


The next morning.

Reporter: As we can see, a big crisis has fallen. Right now, I am in front of GK+R Hospital and I'll be going to the CEO of the hospital. Mr Kevin, what will you say about this sudden chaos that occurred? Is it true that Mr Alexander brought this company under his name? I heard the next day, that it was getting demolished.

The man in his mid-thirties looked blankly at the camera, some dark circle bags were under his eyes, meaning he had no wink of sleep. But furtively, he took his gaze away and gritted his teeth. The female reporter looked at him in a bemused way waiting for his response which never came as the man had left with his bodyguards. Left speechless, she composed herself with a weak smile "We still have no news of what might have transpired? Wait, let's talk with staff if he knows anything" She moved towards the male staff shivering on the flower stand and fixed both the microphone and camera on him.

"Any clue of w........?"

The male staff took to his heels without replying. In front of the huge hospital, troops of people bypassed while others were murmuring amongst themselves.

The reporter returned from the hospital and announced "I got news from a source that the new President of Su corporation was stopped and restricted from moving any inch to the top room of the hospital. The main reason is still unknown.

"ARGH!!! What the fuck is this? You got yourself partnered with that man?" The glass remote was powerfully smashed to the ground. A pair of green wrinkled eyes, augmented with exasperation, shot his cold daggers at the man before him.


Kevin lowered his head "Elder Brother, I am sorry...it's all my mistake"

The flame flashed desperately inside Mr Gold's eyes, his veins were now popping out "Mistake!! We came to china for one purpose...did you forget? To expand businesses and rule over the goddamn country. How can you be so foolish? What were you thinking when you sold that building to some blind conceited man...Kevin! Answer me now! Otherwise, I'll be forced to kill you"



A young woman on a red silk shirt and a black denim skirt, her beautiful face clad with light makeup and a little touch of red matte on her thin lips. She walked in despair as a thread of fear endorsed her. If there was one name Rebecca was dreadful of, that would be OWEN HENRY GOLD. HER FATHER.

Mr Henry softened his eyes when he was his precious only daughter. He separated his arms and called "Princess, come give papa a hug. It's been so long since you visited me...Is your work more important than me?" His face had a tinge of sadness in it. Rebecca stole a look at her uncle and bitter lips. He didn't tell father, did he?

"Papa" She pulled her body to his enlarged arms and nuzzled her cold body against his chest. Kevin gazed at the father-daughter moment, something heavy tied his chest tied looking at the loving duo.

"Father I saw the news...a..are you ask?" Rebecca thought thoroughly before asking. Mr Henry graced his hand on her hair "How can I be angry when my precious baby is here?"

Testing the waters, she inquired "So you aren't angry with Uncle?" Her heart dropped when she saw the ferocious fire in his eyes "Father...it is not uncle's fault...that man must have threatened him with my name. You know! Right uncle?"

Kevin gave her a 'Stop this madness' look.

Mr Henry smiled deeply "For my princess, I won't be angry anymore...did you take a day off from work? To spend time with me"

Rebecca beamed foolishly and nodded her head. No one other than her knew the main reason. She didn't come to play child. Her only reason for being there was to make sure her uncle didn't blabber open his mouth and speak to her father about what happened.

She tightened the fuss of her jaws and faked a happy smile.

"Father, you have to go to the company...don't delay because of me as I won't be happy with it" She cooed, embracing her father's arms. Mr Henry laughed brightly and caressed her beautiful curls "You know it's high time you left that agency and work under the company. Remember, it's yours"

Rebecca frowned unhappily at her father's words "Papa, I want to be independent...remember? Will you quit convincing me?"

"All right, I won't force you but still consider it...I will leave now, make yourself at home" He kissed her forehead and side hugged her. Kevin lowered his gaze when they were met with those forest green ones. He knew very much how intimidating his elder brother's eyes had an effect on him. The disappointment and irritation were very clear.

When he reached the man's side, his soft expression groomed coldly "Never show yourself to me again" Mr Henry strictly warned before leaving. Kevin wryly smiled and glared at the young woman sitting leisurely on the lead sofa.

"REBECCA! YOU TRAMP!" He ambled towards her and was now standing before her. Glints of abnormality and lust now clouded his eyes. He ran a hand through his damp hair and sighed in grief. Rebecca concretely got on her feet and walked past the man but she was promptly brought to a standstill by the strong hold on her wrist. Kevin turned her around, his gaze on her plump lips. Not being able to resist the temptation, he cupped her face and kissed her.

Rebecca dilated her pupils in shock. What the hell was he doing?

The minute she began to struggle, Kevin withdrew from her lips and stepped backwards. He wanted to get a hold of himself before making yet another unfortunate mistake. But before he had the chance to retaliate for his fault, a striking painful slap fell on his face.


"You!!! Kissed me!...are you out of your mind, uncle? Why'd you fucking kiss me?" Kevin fisted his hands, scared to face her. These absurd feelings he felt for her were driving him crazy. It all started years back when she turned eighteen. Back then, she was a baby who became an adult and her body curves were now developing. His first thought then was that when she became of age, he would fucking tame and groom her. On realising such thoughts and behaviour, he distanced himself from her and the family, until she came up to him herself for a favour. Rebecca was the type of woman, men could never resist. Without seduction, she was still able to turn him up. He really wanted to fuck her. Though he was her step-uncle, he as well was trapped in that flame.

"Kevin!! Why'd you kiss me? Are you bullshitting with me now!" Her long-lashed eyebrows arched in accusation. Kevin chuckled lightly. What madness was he supposed to say? That he fancied her even in dreams? Or that he wanted to do evil things with her, sin with her, and make her his?

Rebecca rooted her brows and hissed "Never try stuff like this ever again...Kevin" she pursed her lips for a second and continued "How did you get entangled by him?"

The man frowned "You never told me she was Alex's person and the child in accordance was an heir to the Su Family" Rebecca sighed "I didn't force her and as a good friend I helped her...at least now she must be free and met with her family...what better soulmate did she need if not me? The child cost you the hospital and I will hold myself for that but don't ever speak a word of this to father"

Kevin threw a chilling dagger at her "She never went through with it"

The smile on her lips suddenly faded "What do you mean?"

"Can a woman who profusely was shedding tears and feeling dead still go through with a life bargaining operation? You own me a lot"

Pure trepidation and unseen colour brimmed Rebecca's eyes. She collected her purse from the sofa and unhurriedly deserted the house. Kevin stared hard at her retreating back silhouette and swallowed every being in him not to grab her and throw her on his bed. Devour her entirely until she begged for mercy. 

In the top five most wanted businessmen in the country, Kevin Gold was ranked fourth after Mark Su. Every woman would agree he was the charming type, one whose lovely personality drove hearts to love. For the thirty-three years of his life, no woman caught his attention apart from that niece of his. Though his feelings for her were ruled out and considered taboo. Eventually, she would be the one longing for him. But he never expected that heartless man to put him in a mixed-up situation and make him sign over the ownership of GK+R in his name. He actually caught up with those names. MR ALEXANDER.



Inside the operation room. May dreadfully made her way to the bed. She could feel the eyes on her, her fear increasing. For the first time, she decided to think through it. Subconsciously, her hands touched her little bump under the light dress. She bit on her inner cheek and sniffed from the pain. It was a way of punishing herself for the audacious sin she was about to commit.

"Miss" One of the nurses in the ward gestured for her to lay on the bed. 

"O...ok" She gulped and laid her back on the hard bed. She couldn't help protecting her belly. From her side-eye, she saw a man with a mask on, gloves in both hands approaching her with a sedative injection.

"I...is it g...going to hurt?" She choked. The nurse by her left side reassured her gently "There's nothing to be scared of, without this injection it's hurt a lot but after being injected, the pain will reduce to thirteen per cent. The baby isn't just a foetus anymore...he is showing signs of body development already, so it'll be a little hard" 

May looked speechless "So I won't just be suffering, the baby will too?"

The nurses nodded "That's how it is"

May protectively touched her stomach and moaned out "You will be in pain as well? Why should you have to suffer for my mistake? You are just a little child...I can't let this happen to you...I don't have the heart to do it...I am sorry" She sat up and began to cry. She looked at the surgeon and nurses with her pained dead look "I apologise for the inconvenience b...but I can't. He is my child, I can't bear to see him in pain...I am sorry" She got down, bowed her head and left.



An hour later, Kevin was attending some meeting on his laptop when the door to his office barged open. He saw some unfamiliar faces enter. Making his condolences to the board, he turned the conference video off.

"Who are you?" His voice was calm yet bothered. He saw the two foreign Chinese faces and inquired "Why are you people here?" The two men remained stagnant until a call came through. After being instructed about their jobs, one of the men, whose eyes were catlike went behind Kevin and placed a knife from behind over his neck. The man was startled.

"What the hell is all this? How'd you get through the securities? Who are you people and I don't recall having a rivalry?"

The man with the sharp knife sneered "But you offended our boss"

"We are not here to kill you, only if you refuse to cooperate...all you need to do is to sign these papers" The other man threw a file at him. Kevin narrowed his eyes at the papers, reluctantly, he opened the first page and went through with his reading glasses. In the end, he gritted his teeth "What's this madness!@!! Why would I sign over my inheritance to some stranger?"

"When one takes a precious belonging from the boss, he also takes the most expected commodity from such a person. My boss is making this easy for you...he sent these parcels to you " The man indifferently spoke. Kevin didn't find any of it funny, so he quickly turn open the parcels, but the next moment, his breath stopped and lingered everywhere, while his hands quivered at the sight of the pictures. That was his most hidden secret. How'd he find out? Fear and insecurity began to engulf his soul. His dark eyes reddened. With no choice left, he picked up the pen and signed the papers.



Su Mansion.

"Father...I think the family has been under lots of stress lately...I suggest we go on a vacation under this chilling weather" Isabella dropped her tap and suddenly broke the silence in the room. She then returned to her tap and pointed the screen to the Old Man "What do you think of Manhattan, it's in New york. America?"

Butler Jung whispered something to the Old Man.

"Daughter-in-law, you think it would reduce this tensed environment?"

Isabella wobbly nodded her head "I guarantee that"

Old Su smiled but didn't reach his eyes "It is settled then, gather the others and announce the happy news...we'll be going on a vacation for a month. Contact that stupid son of yours and his wife, they must tag along"

Isabella nodded "Yes father" She had a plan she had long implemented on. Hopefully, it should be able to get something positive.



Preview for next chapter.




Grand Tisza.

That evening.

After all the painful words he spoke to her, she refused to have dinner. But that could have been her biggest mistake because she was deadly hungry.

May opened her eyes and sat on the bed with an awkward expression.

'Baby, stay still till tomorrow please'

Her stomach rumbled loudly. She shifted to her side and pouted. She was craving cookies and warm milk. What if she woke Alex up and he yelled at her again?

With a saddened expression, she bit her inner cheeks as a habit and took her hand to his body to wake him but they stopped mid-air when she remembered his harsh words.

"Don't make a ridiculous request"

He doesn't know the baby was still inside her womb, so what's the use in telling him? She shook her head and sighed.

It was half past two in the early morning.

Slowly, she came off the bed and left the room quietly. She tiptoed in case someone was out there. Relaxed, she strode towards the kitchen with a dull look. Her hands were clutching the hems of her nightgown.

She deliriously opened the fridge with a smile but looked at the weird veggies in there. She felt like crying.

She wanted cookies and milk. Her lips pouted roughly. No choice. She took the sachet of milk and poured it into a small boiling cup. She added a little water and tried to turn the cooker on. That's when she realized "How do I turn it on?"
