
Chasing Desires

"Can I chase my desires in the form of you, Jasmine Rose, or should I say Scarlett Vermont?" When she discovered that Lucas, her fiancé for five years, cheated on the night of their anniversary with Sophia Deim, his co-star actress, Jasmine Rose, an orphan, broken, and lost young woman, found herself agreeing to the deal that Raven Delacroix, CEO of Weikhan Corporation, offered. Just when she thought that revenge was everything, she found herself in the middle of power struggles, controversy, scandal, and a dark romance with her pretend fiancé. She needed to find a way to live the life she chased to desire, and to do so, she needed to find true love, or all she had planned from the start would be ruined. "I never expected that the true love I've been seeking has been with me all along, Raven Delacroix." *** Original Story

nerdybukme23 · Urban
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21 Chs

Like a Wicked Snake

I was texting on my phone and laughing.

A deep, sinister voice said, "What's funny?" I instantly put my phone in my purse. I grinned as I turned to face Raven.

But he kept driving without bothering to look at me.

"Let's just say that the mice are trapped inside the box I've prepared for them," Raven sighed, and a giggle spread throughout the automobile.

I clicked my tongue at her name: "Just don't take Sophia into your plans; I have her, you know that."

I peered out the window of the car and took in the surrounding skyscrapers. I managed to laugh as I gestured to the highest one.

"What's even funnier, you know?" I asked without glancing at him.

The car stopped as I was saying, "People who realize it's too late for them to have second chances."

"We're here," he said as he leaned and gave me a look. I forced myself to not gasp when I moved to kiss him on the lips when he put the palm of his hand on them.

His tone made me tremble, but the more I peered into his enigmatic orb, the more I became interested in his aura and yearned to learn more about him. "Remember that, Scarlett. We never agreed to do this without any benefits."

Someone he used to be.

Then, at an unexpected moment, envy broke out.

With his usual firmness, he rushed to the other side and quickly grabbed my hand as soon as I got out of the car. "Don't dilly-dally, and come on, we have some business to do."

The cameras kept lining up to capture images of our faces. We played the part of a loving couple. I put my hands on his chest and stared into his lips. I gasped as he moved to draw me to my waist and closer to him, filling the space between our bodies.

He went in closer, grinning, but instead of kissing me, he just mumbled some things that made my eyes enlarge. Before I could act, or even slap his face in front of millions of people, to be captured on camera,. I only bit my lower lip.

"Never do that again; you and Lucas were stranded in that tiny hut the week before. You were never aware of the words Sophia spoke that deeply wounded her."

We moved to the venue's entrance as a variety of celebs and business people attended the heiress of the Deim Corporation's engagement to the most well-liked actor in the nation.

We walked in the door with me firmly holding Raven's arm and grinning.

"But Raven, you knew exactly what I'm talking about, so don't ever tell me that you never benefited from that action." When I sensed he was glaring at me, I laughed.

"Scarlett, you understand that I dislike sharing things that are already mine, so you only do what was agreed upon in the contract."

"Raven, you also understand that nobody owns me because I was never a property."

"Why do you..."

"Greetings, there! You two appear to be a really attractive and loving pair." An old woman came up to us. He walked around with a wooden staff and had silver hair.

She was grinning at us, and I could even see her chauffeur standing next to her.

I smiled and spoke her name as I greeted her.

"Greetings, Madam Fiona." I bowed, and I allowed Raven to do the same.

The elderly woman laughed and suggested that we simply call her by name, making her seem just as young as we are.

Before she said goodbye, we laughed and chatted for a while. As we moved closer to the couple's anniversary, Raven and I looked into each other's eyes and sighed.

I knew then and there that my plans would begin to materialise. Lucas praised me for organising such a brilliant strategy in a letter he sent earlier.

That's the reason I laughed, but it's not the only one. My hands had been curling up to this man, and I saw a light come from his eyes the moment they met his beautiful childhood friend.

My stomach boiled, wanting me to throw up.

I sighed, shaking my head.

"Raven, since you mentioned that I could do things with your permission, could you please say yes before I ask?" I gave him a look, and he squinted at me; both of his eyes narrowed.

I gripped my handbag and took a step towards him while he sipped his champagne.

"Could you?" I enquired. I caught him smirking.

"You think I'll say yes, huh? What would happen if I declined?"

"Then, you dimwit, my plans will go awry."

"I do appreciate your plans, but calling me names like that would get you in trouble. You understand exactly what I'm talking about, don't you?" I could feel a shudder running down my spine, but I dismissed it.

As though his words never even scared me.

"Then go ahead and do it, as I know you wouldn't be able to right now." We chatted the entire way, and after a brief pause, I heard Lucas and Sophia start to return. The scene warmed up and got sentimental.

The golden wreath added to the already shimmering golden walls that are everywhere. The orchestra kept playing heartfelt tunes that spoke to everyone in the room.

Everyone, in my opinion, hails from a wealthy family; some are celebrities, while others are self-made millionaires or billionaires. Five years ago, I could hardly afford the pricey gowns and jewellery that they were wearing.

A place where cheap jewellery and cheap clothing could be purchased from any cheap supermarket or convenience store would lead to bullying and the eventual humiliation of an innocent, naive, and pure Jasmine Rose.

It's a place where wolves are ravenous and chasing fame, fortune, and power.

It serves as the predator's nighttime den. A den that stood in stark contrast to the outside world.

Without this young man alongside me, I could have to carry on leading a fairly ordinary existence, residing in an average society that strives for money, and possibly growing up in a family that isn't particularly warm or pleasant.

It would have been a dream of mine, but a dream with a nightmare overlay.

Scarlett Vermont was a very different person when Jasmine Rose vanished; she was hot, fierce, well-known, vindictive, and most importantly, evil. An untouchable woman.

I was unaware of a completely different aspect of myself that Raven helped me to see. Is it as a result of his treatment of me? Or is it a result of the plans he ensured would be carried out? Is it, worst of all, since he discovered my real family?

I'm not sure.

I was unable to know.

Nevertheless, Lucas' response to my query confused me.

Does there have to be no cause to fall in love?

The event came to an end, and I excused myself to use the restroom. I went to get my hands cleaned and my lipstick fixed. I chuckled, then glanced at the young woman standing in front of me.

My phone vibrated, and sure enough, the time couldn't have been more perfect.

Three days prior

Thursday at 10:00 a.m.

"So you're saying that Sigald was unable to make it, and as a result, you have a temporary secretary?"

"Yes." Raven continued to study the paperwork on his desk, signing some of it and putting the rest aside.

I walked up to him and shut his desk.

"Is she a girl?"

"Yes, don't worry; I've already had the only person in my heart forever."

I gave him a fierce look, and suddenly it dawned on me.

"Lucas mentioned that I would assist him in organising their anniversary, so I suppose you also need to have your secretary on hand in case he needs to thank me later. Please allow her to go with you when you exit so I can finish my work." He set down the paper with a scowl on his face.

He turned in his chair and reached for his chin, leaving a space between it and his desk.

"Are you telling me you have other plans that I'm not aware of?"

"Oh, please, how did I ever get to do that?" I refused to shrug my shoulders.

"Please never repeat what happened on Misao Island, as it could not only harm Sophia but also severely damage our business if the media finds out."

"Don't worry, I'm not that kind of person, and you know me, I'm a wicked being now... There was no sign of the woman you knew five years ago."

He made a tongue-clicking sound and then sighed. He shook his head, but all I could do was laugh.

"On the couple's anniversary, you are free to do as you choose. They claimed to be revealing the dates of their wedding, correct?"

"Scarlett, don't you dare do anything to them when I didn't allow you to."

"Calm down; I won't be alright." However, Raven, who needs your approval anyway?

I left without turning around because I had my own plan.

The next text that appeared was from Lusia rather than Lucas.

Present time

"Don't you think Miss Sophia looked like she was crying?"

"I believe so; there have been rumors that her fiancé, a well-known actor by the name of Lucas, has been unfaithful to her."

"Is that accurate? How did you find out about these rumors?"

"Well, the staff told me about it earlier. Even though I heard screaming and yelling earlier in the lady's room, it doesn't explain how content they appeared."

"Maybe Lucas wasn't betraying her, but rather pleasantly surprising her, given that their wedding is still several months away."

"I see; perhaps you're correct. Lucas, that young man, wouldn't know how to be unfaithful since..."

After a while, the women in the lavatory left, and I left the cubicle as well.

I arched an eyebrow and glared towards the door.

Is Lucas unfaithful to Sophia? It turns out that Sophia had been crying earlier, even though I had assumed I had held Anne back from sharing the photos because I wanted to see them more.

Even though it was dark in the halls when I arrived at the assigned spot a little earlier, I was still able to catch two silhouettes.

Two figures, one quite familiar and the other unfamiliar but very distinct,.

"The information you requested is all here, but that's all I could find because the person or woman you are looking for vanished five years ago and isn't missing at all."

A man's voice spoke.

"All right, I'll give you a call later when I have queries."

"I suppose you ought to make peace with your fiancé first, as she feels that you are unfaithful to her with this."

"I've already explained to her... Since you gave me the information already, we have temporarily resolved the dispute. I plan to look for some more next week on this."

"Don't worry, friends do that kind of thing."

"Thank you so much, George. I owe you this."

I only heard the talk I shouldn't have because I moved out of the corner and concealed myself. However, the instant I heard a very familiar voice behind me, shivers ran down my spine.

"Lady Scarlett?"