

Mia Carter got transfered in the fancy school because of some tough circumstances. She dreams of being a singer some day. But not even in her wild imagination did she predict the school superstar and bad boy developed a wild obsession with her. All she wants is to be left alone but all he wants is her attention.

Jeethz · Teen
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4 Chs

2 Morning after

I hate this the whispers, gossiping and the endless laughters that seems to follow me. I only wished I had stayed home for my sanity's sake.

"IT will be alright", she said to me.

"I hope so. I have never seen him any of my classes so that's there", I said to her with relief.

"Did you hear about the math test?", she asked me alarmed.

"I did. Didn't you prepare?", I asked feeling awful for her.

"I didn't. I have to go and study", she said sprinting away. I sighed. When I went inside the class room it was silent for a split second. Then there was loud whispering which was undoubtedly about me. I sighed again and tried to find my best friend Lily. She waved at me. But she was sitting with someone else. All the places were filled now. So I took another place. The room suddenly went silent again. I looked up and found the reason he was here.

He swaggered into the class room. His eyes searching for someone. I instantly ducked my head. I heard foot steps behind me and I saw seats being exchanged so that he sat right next to me. I held my breath. What was he planning?

"Are you ignoring me?", I heard him speak. I was taken aback at. Was he speaking to me? I stayed quiet hoping whatever he was planning to do shouldn't be encouraged atleast not by me.

"Tell me the girl who slapped me last night don't even have a voice of her own?", he asked with a smirk. I glowered at him. He was yet unfazed. He was striking. His eyes were almond shaped and has a defined jawline. I guess I could see Why girl's were going gaga over him.

" I'm not interested in talking to you ", I said.

" Would you if I apologise?", he asked me.

Did he really came here to apologize for his mistake? I was shocked at his manner. I thought he will harbor some sort of vendetta against me. But I was wrong somehow. He wants to make amends now? I'm confused now.

" You came here to apologize?", I asked him in surprise.

"I would if you apologise first?", he said touching the tip of his tongue to the corner of his mouth. It was distracting. That was when realised the meaning of his words. He wants me to apologize? Like hell!

"You were the one who misbehaved with me and you want me to apologize?", I scoffed at him. But I couldn't stop myself from the endless tirade of anger bursting through me.

"Excuse me! Are you out of your mind? You are the one who", I stopped unable to finish what I wanted to say.

"Who? Come on finish it. I smacked your ass?",  he asked with a laugh.

"You are laughing about it. You are such a disgrace", I said unable to keep the venom out of my voice.

"I thought you were Natasha", he said biting back a smile.

"Well I'm not Natasha", I hissed at him. We were interrupted when Mrs Smith walked inside. She was a nice lady but was very strict about the conduct of the students.

"You certainly are not her", he said as though it was a matter of fact.

"Listen I'm not interested in talking to you", I whisper shouted at him.

"Excuse me Miss Carter do you wish to share something with the class? I saw you talking to Mr Hurst", she asked me with a pointed look.

"Sorry Mrs Smith", I said my face flaming. I never had been called out like this before.

"Make sure you pay attention", she said motioning me to sit down. I was thankful that she let go me off the hook pretty easily.

After that I focused on Mrs Smith. Atleast I tried to. But I was very much aware of the guy sitting next to me. I hated that he was allowed to sit with ease and make trouble while others paid for it's consequence. I guess it pays well to own the school.

After the class was done everyone was shuffling out of the class but he laid unmoved. I didn't check on him but I was deeply aware of his presence like one would be of a thorn stuck on your eyes. I have never seen him in any of my classes before so this might be a planned move on his side. But why? What could be his aim? Revenge? Was I too important that he can't let go of my slap? I knew I might have hurt his pretty gigantic ego but stil!

"Do you always day dream in the class about me?", he asked me.

I noticed that everyone has already left. It was only me and him. How did I let this happen? I should never get alone with him. There is only one way now to get the hell away from him.

"You are so full of yourself", I said with a sneer . He aimed a too sweetened smile at me. It was as though he was mocking me.

"I think you got a huge crush on me, haven't you?", he said.

"Excuse me? I don't even know you. Listen to me Hamilton . I know I must have hurt your ego that day. But trust me I don't even have time to deal with people like you. So I would stay out of your way if you do the same", I said to him.

"I would but I want an apology for that day", he said. The cold eyes once didn't hide the irritation at me. I never thought a small thing like me would be the bane of existence of someone like him.

"You still want an apology? Are you kidding me?", I huffed at him. The nerve of him!  I will show him who I was? I would never succumb to rich aholes like him..

"Yes. If you apologize then I will forget you will ever existed. But if you don't I will prove how expensive it is going to be for picking a fight with me", he said rising to his full height. He was over six foot and I instantly felt small. But I would never let him crush my self respect. I have to stick up atleast for those who haven't lasted before me. I'm pretty sure there would be someone out there who will support me in this lonely fight. With that he walked out of the class while I stood there fuming.

Duke's P. O. V

"Wanna bet?", I asked with a dark laugh.

"Yes. How about the new Tesla you got?", he asked me.

"I would give it to you for free. I hate that car anyways", I said with a smirk.

"I will shave my head if she kiss you back when you smack her ass", he said.

God was he really out of his mind? Didn't he know all that time me and Nat broke up she was the one who came to me. There was a time when she even begged to be back together. I never shared it with anyone.

"Fine. Shave half it is going to look great on you", I said flicking my finger to his head.

I walked lazily towards Nat. Why wasn't she looking back at me? She was so immersed in her dancing thatshe had completely missed my arrival. My eyes roamed on her too familiar body but still I found it unrecognisable. I don't know why? Was I getting high or something. I saw the girl behind her watching me open mouthed. Was it really a surprise that I'm here to greet Nat. I aimed for her ass. My hand stinged when it hit the plump ass. This is nothing new for us. It was she who wanted a little bit rough play.

Instead of turning back and kiss me hard. I felt her entire body go stiff. Then she turned towards me. I have never seen such a beautiful eyes in my life. I was a musician not a poet . But she was a woman and a hot one. Her ass was real. It felt nice touching something real than Nat's silicon ones.

I was about to smile and introduce myself. But when her eyes zeroed on my face her eyes narrowed. I watched amazed the way her face got flushed with anger. This is exactly the girl one who would give heart but unfortunately I'm not that guy. I can show her a good time though. I can see that she is attracted to me but she also looks angry that I made a public move. But I know how to calm a chick. But all that thoughts flew away from my mind when I felt a tight slap on my cheek. She had fucking slapped me. Why? Was she showing off or something? I waited a second or two for her to kiss me. I knew girls these days are pretty whacked. But it never came. Damn this girl seriously hit me for a silly thing. Is she fucking out of her mind?

I realised that this girl was very mad at me. I still got no clue why she would react so weirdly? Why was she acting like a nun in a wild party? What was she really doing here if she is not up for anything fun?

Thanks for moving to the next chapter. This is a huge step for me and youYour gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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