

Mia Carter got transfered in the fancy school because of some tough circumstances. She dreams of being a singer some day. But not even in her wild imagination did she predict the school superstar and bad boy developed a wild obsession with her. All she wants is to be left alone but all he wants is her attention.

Jeethz · Teen
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4 Chs

1The slap

I was dancing to the music. Nothing has ever made me feel as good as this. I could not stop laughing at Lily's hilarious dancing movements. I became aware of a figure standing behind me. Lily was dancing when I noticed her freezing. her eyes wide as if she were witnessing a remarkable event.

Then I felt it, a loud smack on my ass. My mouth hang opened with surprise. I whirled around to see a smirking guy I have seen him in the campus crowded by people. I felt fury rise up inside me while he stood there with devil may care way. My palm rose suddenly and I slapped hard on the guy's face. This guy has the nerve to hit my ass in public. I heard shocked gasps and some laughs. His face was like stone but eyes betrayed his expressions. He was shocked beyond his core. I too was wondered by my actions I was never a violent person before.

"Sorry man. I didn't know that she would hit you. You paid a harsh price for our bet", said the laughing guy beside him.

"Let's go", said Lily yanking on my arms. I nodded numbly walking away from the laughing crowd. I knew I had made an enemy today a powerful one. I chewed on my lips nervously. I had a bad urge to peek a glance at my offender but I knew I shouldn't.

"Who's she?", I heard a rough voice.

"That is Mia Carter", said the guy. I was wondering how he knew me. We were now away from them in a safe distance.

"Oh God! What I have done? Tell me on one to hundred scale how bad it is going to be?", I asked Lily.

"IT can't be measured by scale just know that it is bad enough for you to even quit school", she said with a sigh.

"Why should I quit school? He was the one who did the bad stuff", I hissed at my best friend.

"Are you kidding me? He is the lord of our academy. He already has millions of fans on Instagram and youtube. He will sign his record deal after he is 18 with his own family. They basically run music industry and our school. Please tell me you did pay attention when I talked about Duke Theodore Hamilton ", she said breathlessly. To be frank I haven't. I didn't want to hear about some rich snob.

"That can't be true. There will be some competition out there for them", I said irritated.

"Well no one that important. I think your dream of becoming an artist has become almost zero when you picked up a fight with Duke", she said.

"Just take me home. I can't deal with this right now. I don't want to freak out in front of these idiots", I told her.

"OK", she said ushering me into the car. She drives an old car hand me down from her brother who recently graduated.

"You alright?", she asked me after a couple of minutes. I watched the disappearing trees. I was definitely stressed about everything.

"I'm just worried about my dad. I don't want him to get stressed about anything especially after my mother", I said unable to finish my words.

"We will get through this Babe. You take a break for a while. People has really short memory. Soon everyone will forget about it", she suggested unsure.

"I can't take a break. I'm already transferred here. I missed so many classes as it is", I said unsure.

"Then let us deal with the repurcussions", she said with a sigh.

"Excuse me. This guy just did something incorrigible and when I reacted somehow you are blaming me?", I asked her.

"I know it may be ridiculous to you. But he is like the heart throb and buzz is that he thought you are Natasha", she said with a shrug.

"His on and off girlfriend", she said.

"That is not how you treat your girlfriend", I said grinding my teeth.

"You are correct but then again. He is so handsome and is awfully rich so girls tend to forgive him quickly", she said.

"Damn it. I hope this won't reflect my grade", I said biting my lips.

"You are such a nerd", she said with a laugh.

"I'm sorry. I was the one who dragged you into it", she said.

"IT is not your fault", I said.

I walked outside and as usual I saw my dad waiting upon me. I smiled at him.

"How was the party?", he asked casually. But I knew he was very interested in knowing about it. I haven't stepped out of my house in forever.

"Boring", I said with a hard smile. I didn't want to give him any tension.

"I really miss home", I said.

"I know me too", said my dad.

It wasn't his fault. Mom got sick and we took a lot of debt to treat her. In the end we couldn't save her. Dad had to sell our house in Alaska and we moved here to LA for a better job and my studies. My father is working hard to pay off the loans he took for my mom. I only wish I could chip in some money. I know it won't be much but I had asked Lily to find me a job.

I tried to sleep but sleep illuded me. I hated here. The constant honking and so many people. Lily is the only person I wished to see here every day. Back in my school I didn't have much friends. I was too interested in books to even have a social life. Then mom got sick and what ever tiny circle of friends I had were lost. I guess they would rather discuss prom than chemo and cancer. I didn't hate them. No one wants to deal with cancer. Even we didn't want to but we were never given a choice.

I scrolled my phone. I saw text From Lily. I quickly opened it. "Donot open social media ", she had warned me. I quickly opened it. I only had twenty followers or so. Then I saw that my followers had slightly increased. I was tagged in many videos. I quickly opened it. There I saw Duke sauntering towards the blissfully unaware me. I watched him smack me without any hesitation. I felt my blood boil. I put away the phone quickly. I tried to close my eyes but all I saw was the video. I sat up and hunted for my medication for anxiety. I took one and watered it down. This year is going to be pretty eventful for me. Whether I like it or not.

Duke's P. O. V

The night wasn't something great. I was bored out of my mind and it wasn't even 11 yet. I knew I couldn't slip out just yet. What was I going to do? Naty was giving me bedroom eyes all night. I knew that she wants to have hot makeup fuck after our nth fight. Maybe I should just take up on her offer have sex. That was the only thing that truly numbed me. I want to get out of here anyways. My friends pulled me. Paul was ready with the bottle. I rolled my eyes at his child like enthusiasm.

"Come on Duke let us get you drunk", he howled.

"I think this bottle is not enough for getting me drunk Paul", I said dryly.

"Let us see hot shot", he said shoving the bottle on my mouth. I took quick gulps. The alcohol burning down my throat. I let it calm my wild thoughts. Shit I need this or Nat in my bed. I know she can be a pain in the ass but she was a good fuck. Whenever shit goes overboard she makes me forget everything and the good thing is that she doesn't give me a hangover.

I wiped my mouth. I coughed a few times. I raised my blood shot eyes to Paul. He was staring me at disbelief.

"You are not high?", he asked me.

I was a little befuddled but not high. I have realised a longtime ago that these cheap beers where not responsible for guys behaving like assess. It doesn't even give me a haze. I will do anything to be alone. Isn't it ironic a guy who is a musician wants nothing to do with party or people. That is just me. My friends think they know me but they only know what I'm showing to them. This is not me. Hell even I don't know the real me. All I crave was to feel nothing. I closed my eyes and tried to welcome it. But it was a little difficult with the blasting music.

"Dude it is your song", shouted Paul.

"Whatever man", I said disinterested.

"How can you not care?", he said amused. I had lost the battle already and was trying to find Nat among the crowd.

"Who are you looking for?", he asked me following my eyes.

"Nobody", I said with a shrug.

"Noway. She will never take you back after you dumped her infront of her parents", he said shaking his head with laughter.

Hi this is my new baby please vote and support Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

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