality proves the strength and genuineness of a man's love for his wife. It makes it possible for a husband to understand, appreciate and love his wife for who she is. It also helps him to wholly accept her personality, peculiarities and never compare her to any other woman. He never considers substituting her for another woman or think of possible ways to change her into any other woman, no matter the admirable features in them. Rather, he prays for grace to live happily with her despite any visible weakness while lovingly correcting those undesirable aspects of her character in private. He also fashions out ways to complement whatever he feels is still lacking in her without making a mockery of her in any way.

Faithful: A loving husband's faithfulness encompasses his ability to remain committed and loyal to his marital vow come what may. This quality is also reflected in his desire, and capability to fulfil all his responsibility to his wife and children. Hence, he is diligent, honest, open, patient and full of integrity. He never fails to meet his wife's intimate needs and neither does he deliberately deny her access to his body as payback for any wrong done to him. Apart from being faithful in providing for his family, he is faithful in playing his fatherly role to his children.

 May God bless your home