
Chasing Rose

She was an innocent girl from the village, seeking for greener pastures in a city where everything was different. He was a handsome multi billionaire and the man every lady wanted to have. Their souls collided and their hearts fell in love. This intriguing piece will make you stay glued to your screen and want to fall in love everyday. (Don't forget to drop your reviews and ratings).

Caroline_Queen7000 · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Chapter 3

It was a pleasant and lovely morning. The trees swayed in the soft summer breeze. Rose awoke when the reflection of the sun shone on her face.

She yawned, stretched, and gasped when she glanced at the walk clock. Already, it was 9:45.

Rose laughed as she turned to look at Steph, who was still dozing off with her legs spread wide apart on the bed.

"Steph, wake up, time is running out." She gave her a little tap. With some hesitation, she tapped once more when Steph didn't answer.

Steph mumbled, her mouth twitching as if she were going to kiss someone, "I love you too." Rose tapped again, harder this time, jolting her out of her sleep.

She mumbled, "Jeez, what are you doing," as her left hand scratched her eyes.

Rose smirked, "Remember, we were supposed to go hunt for a job for me today.

Steph groaned loudly as she rolled over in bed and pleaded for another 10 minutes.

Rose retorted, "Sorry your please isn't pretty," and she snatched a pillow to smack her.

After four hours...

They appeared worn out and frustrated as they stood in front of a multi-story structure. They had spent the entire day stumbling about the streets looking for work.

Steph began, "You know, it's extremely difficult to find a good job here without a qualification," but then she had an idea. She would call Marcus.

"Who's Marcus", Rose questioned.

"My boyfriend", She responded, "He works for a particular beverage company and he's in charge of the delivery so he'd definitely know a few vacant jobs".

Sarah's eyes lit up with a smile as she ended the phone call, Marcus had assured her that he would get Rose a job before the end of the week. She broke the news to Rose and she was really excited to hear it. The girls decided to get some ice cream and relax. They had been roaming the streets of West Davouh all noon in search of a job, everywhere they went was occupied. Rose had already begun to lose hope until Sarah called Marcus.

They laughed over their ice creams as they spoke about the places they visited earlier. They had found a cleaning job in a hotel but Sarah complained that the Boss looked too stern and so, they turned down the job.

"I don't want anyone maltreating my favorite cousin you know, he looks so wicked ", She insisted.

"oh come on, don't judge a book by its cover, he could be nice you know", Rose chuckled as Sarah kept on disagreeing.

"Besides, Marcus is gonna get you a good job soon and I bet the boss would be a handsome nice man, not this wicked looking dude", she said aloud and Rose burst into a loud laughter.

Finally, She would get a job and her dream of going to college was beginning to take its path to reality. She had always wanted to become a medical doctor, she loved to help people, especially sick people. Her thoughts drifted to the time her Mother was sick, she had been diagnosed with a kidney disease.

Rose watched her mother struggle with the pain everyday till she died. Her Father, Mr Ramson was never there, he had abandoned them since she was 3.

The last time she saw him was at her mother's funeral, he looked somewhat old and grey, a young woman stood beside him, his wife, she assumed. She hated him.

"Rose!", Sarah exclaimed as Rose really to reality. "you've not been paying attention to me, are you alright?", she queried . "I'm fine, Rose nodded and forced a smile.