
Chasing Phantom: Phase 1

When 5 friends (none of them ordinary) decide to take on a mystery together, none of them realized they would end up unveiling an old and forgotten danger that could end two worlds forever.

InkyStuff · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Chapter 9

For an awkward amount of time, Dewey and Ozzy were screaming. Their blurry vision cleared to reveal an open part of a rainforest.

'Aargh!' Ozzy landed hard on the floor.

'Oof' Dewey fell on top of him.

Ace scanned her surroundings. Her chin rested on the soft grass, her hands were miraculously tied behind her back. From the tall towering trees, she could spot the faint glow of a million pairs of eyes. She heard the tiny sounds of chirping - but they weren't made by birds.

'Where are we?' Dewey asked.

'It doesn't look like the pixie kingdom' Oscar observed.

Ace had a bigger problem wrapped around her mind. 'We don't have time for this. I didn't get turned into a rat to see Axel die. We have to get outta here' she tried extending her claws, but the little brats were smarter than they looked. They had tied her hands after clenching them into fists. There was no way to free them.

'Ace, escape maneuver 120 - I think' Ozzy called out. 'Your mouth isn't taped'

Ace rolled over, her hands smashed between the ground and her back. She lifted herself into a sitting position, pulling her hands under her tied legs in front of her. She ferociously chewed off the ropes that tied her hands and sawed off the ropes on her legs. She roared in challenge before freeing Dewey and Oscar.

'I told you not to worry,' Ozzy told Dewey. He looked at his sister. 'I meant to free our hands first, but that wasn't a bad choice'

'That was scary,' her friend grinned. 'You're teaching me that when we go home'

'We have to go now' Ace growled. 'We're running out of time - we barely have a day to lose'

'I'm afraid you're not going anywhere' the same squeaky voice called out from behind her. The yellow pixie strutted up towards them. Their ring leader held out the antidote and waved it slowly.

'I take it you want this? Well, unless you stay put, you can hug it good riddance' He snapped his fingers, and the three were once again surrounded.

'They really should stop doing that' Dewey muttered in annoyance.

'Who are you?' Ozzy asked.

'Oh, forgive me. Where are my manners?' he bowed. 'I'm Buck - chief in command of our bounty hunters'

'But pixies don't bounty hunt' Ozzy protested. Buck jumped onto Oscar's shoulder.

'Well, don't you talk a lot?' he chuckled. 'Master is sure going to-'

'Sir! Sir!' a young pixie ran towards Buck. 'Master is coming'

Buck's expression was two sided. He squinted his eyes and pursed his lips before stretching it into a smile. 'Call him here. He would love to see our new captures'

With the loud and heavy footsteps that came on cue, Ace assumed that the guy their master wasn't planning on getting no for an answer. From the thick bushes, a large ogre appeared. He was around Axel's height - maybe several inches taller - but short for their average. He wasn't even a worthy opponent. From the looks of it, he was top heavy - easy to knock down. Ace sized him up the way she did with Axel. If there was going to be a battle, Ace wouldn't need luck.

'So, you finally looted us something good' his voice was gruff, and scarily accurate to the sound of stones being scraped against the ground. Behind her, Ace heard Ozzy whimper.

She straightened herself. 'And who are you?'

The ogre grunted. 'Brunk, head chef of the ogre dynasty'

'Emphasize on nasty' Dewey muttered.

'I don't have time for this' she insisted. She looked around for her bow. The pests must have taken it. 'Capture us some other time'

'I'm afraid we can't do that,' Brunk explained. 'After what your kind has put us through, along with the others, possibilities of me allowing you to escape is-'

'Zero' Ozzy finished. 'What did we do?'

Brunk's pupils shrank as his eyes largened. 'Don't try to talk yourself out of it. It won't work. You-' he pointed at Buck. '-Tie them up properly this time, and throw them to the cell. I've heard from other creatures that werewolves taste… exotic'

'Ew' Dewey retched as the ropes tightened around him from nowhere.

'That's impossible' Ozzy exclaimed, looking at half a dozen new ogres who had decided to step into the scene, taking them deeper and deeper underground. 'Ogres don't eat werewolves…' he sounded doubtful.

'Ow!' Ace hit her head against the wall. Two other ogres pushed the boys inside. Despite the fact that her whole body was trapped, Ace threw herself towards the closed door. 'Let us out' she managed a muffled growl from the ropes that tied her jaws.

'Just to make sure you stay put' he threw a small, open bag to the floor. It hit the floor with so much force that the contents erupted out - silver dust. Unlike direct silver, the dust was enough to drain their energy for a good amount of time till the kitchen was ready upstairs.

Ozzy collapsed to the floor, the silver adding to his overload of exhaustion. Dewey's face itched all over, but he couldn't free his hands to scratch it.

She sank to the floor, coughing. They were running out of time. Soon enough, Axel's life would fade, the kingdom would probably be completely under the control of the mysterious killer, and Ace would die to a stupid, empty cell from starvation and extreme annoyance.

This could not be happening.

She refused to end it this way - without even finishing the mystery. She could not die without knowing who the exposer was. Most of all, she could not die while knowing her brothers and best friend were dead because of her.

In desperation, she hit her shoulder on the bars continuously. It hurt, but it was worth it. She snarled, trying to free her mouth from the dusty ropes.

'Is she OK?' Dewey whispered Oscar.

'Give her a minute. She's just frustrated,' he replied hoarsely. 'Ace. Ace! Listen to me. That isn't going to work'

Ace wasn't in the mood to listen. About fifteen minutes had passed, and Ace was still hitting her head on the door, each blow softer than the last.

Dewey sighed. As usual, his subconsciousness set to work. Although his eyes were glued to his friend, he was well aware of a small air vent in the corner, not large enough for any of them to fit, but just enough to make a key from it.

That will never work. You'll need time, heat, and a molding shape - none of which you have, He thought. Try something else. Look at the lighting of the vent's edges - the small spacings - I think it's called blinds… Don't they look… sharp?

Dewey inched towards the vent. He took off his boot using one foot, and rubbed his sock on the edges of the air vent. His eyes caught movement of small thread lines falling in through the vent's spacings. There was no doubt - the edges were sharp.

He lied down, and moved himself back and forth across the vent.

'Great, now you're going crazy too' Ozzy scooched in next to him. 'What are you doing?'

'Wait and see. Try to calm Ace down. Last thing I need is for her to attract guards'

As Ozzy moved towards a very agitated Ace, Dewey felt the ropes become looser. He wriggled his fingers. Finally, they were free.

Silently, he opened his claws and cut off one blind. After much grunting and stretching, he managed to free himself, along with the rope around his jawline. He crept up to his friends and snapped off the ropes that bind them.

'How did you-?' Ace finally stopped screaming.

'I told you to stay calm' her brother raised his eyebrows. 'Smart move, my friend. Respect'

'And you, brave decision to calm your sister - respect' Dewey smiled.

'Now let's get out of here' Ace's eyes glowed in fluorescent blue. She grabbed the ropes, thinking about nothing but the foolish ogres that had captured her - that had prevented her from saving Axel. The metal creaked as Ace slowly pulled it apart, making a space big enough to fit through.

'Alright' Ozzy cheered. 'Now where's the-'

'Wait! You're not going anywhere!' Buck's shrill voice called from their left. Ace groaned. She knew she couldn't attract the guards, but her instincts urged her to drop kick the tiny brat into the sky along with his friends.

'Listen, you pest. I didn't come all the way here to be stopped by some goofy, wannabe looters, ' she hissed.

Buck launched herself onto her boot. 'But you can't leave. We need you'

'Get off me' Ace snapped.

'What do you mean?' Ozzy gingerly knelt down next to him.

'We weren't always bandits' the pixie wiped his eyes with the hem of his overall as he launched into explanation. 'A few months ago, we were back home - in our kingdom - humble farmers'

'Humble… you don't say' Dewey took a seat next to Ozzy, Ace cautiously following the motion. Buck grinned.

'Yes - humble. But then, ogres came during the coronation of our new queen, and captured her. We refused to yield, so they took me and my companions. Unless we serve them the way they want, we don't go home. My team has spent days without food. Some of them…' Buck blew his pointy nose on Oscar's sleeve.

'So you're as much of a prisoner as we are' Ace's voice was soft.

'There has to be a way to get out of here' Dewey said.

'Can't you just use that portal magic to, you know, teleport us out?' Ozzy asked.

Buck shook his head. 'Not unless we are in the evergreen outdoors. Right now, we are quite stuck'

'Have you ever tried escaping'

'We have searched for different ways - none which worked. But we aren't leaving our future queen behind'

'So help us out, and we'll help you find your princess' Ace urged.

Buck tapped his foot. 'Deal' he decided.

'Ogres are not the brightest creatures in the enchanted world. They're always makin stupid and hasty bargains. They take good care of their ego. The hours they spend praising themselves…'

'Best if we don't hear it ' Dewey agreed.

'A deal? Buck, you said that ogres love their pride?' Ace asked.


'Make hasty negotiations?'


'Love a good brawl?'

'I did not say that, but yes' he confirmed.

'Good' Ace stood up. 'Now, go silently and get me my bow and arrow, wherever you hid them. I'm breaking us outta here'

'You can't be serious' Oscar protested as the pixies turned past the empty hallway.

'Trust me. That chef is… is…'

'Dead meat?' Dewey prompted.

'Gonna get cooked?' Ozzy cringed.

'I was about to say "going to get served" but I like yours much better'

'Here you go' Buck and his team hefted the bow and quiver of arrows.

'Thank you' Ace slung it over her shoulder. 'Take me to the ogres'


'I want to make a deal' Ace stink-eyed her audience. The dining hall was filled with thousands of giant, hungry ogres, clearly not happy about their meal just walking around and striking offers. Next to them, Ace was a bunny. They could have easily killed her, if they were smart about it.

'Brunk, what is the meaning of this?' At the very edge of the room, a few extra meters away from Ace, the king sat by his own buffet of starters. He stood approximately nine foot tall, with horrendous warts all over his bulky ashy gray body. A rusted, worn down crown crouched at the top of his head.

The head chef who stood by the corner of the table made a strangled scream. 'But, I tied them. I did! How did you escape?' he demanded. His eyes fell onto Buck, who sat on Dewey's shoulder. 'You!'

'I said I want to make a deal' Ace cut him off.

'A deal?' The king sounded excited. 'Speak, puny creature'

'Puny?' Ozzy muttered to himself. 'Werewolves have been known to have more strength than ogres'

'If I win, you set us free, along with the pixies. But if you win, you get to-'

'Eat you. Yes, I like' The king clapped his hands. 'What are we doing?'

'Combat. One on one. You versus me'

'Ha! Nice try. I'm not losing my end so easily. No, for a deal this big, I will be sending my best. Brogh!'

'Who's bruh?' Ozzy whispered to Dewey.

An ogre stood up from the opposite corner of the room. Nine feet tall with a few more inches. He was green - ugly, olive green - and somewhat resembled that character from one of Dewey's favorite childhood movies - Shrek - if Shrek wore only dust colored shorts, grew more in size, and had much, much darker skin tone.

'Ah yes' The king chuckled. He glanced at the werewolf. 'You can always back down. The others struck the same deal. They never made it out alive'

'Not a choice' Ace scanned her target, gripping her bow so tightly that her knuckles turned white.

'Then, princess, I will meet you in three minutes. Brunk, show her the weapon selection. Let her pick. It won't matter. You two-' he pointed a swollen finger at the boys. 'Are coming with me'


Ace walked past the weaponry. They were all too big for her. There was no way she could lift it. Exasperated, she hefted a "small" dagger the size of a sword. 'I'm ready'

'I hope you are prepared for what you chose'

'Please' Ace tried to sound confident. 'I'm not scared of a giant mushroom' she walked past Brunk, tearing off part of her sweater sleeve and using it to tie her hair back.

She entered the arena - about the size of five human football stadiums - lots of space to run. Ogres who were once hungry were now sitting around the ground, eager to see who would win. She spotted Oscar, Dewey, and Buck next to the king himself. Oscar furiously signed at her, Buck says ogres keep their part of the deal - always.

Stupid, she agreed. The crowd began to cheer loudly. Brogh had arrived.

'Three two one, go!' Brunk yelled.

'Wait, what-?' Ace slammed into the wall in a blink of an eye. 'Not fair!'

She moved to the side as Brogh slammed his fists into where her head had been. She slid under him and launched herself onto his back, driving her dagger blindly into something soft.

'Whoa!' Ace fell to the floor as Brogh shook her off, her hands cut and bruised.

'Rarrgh!' He ran towards her. Ace sped off to the other side, nocking an arrow and letting it go. She watched as it hit his thigh.

She glanced at Ozzy, who flashed a sign. They turn slower than you think.

She recalled her dad's advice. In combat, aim lower. She locked eyes with the vines that draped from the walls. As her opponent charged, she held one end and ran towards him, turning the other side at the last second. She wrapped the vine around his ankles, and pulled. Brogh fell down to the floor with a deafening BANG!. The audience gasped.

'Ha!' Ace exclaimed, hanging her new sword on her belt and turning to face the viewers. 'That all you got?'

'Ace!' Dewey's voice ran away.

Ace was pushed against the ground, pinned down by her rival's large hands. She managed to hold it up with enough space to breathe. She didn't know how much longer she could keep it that way.

'Brogh does not lose to weaklings like you' the ogre bellowed. Lowering himself closer to Ace, his disgusting yellow eyes bulging at the sight of his victim.

'Ace!' Ozzy pushed past the guards towards the edge of the railing.

Using one hand to hold the ogre away, Ace reached for her sword. Her mind went on autopilot, showing her vivid imaginations of Axel dying, followed by Ozzy and then Dewey.

Are you going to be held responsible for them? A small voice at the back of her mind whispered. Is this what you will do as queen? You're really just going to give up? Sure, go ahead. Surrender your life, along with your siblings...

'No!' She stabbed his hand, getting up as Brogh inspected it. The foolish ogre was on his knees, making things all the more easier for her. She used his knee to bounce up, arching her weapon and slicing through flesh.

She fell to the floor, in front of a pile of dust that had once been named Brogh. Breathing heavily, she looked up at the king. 'I win,' she growled, the fur at the tips of her tail rising.

'You- you killed Brogh! He was my main ogre!' The king wailed.

'Who's next? Or will you let us go?'

The king looked at his guards and pointed at the others with his chin. 'Just take them. The rest of you, no werewolf… anything'

'Aw sticks…'

'But I saved room for dessert!'

'She killed Brogh!'

'Do we really have to spare them…?'

Ozzy ran at his sister. 'Never do that again' he hugged her. 'You could have died!'

'But I didn't,' she pulled away. Dewey stood, frozen on the spot.

'What are you looking at, Dwayne?'

'You- your eyes glowed, and you just- with only a sword…you were pinned on the ground and… wow' he faltered. 'That was insane'

'And scary' Oscar added as they ran past the gates and into the forest again. 'And very much dangerous'

'Buck, I know we promised to find your princess, but-' How could she explain? She had to save Axel.

'But you need to go back, right?' the pixie hopped on her shoulder, handing over the promised antidote vial. 'We'll take you'

'But, your-'

'We are now free to find her. Ogres are so dumb, they always keep promises. Clearly, they haven't explored the wonders of misdirection yet. Me and my team are forever in your debt. Thank you' Buck tapped his foot. The portal opened, and they could see the entrance of the castle five to ten meters away.

'Good luck!' he called as the trio entered the green light.


'Ace, you OK?' Dewey asked her as they walked in the castle's direction.

'I just can't believe our adventure ended so quickly. We were asleep for most of it and barely saw anything'

'What are you talking about? You literally defeated an ogre by yourself. Ozzy tricked a witch and-'

'You brilliantly broke us out. I know, but still…'

'I wouldn't worry. Something tells me that we're going to be back on the road soon enough' If only Dwayne Cadieux knew how right he was.

'Guys, there's only three minutes left' Ozzy warned. The trio ran towards the castle, brushing past werewolf after werewolf.

They burst inside the healing room. Oswald turned his head in their direction. Alice's eyes glittered as she went to embrace them.

'You three...' Oswald's voice seethed with restrained acrimony and worry.

'They're back - and that's all that matters' Harbin leaned against the door, relieved to see them in one piece. 'And if I'm not wrong, they brought back something with them, didn't you?'

Dewey nodded and checked his stopwatch. Only one more minute left. No time to lose.

The three headed towards Axel. The young werewolf had a green tint to his pale complexion. He took shaky breaths in his subconsciousness. Ace put her hand on his face. His skin felt ice cold, as if he had been frozen in the ice lands. His chest heaved, fighting for air with every last ounce of energy he had left. Above his head, a small hourglass floated. The sand was running out now. He didn't have many seconds to live.

Oscar took out the flask and trickled the contents into his brother's open mouth. As the timer slowly came to a stop, Axel shuddered. Everyone turned to him, but no other effect came from him. Ace shook her head and clenched his hand.

'Axel? Axel? Axel!' she shook her brother. Axel shivered again. Dewey glanced at his father, who looked pretty stumped himself.

'He should've woken up,' Harbin wanted to fade. Oswald glared at the general.

'Should have?' he hissed, coming closer to his son, putting his fingers on the corners of Axel's closed eyes, wiping the tears that poured from them. Axel writhed in his state, howling in pain. His grip became tighter around Ace's wrist, his breathing becoming more sharper. He coughed, his purple eyes becoming more visible.

Ace locked eyes with him. 'Axel?' she called.

Yeah? He smiled weakly, wincing. Shaking his head, he sat up dizzily, leaning against Oswald, who looked at Harbin. The general shrugged.

'How do you feel?' Ozzy asked.

Need water - please? Axel pointed at his dry throat. Feeling better than yesterday.

Alice kissed him on the cheek as he gulped down the water. Axel rubbed his eyes and looked around. What did I miss?

'Well, you missed one epic journey' Dewey started, careful not to anger his king.

'Witches, ghost trains, pixies and capture' Oscar mentally slapped his mouth.

'And one epic battle' Ace finished.

Axel pouted, the cuts on his mouth coming close to form a frown. And I was sleeping beauty the whole time? He growled, covering his face with his hands. He touched his mouth to realize that his mask was missing.

Where is my mask? He looked around, panicking.

'Oh, we had a great time without it' Harbin said from the back of the room. Axel glared at him, eyes uncontrollably glowing, tail lashing in hyper agitation. Give it back.

'I like you without it' Ozzy handed it to his brother, who tied it around his jaws again.

And I like me with it, Axel retorted. Oscar looked at his parents.

'I take it back. I forgot how annoying he was. Can he go back to sleep again?' he asked. Alice rolled her eyes.

'Well, it's good to have you back, but-'

Can I eat first, please? Axel's stomach growled, begging for food. Going for a week without eating had started his hound-style cravings again. Taste was all he could think about. He had to get something before his canines did things he would soon regret.

Tell me everything - every little detail. What happened out there? The five followed their parents into the dining hall.

'Well, we can't exactly explain it now… with all your concentration on food' Ozzy reasoned. If their dad had heard every detail, they would most likely be banned from breathing air outside their room. Oscar once again added evidence to his list; his dad was not normal. No. Normal werewolves would let their kids enjoy the outside, let them explore their skills, and allow them to run until they fell from exhaustion. Oswald was the complete opposite.

He paused abruptly in frustration, causing Axel to slam into him.

Watch it, Ozzy. Why'd you stop?

'Why do you need to know?' He tried sounding brave. 'I could be thinking about my research, or I might be thinking about something else. Neither which revolves around you'

You're so annoying. I only asked a simple question.

'You're not one to talk about being annoying. You're the one who made us go out there' he huffed, yawning.

Well, if I recall correctly - which I am - you're the one who asked me for cake. Axel leaned on his older brother. Feeling blamed for no reason? Me too.

Ozzy growled. He considered scratching his brother's… anywhere, but decided it was against his usual "good boy" protocols. Besides, as hard as it hit, Axel had a point.

'Can you not stay for a single second without bickering?' Alice asked from the front.

'He started it' Oscar grumbled.

'Enough' both werewolves snapped their snouts shut at the sound of their mother. Axel moved on to Ace, a better shelf to lean on.

'How do you feel?' she asked.

Tired, hungry, and in need of food. I can go for three days without a snack - but a week? No way. I need to eat. How 'bout you?

'Just a little bit sleepy' she stifled a yawn.

A bit?

'Alright - maybe more than a bit,' she admitted.

What was out there?

Pixies, witches, and ogres, Ace signed at him.

Axel pointed his index finger at his head and raised his other hand, closing his finger tips at a single point and then loosening it by spreading them far away - the sign he used for mind-blowing.

'It was pretty epic' she agreed.

Her brother's ears drooped. And I missed it.

I mean, Ace signed reassuringly. We have a chance of going out there again. For the mystery. Face even more dangers - with you.

Harbin and Dewey brushed past them. Nice try, Harbin signed as he turned towards them. You're not going out there again. The siblings glanced at one another.

Of course, Ace flashed back.

Too dangerous, Axel agreed falsely.

'Well, I must be taking Dewey home' the general laid his hand on his son's shoulder. 'The triplets might be able to stay awake for a long time, but I doubt this kid can last another second. I'll bring him back home. Lou must be worried sick, like I was'

'Don't you dare talk about being worried sick' Oswald hissed. 'If you hadn't-'

'We'll talk about that later. First, we deal with our own pups' Alice nodded in the triplets direction.

Oswald growled. 'Fine'

Harbin rushed Dewey to the portal. Dewey murmured sleepily, 'He's going to kill you'

'You think?' Harbin chuckled. 'Not with Alice by his side'

Dewey entered the room in his mom's café. He opened the door to his house and searched for his mom, changing back to his human form. He pricked up his ears and tried to listen to Lou's voice, his ears leading him to her room.

'Mom?' He opened the door. Lou sat on her bed in her pajamas - a black shirt with green flannel pants. Her eyes grew wide at the sight of her dusty son.

'Dewey!' she jumped off and gave him a hug. She pulled away and playfully slapped the side of his face. 'You little-'

'I know, I know. But I had to' he cut her off apologetically. 'I'm sorry'

'What were you thinking? You have no idea how worried I was. You can't just go off to places without telling me. I couldn't get in touch with your father. Where were you?' She hugged him again.

'I was with the triplets - well, only Ace and Ozzy because Axel was poisoned-'

'Axel was what?' she locked eyes with him.

'Yeah, and the kingdom didn't have the ingredients for a cure. So Ace came up with this idea that the three of us should go save him. And turns out there was this market closer to the kingdom but we didn't know that'

'And so…?'

'And so we may or may not have traveled for a week to this witch's hut, drove in a witches' train and got captured by pixies - oh, and Ace battled an ogre'

'You got captured?' she demanded.

'Yes, but only for like, fifteen minutes'

'Why is your hand red'

Dewey gulped, his ears burning. 'Uhh, silver dust?'

Lou paused for a moment before speaking again. 'You're not going back there for a while'


'You're staying here for three days' she insisted, furiously wiping away her tears as her voice broke. 'You don't know how it was like this past week. Not knowing where you were, or whether you were alright. You don't know how many times I had lied to Ava and Mr. Paan - telling them that you had gone on a trip with the triplets and their family'

'Well, you weren't technically lying' Dewey pointed out uneasily - anything to stop his mom from crying.

'I don't care if you have a mystery to solve' Lou continued. 'You're staying here'

'But-' Dewey caught himself, his guilty conscience getting the better of him. 'You're right. I'll stay'

'Good' she ruffled his hair. 'Now get yourself clean and get some rest. It's been a rough journey for you, hasn't it?'

'You don't want to know'

'I don't' she agreed. 'Now, sleep'

Without any further arguing, Dewey walked to his room, got washed and dressed. He flopped down on his bed, checking his phone to see if any messages arrived. Now that he had Wifi, all the missed notifications came avalanching. At least ten missed calls from Ava every day, and a recent text from Ozzy.

Ozzy: How was your mom?

Dewey: I'm not allowed to come over for three days. I'll see what I can do from here. Maybe a lil research. You?

Ozzy: Dad yelled at us for five mins straight. Probably best if you don't come. Uncle Otis and Aunt Elaina are visiting us - to celebrate Axel. So unfair. The others don't know. We'll try to work from here tho.

Dewey: Goodnight then.

Ozzy: Mmm.

He didn't remember anything that happened after that message. But he could've sworn he'd heard the sound of metal being cut as his eyes closed shut.