
Chasing Phantom: Phase 1

When 5 friends (none of them ordinary) decide to take on a mystery together, none of them realized they would end up unveiling an old and forgotten danger that could end two worlds forever.

InkyStuff · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Chapter 8

'Unh' Ozzy's eyelids opened heavily. He was sitting by a table inside a train cabin. Ace was asleep on his shoulder. 'Wha?'

'Finally' Dewey sat opposite to them.

'Where are we?'

'Like you predicted, our ride didn't stay for long. I found a few notes in your bag about a ghost train - so that's where we are. This was your original plan, right?'

'Take three days to go, three to come back' Ozzy agreed. 'Ace-'

'Can be a little headstrong'


'What you did back there? Probably the bravest thing I've seen you do'

Ozzy turned pink, his ears lowering. 'Thanks'

'What exactly did you do in Geillis's hut that took you so long?'

'Made a timed contraption to make sure Geillis doesn't turn back before we leave'

'I need that head of yours'

'And I need your sense of keen sight'

'When Axel's better - and he will become better - he won't be calling you chicken for a really long time'

'Give him five minutes. That's all he'll take to be back to his normal sarcastic self'

Ace shifted in her sleep. Ozzy looked at Dewey. 'You take her. I can't stand it when others are touching me when I'm thinking'

'What exactly are you thinking of?' Dewey pulled Ace over and placed her head on his shoulder. 'You're bothered by something the rat said'

Oscar managed a small laugh - one without humor. 'Pretty much. What did she mean when she said our kind was doing something? Something that could destroy what we created? Dewey, you think it might be related to the werewolf exposer at home? What if the fairies aren't just targeting us?'

'That's a lot of questions, Ozzy. I'm not sure. Why would Kasper be conspiring to take over the-'

'Kasper's dead' he filled Dewey in on what Trevor had told him.

'What?' Dewey didn't know what to say.

'Along with Donna' Ozzy continued. 'I say that the guy got everything he needed from the old werewolf'

'Could be' Dewey said.

'This is taking us nowhere. The answer is right there. I hate being in the dark - literally and figuratively' he brushed his hand through his hair.

'We'll get it - though I'm more concerned about the hate the lady had for your family'

'I know right? Someone must have really ticked her off. Blue hair - so he's a royal. Tall and muscular describes my dad - but I doubt he's that crazy to go there'

'We went there, remember?'

'Yeah, but still' Ozzy sighed as he fidgeted with a few screws and other junk he grabbed from his backpack. 'I don't see dad going to Geillis's house and threatening her. He isn't that type of a person'

'He is known for his temper…'

'Dewey, I know he didn't go there'

'I'm not saying he did' Dewey said defensively. 'All I'm saying is that he might have. Rule number one of being a detective - never leave a single suspect out, no matter how much it hurts'


'Look, it might not be him. Why would he go looking for dragon scales?'

'True' Oscar calmed down. The door clicked open and a small little girl in black clothes entered.

'Can I interest you in any treats?' she asked.

'Sure, I'm starving' Dewey peered into the trolley, upset to see no food.

'Do you want something sweet or savory?'

'Savory' Ozzy called.

'Sweet for me' Dewey told her.

The girl waved her hand and a plate of roast chicken and mashed potatoes appeared in front of Ozzy.

'I want both,' Dewey decided.

'Choose your sweet' the trolley was suddenly filled with different candies from all over the enchanted kingdom.

'This one' he picked up a small packet of flower gummies. 'Oh, and could you leave one more savory thing? For my friend over here?' he pointed to Ace.

A plate of lasagna was made from thin air. From behind the door, a voice was heard. 'Oleander! How many times do I have to tell you to serve and leave?'

Oscar passed her a few gold coins. The girl pushed her trolley outside. Dewey turned to his food. Oscar had finished a third of his plate.

'Dude, how are you eating so much? That's a whole chicken'

'Well, werewolves technically have more of an appetite then humans do. Also, its been at least two days since I didn't eat properly'

'Do you know this candy?' Dewey asked as popped one into his mouth.

'Dewey, wait don't eat that-'

Dewey felt sick. Something was crawling up his throat. Out of reflex, he opened his mouth, shocked to see a bunch of roses pop out.

'Wha is happe-i-g?' he coughed. Oscar burst out laughing.

'Its hanahaki gummies'


'Basically it makes you sprout flowers from your mouth. The history and inspiration is pretty cool. Hanahaki is basically a disease that humans believe you get when you are in a-'

'Uh huh' Dewey waved it off. 'Ha do ya geh ri o i?'

'I'm going to assume you said "how do you get rid of it". Well, you can eat the flowers. It's sometimes sweet, sometimes sour. But it's fun'

Dewey pulled out the flowers and, with much hesitation, ate them. Surprisingly, they were sweet. 'That is disgusting'

'It is magical' Ozzy corrected, kicking his sister awake.

'Ace, wake up. I got candy.' Ace's eyes opened lazily.

'Huh?' she didn't get to finish. Ozzy threw the sweet into her mouth, watching as half a dozen daisies sprouted.

Dewey laughed. 'Is that how ridiculous I looked?'

'Pretty much'

Ace pulled it out and ate it, shuddering. 'Ew. it's sour' she made a face. 'Ooh, food'

Without any waiting, she dug in.

'Good morning to you too' Ozzy grumbled.

'Sad 'cause I didn't give you a reaction?' Ace teased.


'Got any part of the mystery figured out?' she asked.

'Just that the guy is really close to getting what he wants now that he killed the Clawe's. We have to go to their house and find out if there is any hole that the key fits into' Ozzy filled her in.

'Assuming your dad lets you' Dewey told them.

Ace slumped in her seat. 'Thank you, Dwayne Cadieux, for bringing that up. Really appreciate it'

'He's gonna kill us' Ozzy seemed to have lost his huge appetite.

'Hey, he'll know you did it for a good cause'

'You could have been killed!' Oscar imitated Oswald's voice. 'What if all three of you died? I told you not to go! Ace, you're better than this! Oscar, I trusted you. It was irresponsible of both of you. You can't just go off to every calling you hear. You're both grounded - grounded - until I see an improvement. Neither of you are allowed to set foot off this castle' he ended his performance with a weak growl.

'Exactly, brother - minus the growl' Ace applauded meekly. 'I lost his trust once, losing it again… I'm not sure I'll ever get it back'

'The worst part?' Ozzy huffed. 'Axel will be free'

'Right? That's so unfair - after all we did'

'Well, no turning back now' Dewey nudged her.

'Easy for you to say' she sighed, her ears drooping like wilted flowers.

'We still have a whole day left, assuming Ozzy's calculations are right. You guys wanna explore?' Dewey asked.

'It will be good to get some exercise after all this sitting' Ace agreed, stretching on her seat. 'Ozzy, you coming?'

'Like I have a choice' Oscar scooted off his chair. 'I'd rather be-'

'Inventing?' Dewey asked.

'Reading?' Ace prompted.

'Indoors without having to explore a witch's coven' Ozzy continued.

'Chicken' Ace headed outside.

'What did I tell you?' Oscar asked Dewey, who laughed as he dragged his friend.

The train was built to be completely invisible from outside, but hotel-like on the inside. According to the notice board at the station, the train dated back to 2,700 BCE and even traveled to the human worlds before they discovered it in 1972. Humans had reported strange sounds of a train whizzing by at night, so the witches decided it was best to cut the destination from the route. Dewey wondered how it would be like to live in a time where both worlds knew each other and actually visited the opposite realm. Not even Oscar could clearly tell what had happened.

'Whoa!' Oscar exclaimed. He had opened the door to the library.

'Ozzy, I'd hate to burst your bubble, but they probably have only books about witches and potions and spells' Ace told him.

The next room was a small gaming room. Young witches were found playing magic hopscotch, showing off their skills to one another, and even hanging upside down. Ace was about to step in before Dewey held her back.

'Let's find a room with less or no people at all. I don't think some would trust us. It's better not to get caught. Not when we're this close to going home'

'You're probably right'

They had walked through each and every car, opened every door, and scanned every room. Not a single place was empty. Turns out the ghost train was a popular ride.

'Well, that was fun' Oscar scoffed as he sat down. 'My feet are killing me'

'You do way more than just walk up and down a train when we're working out' Ace wasn't even winded.

'Well, firstly-' Ozzy cut himself off. 'Did you hear that?' he whimpered.

'Hear what?'

'From the rooftop' Ozzy pointed upwards with shaking hands.

Dewey and Ace pricked their ears. Sure enough, they heard small but loud thumps on the metal - like someone was walking. All of a sudden, the train skidded to a stop, pushing the two back into their seats and slamming poor Ozzy's stomach onto the edge of the table.

'Ow' he moaned.

'Attention please' a squeaky voice came from nowhere. 'Due to - hehe - unfortunate circumstances, the route of the train is now - hehe - changed. Now, if there is anyone with a - hehe - high or wealthy rank, I suggest you sit tight. Your journey is going to be a bumpy ride!'

The three looked up at the ceiling. Drill holes had appeared.

'Ace…' Oscar didn't dare breathe.

'Keep quiet,' she whispered.

Tiny hands were now pulling the metal apart. All at once, a thousand tiny people dropped inside as if they were the SWAT team or the FBI, making their way on top of the trio. They wore leaf green soldier outfits, complete with mini cowboy hats. They couldn't have been more than twenty centimeter tall.

'Get of me' Ace tried pulling them off, but more kept coming.

'Ow!' Ozzy howled.

'Hey!' Dewey tried pulling himself free from the ropes that bind him.

Ace had fallen to the floor. She squirmed, trying to get her claws to cut herself free.

'Ooh, a royal. Pretty' one of them leaned towards her face. His skin had a yellowish tint to it. His eyes were wide, with large gray irises that filled them completely, making it look like two ink pools were slapped on his sharp diamond face. His auburn frizzy hair stuck out in an arc from his head, looking like the sun was always behind him. He wore a dark brown overall made from dead leaves. He poked his captive's nose with an inch of twig.

Ace snapped at him, but he smoothly stepped back. 'Oooh, feisty!' he giggled. Ace growled back. 'Master will surely love this one! A lovely princess to add to my list of captures'

'Master?' Ozzy twisted himself to turn towards Ace. 'I thought pixies had a queen'

The pixie giggled again. 'Oh never mind that!' he hopped on top of Ozzy's stomach. 'You'll know more as we go'

'Where are you taking us?' Dewey grunted as they pulled them towards the doorway.

'Well, you'll know more about that as we go too' he hopped off Ozzy and stood by the doorway. Instead of opening it, he tapped his foot three times, and the trio disappeared through a portal of green light.