
Chasing Desires

"Can I chase my desires in the form of you, Jasmine Rose, or should I say Scarlett Vermont?" When she discovered that Lucas, her fiancé for five years, cheated on the night of their anniversary with Sophia Deim, his co-star actress, Jasmine Rose, an orphan, broken, and lost young woman, found herself agreeing to the deal that Raven Delacroix, CEO of Weikhan Corporation, offered. Just when she thought that revenge was everything, she found herself in the middle of power struggles, controversy, scandal, and a dark romance with her pretend fiancé. She needed to find a way to live the life she chased to desire, and to do so, she needed to find true love, or all she had planned from the start would be ruined. "I never expected that the true love I've been seeking has been with me all along, Raven Delacroix." *** Original Story

nerdybukme23 · Urban
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21 Chs

A Fervent Warning

It would be accurate to characterize the location as the billionaire's hideaway. Everything was comfortable and warm. I decided to remain even longer than I had planned because of the city lights visible from underneath this skyscraper.

George remarked, "You seem to like their wine a lot, Scarlett." I grinned.

"To find out, would you like to taste mine?" I enquired. Geroge laughed, and so did I.

However, Lucas was merely staring at the two of us and holding a phone when I happened to glance at him. I assumed he had been typing earlier when he noticed what I had said.

"I would like it to, if that's okay with you," George said.

He got up quickly from his seat and was by my side in no time. He inclined just enough so I could smell his delicious aroma, and I raised my hands to caress his lips, which puckered after the taste.

"It's a fantastic wine, certainly." Our noses were already inches apart when he licked the corners of his lips and winked at me. "I couldn't get enough of it."

A forceful voice said, "George, you should respect Scarlett," coming from next to us.

With a laugh, George withdrew, covering his shoulders with both hands.

"I understand, but I have no doubt Raven wouldn't know. Furthermore, wasn't it such a waste of him to have to part with a stunning fiancé, Lucas?" He continued speaking, but Lucas never answered.

The man shook his head and sighed as he turned back to look at my eyes and my wine.

Lucas excused himself, saying, "I guess I needed to excuse myself for a while; you two should talk about the meeting more." Leaning back in my chair, I resumed my conversation with George.

After spending thirty minutes getting to know one another's preferences, Lucas never showed back. George was listening to jazz music when I went to excuse myself since I had a strange feeling.

He permitted me. As I entered the hallways, I saw some couples making out and sharing kisses.

I walked to the toilet, avoiding the halls. I proceeded to the men's restroom sufficiently to see that nobody was there save for the final stall since I started to sense some secrets within. When I looked into it, I discovered Lucas was on the ground.

"Hey, Lucas, how are you doing?" I gave him a whole cheek tap, and he appeared a little inebriated, which gave me cause for concern. I could not detect any alcohol in his mouth, and he had never touched his wine before.

Lucas grabbed my hands as soon as I attempted to dial the ambulance. He was clearly asking me questions as he awoke from sleep.

"Where am I?"

"You were unaware of Lucas?"


"What happened to you, first and foremost?"

"To me? I went to the restroom earlier to excuse myself, but as I was leaving, I realised I hadn't taken my medication. I took it, but I passed out, and I'm not sure what happened after that."

"What medication have you taken there?"

"I have my medications in my pocket right now."

"Give me this."

I read the container, and it says "X-021a," but I'm not sure why.

"Who gave you these medications, Lucas?"


"What made her give this to you?"

"She helped me with the event and said she knew certain doctors we could trust. I was prescribed to take this medication once daily by them."

What on earth is going on? "In either case, we must return."

"I guess so. I apologise for the inconvenience, Scarlett," Lucas said quietly, sounding as though he had been exhausted and wanted to relax. I fiddled with his hair while grinning.

"Foolish, it's okay. What are friends for? Lucas," I made an exception for you tonight, not out of sympathy for you, but because you're an enigma to me, and this was an unexpected occurrence I witnessed.

It wasn't what I expected.

He almost stumbled when I released my hold on him, but I felt him push himself upright. I took hold of his hand and held it against my shoulders. We exchanged a direct stare and didn't say anything, but we could feel each other's breath.

Lucas kept staring at my lips, and as he moved in to gaze closer, he stopped when it was just ten centimetres from me, causing my eyes to widen.

"Scarlett, please let me know if I'm still dreaming because I feel like I forget Sophia whenever you're around, and I get hot since you kissed me in that cabin."

When he kissed me, I gasped. He must have used it as an opportunity to stick his tongue all over my mouth, and I moaned like a hot woman for the first time.

He pushed our bodies up against the wall's cubicle, and as soon as we heard someone opening the door, his hands began to move towards my body, starting at my cleavage.

Footsteps then filled our senses, causing him to close his eyes and let out a sigh.

When I patted his back, I discovered that he had dozed off once more.

I took some of his medicines and put him to sleep on the floor. Later on, I must look into it. However, something odd drew my attention: a white handkerchief with an odd symbol in the lower right corner lay on the cubicle next to ours.

I went to claim it, but someone else stole it, walked on it, and threw it in the garbage can next to the cubicle right away.

I shook my head, glanced at Lucas's contented sleeping face, and texted George right away.

I'm sorry, but I had to leave you alone for the time being due to an essential matter. I'll make it up to you shortly, so don't worry. I appreciate the treat, and I'll take it next time.

After a few seconds, he answered.

It's okay, but Scarlett, I expect you to treat me the way I prefer to be treated the next time. Also, never forget that I enjoyed the flavour of your wine earlier. [with an emoticon of a wink]

With a groan, I dialled Anne.

"Anne, you ought to come over to the Fernie Hotel immediately."

I led Lucas to the lift. I heard Anne say, "Yes, madam,"

I pressed the bottom-floor button. Anne honked as the door opened, and I saw the automobile right away as it moved towards me.

"Madam, what happened to Sir Lucas?"

"It's a long story, Anne, but I needed your assistance right now. I promise to clarify everything later. Oh, and one thing." I met her gaze with my own.

"Anne, never reveal this to Raven.


Lucas, I don't read you as much these days. As he slept, I couldn't help but be drawn in by this young man's beauty. It hurt to think that I could freely do these things every time I saw the familiar edges of his face.

There was nothing else I could do but gaze at his immense beauty at this moment. I pretended that his words and gestures did not affect me.

However, the more I discovered about Lucas's past during those years, the more I felt as though the retaliation I had been plotting began to fade.

If my knowledge of Raven's true motivations was greater than this, I would need to investigate further, as I had previously assumed to know little more than a quarter of his life story.

Lucas let out a moan. I repositioned his blanket. When I pushed some of his golden highlights to the side, I was able to see a face that I had touched five years earlier—an innocent, beautiful, and sleeping beauty in a man's body.

When I saw the mirror, I didn't even realise I was grinning.

"Anne, you should really go home right now. I'll take care of this guy."

She never made a statement. Her response was silence. She nipped her bottom lip, and I saw her groan.

"Yes, madam," she said, bowing and leaving the home with a footfall that resembled a breeze grasping the interior.

I kept my eyes on Lucas and listened to his quiet breathing.

I felt his hand unexpectedly wrap around mine as I turned to walk away. Then a sleeping man drew me into an embrace.

He stammered, "Who are you, Jasmine? Please answer me." I'm still in bed.

Even though he was only chatting in his sleep, for a few seconds I thought he could have figured out who I was. However, at that moment, I was unable to let go of him—not because I felt the same way about him, but rather because I was desperate to hear his words.

Lucas, what really went on behind closed doors?

"Scarlett?" A few hours later, he woke up. He had a tight hold on my hands, so I was unable to move, so I was forced to stare at him and perhaps appreciate his attractiveness.

"Lucas, you're awake at last." I gave him a grin, but they were sad. It feels like I've been pushing myself out right now, and it's already late midnight based on what I could see in the sky earlier.

"Where, when, how, what, and why?"

"Will you find it easy?" I shook my head, laughing. He released my hand after glancing at his. His face and neck were crimson, which I could see was probably a sign of embarrassment.

"Scarlett, how did I get in here?" At last, he asked, letting out a breath. He continued to stare into my eyes until I could finally see his hard questions racing through his head.

"Lucas, you fainted in the restroom after you excused yourself and left George and me for almost thirty minutes."

"I'm sorry for causing you trouble, but it must have always been a side effect of my medication."

"No, you shouldn't be. In addition, you mentioned that you have important information. Is that information related to Raven?"

He was going to respond to my question when his phone rang.

He replied, picking up his phone and stepping out onto the balcony. "Wait a minute, Scarlett."

He made a shock sound, which I discovered a few seconds later.

When I went to see Lucas, I saw his wide-eyed look together with an expression that I recognised from the past: anger.

"Lucas, what happened?" I started to say, but before I could say anything more, I noticed his phone and the pictures he wasn't authorised to see.

A message suddenly appeared on his screen.

Remind yourself that you should never trust your fiancé—beware. She is not who she said she was [Unknown].]

"Scarlett, please tell me that this isn't true and that this isn't Sophia. I don't know what to do. I mean, she would never do that to me. She has been faithful, compassionate, and caring to me; she wouldn't"

"Lucas," I let out a breath.

"Well, I suppose it's time to accept reality."

"What is reality now?"