
Chasing Desires

"Can I chase my desires in the form of you, Jasmine Rose, or should I say Scarlett Vermont?" When she discovered that Lucas, her fiancé for five years, cheated on the night of their anniversary with Sophia Deim, his co-star actress, Jasmine Rose, an orphan, broken, and lost young woman, found herself agreeing to the deal that Raven Delacroix, CEO of Weikhan Corporation, offered. Just when she thought that revenge was everything, she found herself in the middle of power struggles, controversy, scandal, and a dark romance with her pretend fiancé. She needed to find a way to live the life she chased to desire, and to do so, she needed to find true love, or all she had planned from the start would be ruined. "I never expected that the true love I've been seeking has been with me all along, Raven Delacroix." *** Original Story

nerdybukme23 · Urban
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21 Chs

Naivety of Her Past

Her voice lowered like an apple dipped in honey; it was so addictive that I was unable to finish it all.

"What are you doing in here?" She questioned me once more. With a nervous chuckle, I glanced at her before turning to face my back and realizing that my shadow was the only person present.

I raised my eyebrows and pointed to myself, but Sophia just laughed.

"Yeah, you are, and it's getting dark in here. Let's head in that direction instead." I didn't shout at her or stop her when she pulled my arm. I simply allowed the strange warmth and coldness that surrounded her aura to sway my feet.

We returned to the occasion. I heard laughs and chuckles, conversations about trade transactions, show business, ideas for new projects, and friends chatting about their personal lives.

My eyes returned to Sophia and the thinness of her palms on my arm, like a delicate glass. Eventually, I had to take a gulp.

I didn't even realise the point of my stay in that hallway. Since I had a hunch that Sophia knew something—or rather, information—that I might not even be aware of, I probably overlooked it for the time being.

I allowed her to take me to her table, where she introduced me to a few of her friends. Some were from her time in high school and university, some were coworkers at work, and some were from the company that her family owns.

We had a brief conversation during which I learned a great deal about Sophia and her friends.

In the winter, she enjoys eating roasted chestnuts and always consumes a bottle that her friends offer her. Even once, while they were in high school, Raven gave her a scarf that she would always wear whenever she pleased.

I discovered that the first play she performed was not what Raven had taught me, but rather a memory from her elementary school years when she had some elementary school friends who remained with her throughout high school and college.

She prefers gifts prepared with effort by those close to her rather than pricey ones.

She enjoys taking frequent trips, and more lately, she gave Lucas a peek into her life than the years they have spent together.

This time, though, my envy was not for Lucas but rather for the life she had from the moment of her birth.

She had all the things I yearned for—wealth, friends, opulent possessions, and the people in her immediate circle and her family.

Despite having friends there, I was unable to live off the food the orphanage provided. Every season, one of our friends would become a member of another family, and we would cease all communication.

By the time I reached adulthood, I was able to support myself by working many part-time jobs to cover my living expenses, tuition, and food costs.

I would just eat half of the rice in the morning and save the rest for dinner to have enough money saved in my bank account.

Lucas only ever saw the happy, optimistic side of me that I always showed him—the side untarnished by the harsh realities of life—and never got to know the other side of me.

During those years when I thought all the work I was doing was in vain and that I would never be able to live the life I had always wanted, there were moments when I wanted to quit.

My entire 10 years' worth of savings would be lost on deposit costs and monthly fixed rent if I were to get an apartment in Tokyo. I only turned to student loans because I could hardly manage to pay for my tuition even with part-time work and enough food to eat.

I never had the chance to tell Lucas that aspect of myself.

I'm just a piece of shell in the end, trying to claim anything, but it wasn't even that simple. It's challenging.

Perhaps I never would have found my true family and never had the feeling of healing if I hadn't met Raven that evening.

I wouldn't know if Jasmine Rose would continue to exist as Scarlett Vermont if that were to happen.

A friend of Sophia's inquired, "So, say, Scarlett, how did the two of you, your fiance, meet?"

Upon glancing around at everyone, I noticed that Sophia had excused herself from her table earlier to inquire with a few others she could know, leaving me alone with her close friends.

I laughed.

Three years ago

 Vermont Beach House located on Tenaburi Shore

10:00 a.m.

I sipped some coffee and enjoyed the breathtaking scenery. I could feel the wind's warmth stroking every strand of hair on my skin. I shut my eyes to savour the present.

Breathe in, then out.

I kept doing that till I felt the cherry blossoms from the Sakura tree next to the path cover the area.

I straightened out of the chair and took a princess-like seat. Instead of having to model for the previous year, I would do well when I start my acting career with the manners I've managed to learn from Sir Auri.

As I shook my head at the pointless ideas, a rich, cosy tone began to reverberate throughout the space, putting my golden skin in place of the wind's kisses.

My vision cleared up as he said, "It seemed that you're always here whenever it's weekends, Scarlett." His deep, dark voice comforted me like a golden sun.

His expression conveys that he came here because he was bored. His hair was well-groomed, and his eyes shone brightly despite the night's darkness.

His right hand was in his pocket as he walked, and his left hand attempted to undo his tie. Even so, the monotony of his stare gave way to a louder, quicker drumbeat in my chest.

"What am I supposed to say? Sir Auri has taught me a lot, but he is a little rigorous about everything."

He chuckled, which I heard, but he sat across from me at the table and handed me a folded letter right away.

When I called for some help to bring the man some refreshments, he sipped on the coffee right away.

"What is this?" As I opened the note, I inquired.

I heard nothing but the passing of the breezes, not even a single syllable coming from his mouth.

I looked at it till my eyes got big.

Maybe he noticed my expression, which is why he laughed, set the coffee down, and leaned forward, smirking.

"That is the tale of our meeting; Scarlett, never forget that storyline."

Leaving me alone in the bright weather with an empty cup and a chair that was still full of strange warmth even if the figure had vanished a while ago.

I let out a sigh when I finished reading the page's first sentence.

"It was during a stormy day that we realised two souls from previous lives had crossed paths.

At present

I turned to face Hina, the woman, and smiled at her.

"It was a stormy night when we first met, and it crushed my heart. I was sobbing on the ground in a park while he was looking for his lost little puppy when the rain unexpectedly reached our shadows."

Following my statement, the men and women gathered around the table and leaned in to ask me various questions that were still connected to the one I had just finished.

I laughed and responded to each one. The first question was one I didn't bother to lie about, but the rest were already made up.

Sophia joined our table a short while later, and her anxious expression persisted. She bit her lip, unable to stop herself, and her hands began to shake. She was walking to her seat while a few of her friends watched the action, as I could see.

"Although I was unable to see Lucas, I had the impression that he was inside."

"Oh, Lucas just spoke with George. My brother thought Lucas would be a great fit for some things he wanted to ask a guy." Saya laughed after saying it.

That's when I let out a silent scream. Thus, the man Lucas had been speaking with earlier was from an affluent family, but he was acquainted with George.


After, Sophia's expression brightened, and she laughed. I continued to glance at my watch, and after a little while, I noticed Lucas entering.

He nodded as our eyes met, and I laughed uncomfortably. When I asked to leave the rest, Sophia just laughed and nodded.

The last words I could catch a glimpse of were, "I will just wait here for Lucas to arrive, but a little later, I might also come outside to search for him, so you all don't have to worry about it." I then left for the location that had been specified in the earlier message.

I looked inside my bag for my phone and clicked my tongue to see if there was another message. As soon as I entered the hallways, I ran into someone, and if their hands hadn't grabbed mine, I would have fallen to the ground.

I let out a gasp. I was unable to see the person's face, but I could tell he was a man based on the way his physique was constructed and the fact that he was in a suit.

"I apologise; I didn't realise I was staring at—" he laughed, and I shut my mouth.

"Miss, please don't apologise; I'm also partially to blame." Fixing our postures together, he continued, and I realised right away who this person was.

I could see the crimson colour of his hair and his emerald eyes as the light from my phone shone on his figure. Such a gorgeous man, good enough to be friends with Lucas, another stunning actor.

Before he could say anything further, a very familiar voice interrupted, sending shivers down my spine. "If I may, may I ask your name, Miss---?"

"Scarlett, there you are, George."