
Chasing Rose

She was an innocent girl from the village, seeking for greener pastures in a city where everything was different. He was a handsome multi billionaire and the man every lady wanted to have. Their souls collided and their hearts fell in love. This intriguing piece will make you stay glued to your screen and want to fall in love everyday. (Don't forget to drop your reviews and ratings).

Caroline_Queen7000 · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Chapter 2 Rose's POV Rose's POV. Rose.

Aunt Ella's house was located at the heart of the town, beautiful and small. We were welcomed by her dogs , "Wenny and Luke" and I found them cute.

"You must be really tired", she spoke as we arrived, "go grab a shower while I prepare the table for your dinner". Aunt Ella was a wonderful woman, and I was fortunate to have her. No one had shown me such kindness since my mother died, not even my father, who isn't in the picture because he never was. He had abandoned me since I was 12 years old, and I despised him.

I took a long shower and a relaxing bath. Because the house only had two rooms, I shared a room with Steph.

I unpacked my bag, looking for something to wear.

My gaze wandered around the room, and the lovely dresses hanging in the wardrobe drew my attention; Steph had a great sense of style. I had heard that my cousin had competed in several modeling contests.

I hurriedly put on my dress, combed my hair, and entered the living room. Aunt Ella had already served my dinner, and I was pleased, even though my stomach grumbled in response to the aroma of the meal.

"Hmm,yummy," I thought as I took my first spoonful.

"Just how you like it, darling. Remember, I'm the best cook in the world "Aunt Ella cracked a joke. She was fond of boasting about her culinary abilities, but she was undeniably good.

"So, Aunt Ella," I began, "now that I'm here, I was thinking of going to college, but I don't have any money, so why don't I get a job instead, in order to save up, what do you think?" I inquired.

"It's a fantastic idea, darling. I sometimes wish my daughter could be this reasonable ", she said, shaking her head.

Steph had just walked in.

"You came home late again," Aunt Ella snarled.

"Come on mom, I'm not a kid, I had things to attend to," she grumbled. Just then, she noticed me and ran over to hug me.

"my goodness!, You've arrived!. I really missed you "The hug was long and warm.

"You should join us for dinner," I said as she hurriedly sat in a chair.

We finished dinner and went to our rooms thirty minutes later. Steph and I spent the night reminiscing about our childhood.

"Mom is extremely harsh with me, constantly pressuring me to be someone I am not. She asked me to stop modeling and become a doctor instead. I do not want to be a doctor ", she grumbled.

"Mom adores you. You simply need to inform her that this is not your dream ", I said.

We talked about a lot of things, and she also offered to help me look for work the next day.